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Food is a system that contains many components namely proteins, fats, carbohydrates and water. In the course
that the food is processed or preserved, several physical changes happen such as crystallization, melting
and glass transition that mainly affect its quality. Chemical change which is a product of chemical reaction
causes the major change in food as it undergoes preservation and food processing.

Food Processing is the use of methods and techniques involving equipment, energy and tools to transform
products into other forms.

The following are different types of food processing and the changes occurring in each process.

a. Pickling

This is a process of preserving food with the use of acid usually vinegar or brine solution which is commonly
known as salt solution. Since this process involves the soaking of food in a solution for several weeks, changes
in texture, appearance, flavor and acidity happens.

b. Drying

This is also known as dehydrating of food. In this process, excess water or moisture is removed. In doing this,
bacteria and other microorganisms cannot thrive that may cause spoilage on the food. And because
water is removed in the product there will be changes in the appearance, texture, weight and even the nutrient

c. Sealing

This process of food preservation has three methods, namely: oils, fats and vacuum seal. Its main objective is to
eliminate oxygen in the product thus bacteria either good or bad can not thrive into it. The change occurring in
this process is the reduction of oxidation rate that speeds up spoilage.

d. Canning

Generally speaking, this pertains to food packaging that employs thermal process that kills pathogens.

e. Freezing

This is a process of food preservation that lowers the temperature in order to inhibit the growth of
microorganisms that may contribute to the food’s degeneration.


When it comes to food safety, one of the major issues to be resolved immediately is food storage. Foods
that are not properly stored has increased risks of contamination which can lead to vulnerability of health. There
are different ways/methods of food storage and be mindful that each has its own pros and cons. Here are

Canning. This helps prevent bacterial growth and kill pathogens but may lead to loss of high sensitive
vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, thiamin and riboflavin during the heating process.

Freezing. This stores food for long periods. But foods that meet air are subject to freezer burn; that is, drying
and discoloration off the exposed area.

Cold Storing. It is the most common way of storing food, whether in a refrigerator or cooler. But remember,
fruits such as bananas give of ethylene gas, which makes things around it ripen faster.

Dehydrating. It prevents the growth of microbes due to the elimination of water in the process. This also leads
to vitamin loss due to heat application.

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