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COMP61421 – Cyber Security – Risk Profile Report

Coursework Submission Form

By submitting your coursework you are making the following declarations (please read them):


1. I confirm that this is my own work and that use of materials from other sources has been properly and fully
acknowledged in the coursework submission.

2. I confirm that this work has not been submitted either partly or wholly for any other assignment.

3. I confirm that the submitted work has been created exclusively by me and that I have not been assisted nor
have copied part or all of somebody else's work, either with their explicit approval or without their knowledge
and consent.

4. I confirm that I have read a copy of the current University regulations and notes on coursework and academic
malpractice, including plagiarism, and that I fully understand the meaning of these terms.

5. I confirm that the information I have given is correct to the best of my knowledge.

6. I agree that any work I submit may be screened (including electronically and by other means) for Academic
Malpractice, using internal and/or external detection systems, to check against any appropriate other material,
including but not limited to other submitted work and material on the web. I understand that a case of suspected
Academic Malpractice may proceed at any time during or after my degree programme.

7. I agree that the University may make, and may authorise third parties to make, copies of any work submitted
by me for assessment but only for the following purposes:

a. assessment of my work;
b. comparison with databases of earlier answers or works or other previously available works to confirm
there is no plagiarism;
c. addition to databases of works used to ensure that future works submitted at this institution and others
are not subject to plagiarism from my work.
d. for the University to include my work in any public archives of academic work which it may maintain,
under the University Copyright and Intellectual Property regulations applied to such work.

The University will not make any more copies than are necessary for these purposes, will only use copies made
for these purposes and will only retain such copies as remain necessary for those purposes. Where copies are
made and retained for the purposes identified in clauses (b) and (c) above, it shall ensure that no personal data is
made available to any third party.
I may request, in writing before submitting my work, that the University does not use my submission for one or
more of purposes 5(b)-(d), giving full reasons for the request.


Student name: Student


Module COMP61421 Cyber Security

Coursework Risk Profile

746742908.docx 20 April, 2024 1

Insert security classification
1 <insert name of case study> Risk Profile

1. <insert name of case study> Risk Profile

746742908.docx Document Title 2

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