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1.As you lay to sleep, may your strength be renewed.

May you be rejuvenated to face

the days ahead. Sleep tight, my love.

2.Have a restful night, my love. May you find the grace to forgive every wrong done
to you today. May tomorrow bring with it fresh hope and a great new start. Sleep

3.Forget every disappointment you experienced today, tomorrow will surely be

better. Do have a peaceful night, my love.

4.The path of the righteous keeps shinning brighter and brighter. Today�s glory is
nothing compared to what tomorrow will bring. Have a beautiful night, my love.
Sweet dreams.

5.The good work the Lord has started in your life will not stop until it is fully
accomplished. Sleep peacefully, my love. God�s got you.

6.As you lay to sleep, I pray that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. You
shall prevail over every of your enemies and the blood of Jesus shall avail for

7.May the angels of the Lord watch over you as you sleep. May every of your enemies
be scattered and put to shame. Good night my love.

8.I have said a prayer for you my darling. Go to bed in peace. Nothing shall by any
means harm you. Good night, my love.

9.The sun shall not smite you by day or the moon by night. That�s the promise of
the Lord concerning you.May you receive the grace to sleep like a baby. Have a
beautiful night, my love.

10.Every enemy of your peace shall be put to shame. You will sleep in peace like a
new born and in the morning, your mouth will be filled with the song of praises.
Good night, my love.

11.As you sleep tonight, may you be divinely inspired with fresh ideas. May you
receive unusual insight and find solution to every challenge. Have a lovely night,
my love.

12.May the angels of the Lord surround you, to keep watch over you. May their
presence scare away every demon and keep you safe from every danger. Good night,

13.He keepeth in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on him�. As you keep your mind
on the Lord, may He keep you in perfect peace tonight and always. Good night, my

14.May the Lord keep you secured like Zion�s mount. May it be well with you in
Jesus� name.

15.With God, nothing shall be impossible. Before day breaks, every impossibility in
your life and work shall be made possible in Jesus� name. Do have a pleasant night
my love.

16.Don�t be discouraged sweetheart. Go to bed and sleep. I assure you, everything

shall be better in the morning. Have a sweet night, my love.

17.May you see your desires accomplished over your enemies in Jesus� name. Have a
pleasant night rest.
18.As you sleep tonight, I pray your dreams be filled with life changing solutions
to every of your challenges. Have a victorious night.

19.May nightmares and its horrors be far away from you tonight. Instead may your
dreams be filled angelic visions. Have a lovely night, my love. Sweet dreams.

20.As you lay in sleep, may the Lord grant you the master key. The key that opens
all doors you command it to. Good night, my love.

21.No matter how long this night is, tomorrow will dawn beautiful for you. it shall
be well with you. Good night, my love.

22.Wherever evil powers are gathered against you tonight, the fire of the Holy
Ghost shall consume them. You just go ahead and sleep like a baby, my love. Your
victory is assured. Have a pleasant night.

23.May the morrow find you hale and hearty, with your mouth filled with songs of
thanksgiving. Good night my love.

24.We are thankful to God for the day spent. We pray for a night of rest and peace.
We pray for strength rejuvenated to face the coming days. Good night my love.

25.Cast your burdens unto the Lord for He cares for you. Whisper a prayer into his
ears for He listens. You will overcome every life battle in Jesus� name.

26.The God of comfort and solution will visit you tonight with answers to
everything puzzling you. You shall wake up refreshed and deeply satisfied. Good
night, my love.

27.May you be kept safe from every arrow that flies by night and from the noisome
pestilence. You will sleep in peace. Good night, my love.

28.Don�t worry about today�s failures and unfulfilled expectations. You have the
chance to try again tomorrow. May tomorrow be better in Jesus� name.

29.I pray for you, that the rigour and stress you went through today will not rob
you of the peace and rest of tonight. May your heart be light. May you find sweet
relief in sleep. Have a pleasant night.

30.I pray for you my love, may this night fill your heart with tranquility. May you
enjoy a sweet and peaceful rest as you lay in bed to sleep. Good night.

31.My love, sleep with the blessed assurance that you are loved and that God is
watching out for you. Stay blessed in Jesus� name.

32.May your choices bring you joy and peace. May all of your expectations be met.
Good night, my love.

33.May your night be filled with rest and peace. May you shine brighter and better
tomorrow. Good night, love.

34.The Lord will form a edge of protection round about you. Every of your
adversaries will be put to shame. Good night, love.

35.May you experience God�s unwavering love tonight and always. Sweet dreams, my
36.May the Lord carry you in His arms and keep you safe from all dangers. Have a
beautiful night, my love.

37.Have faith, sleep in peace. Tomorrow�s success and victory will overshadow every
failure and disappointment you experienced today, amen. Have a pleasant night.

38.May your night be truly awesome. No one deserves it more than you do. Sleep
well, my love.

39.May you sleep like a baby and wake up with renewed energy. May the Lord fight
your battles. Amen.

40.As you sleep, may your heart be filled with gratitude for the day just gone by.
May you awake in the morning with renewed hope, strength and faith. Good night, my

41.Relax my love, God is in control and He will make all things work out for you
God. Have a beautiful night.

42.The Lord will vindicate you and avenge you over your enemies. He will fight your
cause and make you smile again. Good night, my love.

43.May you continue to enjoy God�s grace all the days of your life. May it be well
with you always. Good night, my love.

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