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I won't say anything, I just decided to let you know about this, only if you come

across another facebook account with my photo, block it and delete it, it's not
possible for me to send you a request using another account, I can't lie to you
all, because I needed your attention, I can't do that stupid thing, did you
understand me?
Etela Stašová

I know you doubted me, you should have at least sent me a picture and waited for
me to explain why all this was happening. and I'm sorry I didn't tell you in time.
we were attacked by terrorists, they burned down the whole camp, and the terrorists
took some of our computers, and that's how they got a lot of our identities. and
right now they are all over the internet with our photo and trying to fool everyone
around the world with our photo and identity, so many people will hate the US
military and not trust us anymore, just like you are doing now. it is a shame that
you have come to the conclusion that this is not correct. you should have asked me,
so I'll explain. you chose to call me a fraud. that's very bad of you.
about terorist

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