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Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Ingrid Johansson is an American singer and

actress, and she is my favorite actress. She is 38 years old
and married to Colin Jost.
I love watching her performances and I really like her voice.
She has participated in several films such as Lucy,
Marriage Story, Jojo Rabbit, and also played the Marvel
character Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow.
Of the various roles she played, the one I like most is Black
The first time I heard her sing was when she voiced the
character Ash, in the film Sing.

Scarlett also has a beauty brand called The Outset.

Scarlett was one of highest paid actresses in the Word. She
also has a star on the Walk of the Fame. She was also
nominated for an Oscar for the best actress.
I really like this actress and I want to continue following her
career, as her performance is inspiring to me.
Throughout her career she has dealt with many sexist
comments and it is also one of the reasons why I admire

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