Karthikk Dap Record 2023 1

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Context: Date: 1st March
Time: 12:30 pm to 12:35pm
Child’s name: Karthik
Educator: Soniya KC
Location: Outdoor play area.

Soniya: (Approaches Karthik, who is stepping and walking on balancing buckets): Good morning, Karthik! What are you up to?

Karthik: (Focused on taking meticulous steps.) Good morning, Miss Soniya. I'm attempting to balance on these buckets.

Soniya: That’s wonderful. What made you want to try this today?

Karthik: (focusing) I saw my friends doing it so I felt like I could do it too.

Soniya: OH, I am so proud of you for believing in yourself. How are you finding it so far?

Karthik: (Finishes the steps) It's a little unsteady, but I'm getting better at it. To maintain my balance, I must focus strongly.

Soniya: You're doing an excellent job of staying focused and balanced. It's necessary to maintain stability and modify your motions. Did you learn anything new by attempting this?

Karthik: Yeah, I've found that moving slowly and keeping my arms out will help me balance better.

Soniya: Karthik, that is excellent You're learning how to adapt your motions so that you stay balanced. Keep up the fantastic job!

Karthik: (Ran and hugged) Thank you, Miss Soniya! I'm going to keep practicing.

Soniya: (hugged back) No worries my love. You will do better, I know.

Each portion of the documentation above is to be reflected on and identified domains, milestones and dispositions must be linked to where the skill was demonstrated in the observation
and referenced.
Domains Milestones Dispositions
Karthik's walking and balancing on the colourful bucket is the clearest example Karthik is displaying multiple important While practicing his bucket-balancing skills,
of this domain being used. Coordinating his actions to stay balanced on the developmental stages as he happily balances Karthik demonstrated excellent learning
bucket is helping him strengthen his gross motor abilities. buckets during playtime. His developed sense of attitudes. Significantly, he demonstrated a
Along with improved coordination, physical proprioception and gross motor abilities are willingness to persevere in the face of
strength, and spatial awareness are all part of this (mybrightwheel, 2024). demonstrated by his ability to coordinate his body difficulties by persistently trying to balance
motions to maintain balance (Australian Children's the buckets despite early setbacks.
Education and Care Quality Authority ACECQA, Throughout the job, he had a good attitude
2018). and tackled it with eagerness and strong
Karthik is becoming more adept at hand-eye attention, demonstrating his obvious
coordination and spatial awareness as he carefully enthusiasm (ACECQA, 2021).
positions each bucket in its designated spot. In Karthik also shown self-belief as he
addition, he has strong social development as he approached the work at hand,
plays together with others by sharing buckets and demonstrating confidence in his talents. The
taking turns. In addition to demonstrating his Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
physical skill, Karthik's excitement for this pastime outcome, "Children develop a range of skills
highlights his cognitive growth as he solves and processes such as problem-solving,
problems and investigates his surroundings. Karthik enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising,
is actively developing vital skills necessary for his researching, and investigating," (Lorina,
overall growth while also having pleasure while he 2020) is closely aligned with these
plays (ACECQA, 2018). dispositions. Karthik's learning and growth
were aided by his tenacity, excitement, and
confidence, which not only allowed him to
participate in the activity but also developed
his social and cognitive abilities (ACECQA,
Each portion of the documentation is to be analysed for learning that is occurring and the curriculum areas the children are engaging in
Learning Curriculum Areas
Karthik gained useful hand-eye coordination and balance abilities while strolling at the balancing buckets. Physical education (Movement): Karthik engages in physical exercise by
He practiced keeping his balance by carefully stepping on the unstable buckets and modifying his actions to walking on balancing buckets, which improves his gross motor abilities.
avoid falling (ACECQA, 2020). This made him more conscious of how his weight was distributed and how his This practice helps him get a greater grasp of body control and
body was positioned—two crucial components of stability. Karthik also became more adept in hand-eye coordination, both of which are important in physical education
coordination as he learned to precisely time and regulate his motions to maintain balance by coordinating (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA),
them with visual signals. All things considered, he learned useful balance and coordination skills from his n.d.).
time at the balancing buckets that he can use in a variety of settings and activities (ACECQA, 2020).

Science: While Karthik manoeuvres through the balancing buckets, he is
directly experiencing the concepts of gravity and balance. As he watches
how his actions impact his ability to maintain balance, he is picking up
concepts related to cause and effect (ACARA, n.d.).
Mathematics: Walking on the buckets, Karthik is experimenting with
balance and weight distribution principles. As he modifies his motions to
keep his equilibrium, he is also indirectly practicing spatial awareness
(ACARA, n.d.).
Development and Education Theory Early Years Learning Framework Principles, Practices, Outcomes
Many theories of development and education may be used considering Karthik's observation of him The need of educators consistently participating in self-reflection and
balancing on the colourful bucket. In line with Piaget's theory of cognitive growth through assimilation and looking for opportunities for professional growth is emphasised by
accommodation, Karthik's investigation of balancing on the bucket makes sense (Mcleod, 2024). Initially, he Principle 5 of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), which focuses
could try to overcome this new issue by applying his prior understanding of balance (assimilation). But even on continual learning and reflective practice (Cohrssen & Church, 2021).
as he confronts challenges and adjusts (accommodates), he is actively creating new conceptual frameworks Teachers can become more effective in promoting the learning and
for coordination and balance. Due to its ability to support the development of cognitive frameworks and growth of their students by routinely reflecting on their experiences and
problem-solving skills, Piaget's theory emphasises the need of youngsters participating hands-on in methods. This idea is consistent with the intentional teaching approach,
experiences such as these (Mcleod, 2024). which calls on teachers to be thoughtful and intentional in the
interactions and experiences they offer to students. Intentional
educators can successfully scaffold children's learning experiences and
support outcomes like the formation of a strong sense of identity. For
example, Karthik's teacher may purposefully provide him opportunities
to explore and try new things while he's walking at the balancing
buckets. This will help him gain confidence and a sense of self-awareness
as he makes his way through the physical difficulty. Teachers may foster
learning dispositions in youngsters like Karthik by implementing the EYLF
principles into their lessons. This will help children grow holistically
(Razak & Jackson, 2022).
Each portion of the documentation is to be analysed for pedagogical skills and knowledge demonstrated by the educators.
Play-based Pedagogies Teaching Strategies EYLF Educator Evidence Child Development

Several play-based pedagogies that align with the Early Years I used a variety of instructional As Karthik's educator, I guided Karthik demonstrated how his hand-
Learning Framework (EYLF) were used by the educators while techniques as Karthik's preschool his learning outcomes, eye coordination and analytical skills
Karthik experimented with balancing buckets. They gave Karthik teacher to help him learn how to walk activities, and principles while have developed while playing with the
freedom to interact with the buckets, which sparked his interest while balancing buckets. It was crucial we were walking and balancing buckets. While navigating
and feeling of initiative and helped him develop a sense of that I role-modelled for Karthik, balancing buckets. Through the uneven surface, he showed
agency. They assisted with his problem-solving abilities and demonstrating him how to maintain this hands-on experience, I improved balance and coordination.
spatial awareness, fostering his cognitive growth, by using balance and coordination by using the pushed Karthik to investigate As he modified his motions to
open-ended questions and positive reinforcement. In addition, proper technique (Petit Early Learning topics like balance, maintain stability, he demonstrated
they promoted his physical development by offering a secure Journey, 2020). I broke down the coordination, and spatial growing critical thinking abilities. His
and encouraging atmosphere for experimenting, which helped process into small segments and gave awareness. I instructed him on perseverance and flexibility were also
him improve his coordination and gross motor abilities clear and straightforward instructions how to alter his motions to noteworthy (Kid Sense Child
(ACECQA, 2023). through instruction. Another important maintain balance and keep Development Corporation Pty Ltd,
thing I did was listen. I watched the buckets from toppling 2023).
Karthik's development closely and over. I also included problem-
provided advice and assistance in solving and resilience skills by
response to his needs and difficulties. encouraging Karthik to
Because scaffolding ensures a helpful persevere in the face of
learning environment and allows for a obstacles like uneven terrain
progressive increase in difficulty as or fluctuating bucket weights
Karthik masters each stage, it was (Petit Early Learning Journey,
crucial. I reinforced instructions and 2020). By actively participating
prompted Karthik's participation via in this activity with Karthik, I
gestures and physical cues made with created a welcoming learning
my body (Petit Early Learning Journey, atmosphere in which he could
2020). By making affirmative remarks, I watch, try, and learn via trial
encouraged Karthik to stay motivated and error. Karthik's
and confident during the learning involvement with us helped
process by praising his efforts and him not only acquire physical
advancements on a regular basis. capabilities but also cognitive
Karthik's growth of balance abilities abilities like decision-making
was nurtured and effectively aided by and flexibility, which
me via the use of this multidimensional contributed to his overall
technique (Petit Early Learning growth and development
Journey, 2020). (Petit Early Learning Journey,
Objective for future holistic learning and development

• Allowing Karthik to partake in a variety of physical activities, such as climbing, leaping, and running, will help him improve his gross motor abilities and strengthen his stability,
strength, and coordination.
• To assist Karthik's cognitive development and comprehension of his surroundings, provide him with activities that encourage experimentation, curiosity, and investigation.
• To inspire Karthik to take on difficult assignments and circumstances that call for the individual and group application of his analytical and creative abilities.
Learning Experience

Learning experience name Art of Balancing

Especially when it comes to his ability to balance on things like buckets, Karthik has demonstrated a strong interest in
testing his physical limits. This curiosity points to the necessity for more chances to improve his gross motor, balance,
Experience rationale
and coordination abilities. A propensity for difficulties that foster cognitive growth is also evident in his tenacity and
problem-solving abilities when participating in this activity.
Developing Karthik's gross motor, balancing, as well as coordination skills is the aim of this learning experience, along
Development and learning goal:
with encouraging perseverance and ability to solve problems.

Provide steppingstones, low beams, and balance beams, among other balancing apparatuses, in a specifically marked
part of the outdoor play area (Currie, 2022). Provide enough room so that Karthik and his friends may walk about freely
Experience outline:
and securely. Show children how to operate the equipment properly by providing them with clear visual signals. To
guarantee the children's security and provide direction when required, supervision will be present (Currie, 2022).
Safety Mats, Balancing beams, Low beams, Visuals cues.

A list of materials required with photo(s):

(Currie, 2022)

EYLF OUTCOME 1: Playing on beams and steppingstones, for example, helps children practice balance and enhance their
physical abilities (ACECQA, 2022).
EYLF child evidence links
EYLF OUTCOME 4: As they experiment with the balancing apparatus, children exhibit their ability to solve problems by
modifying their actions to keep their state of balance (ACECQA, 2022).
As children assemble in the outside play area, present the balance instruments to them. As you go over the safety
guidelines, motivate children to explore and take on new challenges.
Body Let Karthik and the other children play around with the balance apparatus. Encourage them to attempt various
approaches and degrees of difficulty by providing help and direction as required.
Conclusion As children reflect on what they've experienced, gather them all together. "What was difficult about balancing today?" is
Implementation plan an example of an open-ended question to ask. as well " In what ways did you react when you finished the balancing
challenge?" (Lorina, 2015).
Engagement questions What did you discover today regarding the coordination and balance of your body?
Where to put your feet to maintain your balance—how did you decide?
Is there any method you can think of to push yourself on the balance tools?
(Lorina, 2015)
As Karthik's educator, I used collaborative play, imaginative play, and child-led play as basic paedagogies in his
learning experience, with a focus on the art of harmonising diverse educational components.
Collaborative play was encouraged through group activities and projects that allowed Karthik to interact with his
peers, promoting cooperation, communication, and problem-solving abilities (Starnes, 2023).
Imaginative play was encouraged via storytelling, role-playing, and creative discovery, allowing Karthik to freely
Play pedagogies express himself, develop his imagination, and improve his cognitive abilities (Starnes, 2023).
Furthermore, child-led play was prioritised by evaluating Karthik's interests and preferences, personalising activities
and learning experiences to his specific requirements, and allowing him to take control of his own learning path. By
incorporating these play paedagogies, Karthik was able to develop not only intellectually but also socially,
emotionally, and creatively, encouraging a holistic and balanced approach to his education (Starnes, 2023).

Open ended questions
Teaching strategies
(Petit Early Learning Journey, 2020).
EYLF OUTCOME 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing (ACECQA, 2022).
EYLF links Karthik's playtime with the balancing bucket could enhance his well-being if it gives him a sense of success, joy, or
fulfilment. For example, correctly balancing goods in the bucket may make him feel competent and happy.
Karthik's action of walking on balancing bucket steppers demonstrates his interest in physical growth. This exercise is
likely to help him improve his gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. As he navigates the steppers, his
cognitive growth is aided. He must examine spatial relationships, organise his motions, and adapt his actions
accordingly. Furthermore, Karthik's involvement in this sport may promote social development since he interacts
Child development
with friends while sharing equipment and taking turns. Finally, his success with the balancing steppers might help
him develop emotionally by increasing his confidence and giving him a sense of achievement. Overall, Karthik's
experience with the balancing bucket steppers spans many elements of his overall growth (Kid Sense Child
Development Corporation Pty Ltd, 2023).

Documentation and/or digital evidence of implementation,

acting and doing

How did the children respond? Did they achieve the learning objective? Were there any unexpected outcomes? What was your role? How did you support and teach the children?
Would you do anything differently? Where to next?
As Karthik's educator, I paid great attention to the children's reactions to our exercise while balancing my walks on the bucket stairs. The youngsters appeared to be quite interested and
excited about the exercise, indicating a good response. They were actively involved, attempting to emulate my balancing movements, and appeared to relish the challenge.
The child made improvement in meeting the learning target, which was most likely to enhance balance, coordination, and maybe problem-solving abilities. While it is difficult to
measure precise learning outcomes in a dynamic and busy context like this, their attempts to balance and copy my movements imply that they were actively participating in the exercise
(Aussie Childcare Network, 2023).
Unexpected results are prevalent in educational settings, particularly when children are involved. During the exercise, perhaps surprising discoveries, or new methods to play with the
balancing buckets occurred. Others may have created new ways to use the buckets, or they may have demonstrated unusual levels of coordination or ingenuity.
My responsibility throughout the exercise was to assist and guide the children's discovery of balance and coordination using balancing buckets. As they sought to imitate my moves, I
gave them demonstrations, encouragement, and support. In addition, I guaranteed their safety during the exercise, especially because they were performing muscular movements and
balance activities.
To encourage and instruct the child, I used a hands-on strategy, constantly demonstrating the balancing methods and offering verbal clues to help them comprehend what was
happening (Aussie Childcare Network, 2023). I also provided each child with tailored help and encouragement based on their specific needs and talents. Furthermore, I fostered a caring
and inclusive environment in which children felt safe embracing chances and exploring to discover things.
Reflecting on the exercise, I could make a few changes for future sessions. To improve the learning process, I might add more diverse tasks or objects. Furthermore, I could give him
additional opportunity to lead and explore their own ideas during the activity, developing autonomy and creativity.
Moving forward, the next steps may include expanding on the abilities gained throughout this exercise. I could devise follow-up exercises that would reinforce coordination, stability,
and physical fitness while also incorporating other objectives for learning or topics. Furthermore, I would continue to monitor and evaluate the child's development, adapting my
strategy as needed to fit their changing needs and interests (Aussie Childcare Network, 2023).

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