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Which Is Better- Drinking Ice Cold Water or Warm Water?

Very cold ice water or very hot water is not good for anyone. Moderately cold
water is good for people living in hot and humid places. For those having Pitta
(fire) body type, people who suffer from excessive sweating, burning sensation
during summer, ice water is a good option. Cold water is also said to be absorbed
more quickly than hot water in the body after or during exercise and helps in
preventing dehydration.

Luke warm water is ideal for those who suffer from cough, cold, asthma, allergic
attacks and people who feel that their hands and feet are cold. It is also great for
those who live in cold climatic conditions or during winters. Warm water is said to
remove built up deposits that are responsible for creating negative thoughts and
emotions in our nervous system. Thus it helps in effective removal of toxins which
leads to better clarity of mind.

It is considered ideal to take a cup of warm water usually one hour after dinner, if
you are a normal, healthy person without any of the above mentioned afflictions.

Note: The water must not be so hot that it can scald your mouth and throat, but it
should be warm enough to produce a mild perspiration.

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