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"When participating in traffic, you may encounter unexpected dangers, so it's

essential to be a good driver to protect yourself and others. Firstly, you must
adhere to traffic laws, including following the 3-second rule, which helps
maintain a safe distance from other vehicles and avoid unnecessary accidents.
Secondly, you should drive attentively and at a safe speed, enabling you to react
promptly to unexpected dangers. Additionally, signaling your intentions early
allows other drivers to understand your direction. Following these practices will
help you limit and avoid dangerous traffic accidents. Therefore, being a good
driver is crucial for ensuring safety for yourself and others, as 'a momentary
lapse can lead to a lifetime of consequences.'"
"Traffic accidents are a significant concern in Vietnam due to the harm they
cause to people and property. Today, I will introduce common causes of traffic
accidents in Vietnam. One of the most prevalent causes is driving under the
influence of alcohol. When we are intoxicated, we lose the ability to focus on
driving, may fall asleep at the wheel, and tend to drive at excessive speeds.
These factors often lead to accidents. Therefore, it is crucial not to consume
alcohol when driving. Instead, if you've been drinking, consider using
alternative transportation methods such as motorbike taxis, Grab, Uber, etc., to
reach your destination safely, protecting both your life and the well-being of
"For me, I always prefer riding a motorbike to school rather than taking the bus.
The first advantage of riding a motorbike is its convenience during traffic jams
when buses often struggle to move. Motorbikes offer the flexibility to find
faster routes. Additionally, motorbikes allow riders to reach their destination
without waiting, walking, or transferring to another mode of transportation.
Riding a motorbike offers a greater level of comfort and convenience, providing
more control over one's schedule for work or study. I prefer riding a motorbike
because it reduces the waiting time compared to using a bus."

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