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NAME: __________________________ PHONE NUMBER: _______________


1.Is its okay to use the same password for both your work and personal accounts. TRUE/FALSE
2. Is Two-factor authentication is only for businesses and government agencies, not individuals. TRUE/FALSE
3. It's okay to use the same username and password for all of your online accounts. TRUE/FALSE
4. Using biometric authentication (like a fingerprint or facial recognition) is safer than a password. TRUE/FALSE
5. It's okay to save your passwords in a document on your computer. TRUE/FALSE
6. You should never use your birthdate as part of your password. TRUE/FALSE
7.Using a passphrase is more secure than a password. TRUE/FALSE
8. It's safer to use your work email for personal accounts. TRUE/FALSE
9. It's okay to use your child’s name as password. TRUE/FALSE
10. The longer your password is, the safer it is. TRUE/FALSE
11. Using a password generator is the most secure way to create a password. TRUE/FALSE
12. If a website offers multi-factor authentication, you should use it. TRUE/FALSE
13. A password manager is only safe if you use a strong master password. TRUE/FALSE
14. A strong master password is at least 8 characters. TRUE/FALSE
15. It's safe to click on links in emails from friends and family. TRUE/FALSE
16. Public Wi-Fi is safe as long as you don't transmit any sensitive information. TRUE/FALSE
17. Two-factor authentication is just a fad and not really necessary. TRUE/FALSE
18. Never use the same password for multiple accounts. TRUE/FALSE
19. Cybercriminals don't really target individuals, only businesses and governments. TRUE/FALSE
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20. The "S" in HTTPS stands for "Secure." TRUE/FALSE

21. If you get a pop-up message about a virus, you should click on it to remove the virus. TRUE/FALSE
22. The most important thing you can do to protect yourself online is to use strong passwords. TRUE/FALSE
23. You should be wary of emails that request personal information. TRUE/FALSE
24. It's safer to use a public computer than your own personal computer. TRUE/FALSE
25. Password managers are not safe and can actually make you less secure. TRUE/FALSE
26. It's okay to use the same password for multiple accounts as long as you remember to change them regularly.
27. It's okay to use a simple password as long as you don't share it with anyone. TRUE/FALSE
28. You should use the same password for all of your financial accounts. TRUE/FALSE
29. Malware is easy to spot on your computer. TRUE/FALSE
30. Using the latest software and browser versions is enough to protect your computer. TRUE/FALSE
31. Backing up your data regularly is a waste of time. TRUE/FALSE
32. It's safe to share your personal information on social media. TRUE/FALSE
33. Data breaches are rare. TRUE/FALSE
34. You should never click on links in emails from unknown senders. TRUE/FALSE
35. Using a VPN protects you from all cyberattacks. TRUE/FALSE
36. Using public Wi-Fi is safe as long as you don't log into any accounts. TRUE/FALSE
37. Using a password manager is just as safe as keeping your passwords written down. TRUE/FALSE
38. You should only use HTTPS websites. TRUE/FALSE
39. You should never click on pop-up ads. TRUE/FALSE
40. Malware can infect your computer even if you don't click on anything. TRUE/FALSE
41. A strong password should include numbers, symbols, and a mix of upper and lowercase letters. TRUE/FALSE
42. You should change your passwords regularly. TRUE/FALSE
43. It's safe to open email attachments from unknown senders. TRUE/FALSE
44. Opening an email attachment is the same as clicking on a link. TRUE/FALSE
45. It's safe to share your personal information on unsecured websites. TRUE/FALSE
46. Most cyberattacks are the result of sophisticated hacking techniques TRUE/FALSE
47. Most cyberattacks are carried out by organized crime groups. TRUE/FALSE
48. Cybersecurity is the responsibility of governments and businesses, not individuals. TRUE/FALSE
49. There is no way to completely protect yourself from cybercrime. TRUE/FALSE
50. Most cyberattacks happen to large organizations, not individuals. TRUE/FALSE
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