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In the art world, a distortion is any change

made by an artist to the size, shape

or visual character of a form to express an
idea, convey a feeling or
enhance visual impact.
parallelism in design
vibration in art
intricacy in art and drawing
colour washing -usually diluted ink, bistre, or
watercolour—is spread with a brush over a
broad surface evenly enough
A floating white triangle, which does not exist, is seen.
The brain has a need to see familiar simple objects and
has a tendency to create a "whole" image from individual
The term illusory motion, also known as motion illusion, is
an optical illusion in which a static image appears to be moving due
to the cognitive effects of interacting colour contrasts, object
shapes, and position.[1] Apparent motion is the most common type
of illusory motion and is perceived when images are displayed in
succession at a specific frame rate such as in a movie.

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