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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Mid Term Lab – Spring 2024

Course Title: Applications of Information and Communication Course Code: CSC101 Credit Hours: 4(3,1)
Course Instructor: Rizwan Qureshi Program Name: BCS
Semester: 1 st Batch: SP24-BCS Section: C Date: 2024/04/2
Time Allowed: 90 Minutes Maximum Marks: 40
Student’s Name: Reg. No.
Important Instructions / Guidelines:
 Do not copy other’s work.
Question#1 [CLO-5] [Bloom Taxonomy Level Cognitive: 3 = Application, 4 = Analysis] [20]

Create a table as shown below. Fill the entries of the table according to following given guidelines. In first column
write serial number (1, 2, 3 and so on). In the second column write the student registration number (like SP24-001,
SP24-002 and so on). In the third column write the student’s name. In the fourth column write the theory marks
obtained out of 50 and in the fifth column write the lab marks obtained out of 50. In the sixth column calculate the
Result by adding lab and theory marks. Also apply data validation for the Result such that all values are in the range
of 0-100.

S. NO Reg NO Student Name Theory 50 Lab 50 Result100

Now add a column named Grade and auto populate it using the if formula.
Use the grade range as given.
<50 F
50-64 D
65-79 C
80-89 B
90-100 A

Add another column in the table with the heading Remarks and using the IF function fill the column using the criteria
for total marks in Result column less than 50 write fail and for above 50 write pass. The table should now look like as
shown below.

S.NO Reg NO Student Name Theory 50 Lab exam 50 Result 100 Grade Remarks

1 SP24-001 A 50 39 89 B Pass
2 SP24-002 B 23 25 48 F Fail

Add another column called Attendance to the table and fill it using random values using the RAND function. Use
percentage formatting for the entire column with no decimalplaces. Also use conditional formatting on the Result
column using Green Yellow, Red Color Scale such that red indicates the lowest mark, yellow indicates the medium
range and green indicates the highest marks. Also apply conditional icons on the attendance table such that attendance
below 80 gets a red  circle icon and the attendance above 80 gets a green  circle icon. (Hint: use Conditional
Formatting-> Icon Sets->More Rules)

Also filter the entire table and sort the result column from the smallest to largest value.
Question#2 [CLO-5] [Bloom Taxonomy Level Cognitive: 3 = Application, 4 = Analysis] [20]

Produce a Word Document as per the following requirements.

1. Title Page (Cover Page will also be considered)

2. Table of Contents along with Table of Figures and Tables

3. At least one table and image along with their captions

4. Header (Name), Footer (Page Number/of total pages)

5. Watermark (Roll Number)

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