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D1fl1ltl111 (UNS/GNED)- ~

Constructed situation A ;

moment of life concretely ;

and deliberately constructed
• •
by the collective organ 1zat1on ;
of a unitary ambiance and a 5.

game of events. i-

Situationist Having to do with ,
the theory or practical activity
of constructi ng situations. A
member of the Situationist
I nternational.

Situationism A meaningless
term improperly derived from
the above. There is no such
thing as situationism, which
. would mean a doctrine of
interpretation of existing
facts. The nation of situation-
ism is obviously devised by
anti-s itu ati on i sts.
Psychogeography The study of
the specific effects of the geo-
graphical environment,
consciously organized or not,
on the emotions and behavior
of individuals.

Psychogeographical Relating to
psychogeography. That which
manifests the geographical
environment's direct emotional

Psychogeographer One who

explores and reports on psycho-
geographical phenomena.

Derive A mode of experimental

behavior linked to the condi-
tions of urban society: a
technique of transient passage
through varied ambiances. Also
used to designate a specific
period of continuous deriving.

Unitary Urbanism Th e
the ory of the co mb ine d use
of art s and tec hn iqu es for the
int eg ral co ns tru cti on of a
mi lie u in dy na mi c rel ati on wit h
the ex pe rim en ts in be ha vio r.

Detournement Sh ort for :

de tou rne me nt of pre ex ist ing
cesthetic ele me nts . Th e
int eg rat ion of pre se nt or pa st
art isti c pro du cti on i nto a

sup eri or co ns tru cti on of a mi lie u.

In thi s sense the re can be no
sit ua tio nis t pa int ing or mu sic ,
bu t only a sit ua tio nis t use of
these means. In a mo re pri mi tiv e
sense, de tou rne me nt wit hin the
old cul tur al spheres is a me tho d
of propaganda, a me tho d wh ich
tes tifie s to the we ari ng ou t an d
loss of im po rta nc e of tho se
Culture The reflection and
prefiguration of the possibili~ies
of organization of everyday l1fe
in a given historical moment; a
complex of resthetics, feelings
and mores through which a
collectivity reacts on the life
that is objectively determined
by its economy. (We are defin-
ing this term only in the
perspective of the creation of
values, not in that of the teach-
ing of them.)

Decomposition The process in

which the traditional cultural
forms have destroyed them-
selves as a result of the
emergence of superior cultural
constructio ns. We can distin- ·
guish between an active phase
of the decompos ition and
effective demolition of the old
superstruc tures - which came
to an end around 1930 - and a
phase of repetition wh ich has
prevailed since then. The delay
in the transition from decom-
position to new constructio ns is
linked to the delay in the revol-
utionary liquidation of

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