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Level wagraut

Race: Drampir

Traid: Spark of Creation, Hedge Magician

Drawback: Elf Adopted (Hedonistic, Mark of Slavery)

Level 1: Scaled Fist Unchained Monk

Scaled Fist

Feat: Craft Wondrous Item

Level 2: Ancient Lorekeeper Warsighted Oracle [Ascetic]

Ancient Lorekeeper



Level 3: Oracle

Feat: Nature Soul

Level 4: Oracle

Level 5: Oracle

Feat: Animal Ally

Level 6: Agent of the Grave


Level 7: Agent of the Grave

Feat: Beast spequer

Level 8: Mammoth Rider

Level 9: Oracle

Feat: Fleshwarper (Item Creation)

Level 10: Oracle

Level 11: Oracle

Feat: Beast Speaker Mastery

Level 12: Oracle

Level 13: Oracle

Feat: Boon Companion

Level 14: Oracle

Level 15: Oracle

Feat: Craft Magic Arms and Armor

Level 16: Oracle

Level 17: Oracle

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