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sapnarea, 11:22PM Signs of an unheathy heart everyone should know Signs of an unhealthy heart everyone should know Ime Health Topics mentioned in thi ate PLe Q. Search the web Discover Following |News Enertainment Haan ($5. Fesonaze ry “ ‘ndoubtedly the hear isthe most vital organ and to ensure its ‘optimal performance, itis crucal to dedicate time each day for physical activities and priariize a nourishing diet. Nowadays, heart « attacks, once prevalent among older individuals, are increasingly affecting young people and even children. Recognizing the warning signs of heart problems can help with ealy intervention and can be life-saving and prevent further harm. Symptoms such as exhaustion, ‘edema in the lower imbs, light-headedness, irregular heart rhythms, and chest discomfort should never be disregarded. Instead, people i must promptly seek medical advice. Neglecting the warning signs of os 8 heart disease can lead to severe and potentially deadly consequences. Early identification of these signs is crucial in efectively managing and preventing heart disease, which remains a significant contributor to Global mortality rates, sm Feace https:wwwemsn.comien invhealvhealth-news/signs-of-an-unhealthy-hear-everyone-shoul-know/ar-AA.juSZW7rc=1Bocid=winp taskbarkevide4d7d,... 1/5 sapnarea, 11:22PM Signs of an unheathy heart everyone should know be ignored when it comes to the heart + Having intense chest pain and discomfort: tis a no-brainer that chest pain or discomfort is often a clear indication of hear trouble. Ths pain ‘can be described as tightness, pressure, squeezing, of burning and may ‘also affect the arms, neck, jaw, or back. It's crucial to seek immediate ‘evaluation for any unexplained chest pain, + Breathing problems: Another red flag to watch out for is experiencing shortness of breath, Even with light activity or while a rest feeling breathless could be a sign of a cardiac condition. This may also be accompanied by a sense of suffocation or gasping for air + Feeling fatigued: A persistent, unexplained fatigue that harnpers your dally activities may be a sign ofa cardiac condition I your heart i, unable to efficiently pump blood, i can result in low energy levels 1D Related video: Syndrome links heart, kidney disease, other symptoms (FOX 5 Atlanta) + Having an regular heartbeat: Pay close attention to any regularities in your heartbeat such as palpitations, fluttering, or skipped beats. An erratic heartbeat, known as arrhythmia, could be an indication of 2 more serious heart disease. + Swelling in the legs, ankles, fet, or abdomen may indicate heart failure. When the heart falls to pump blood effectively, ic ‘accumulates in the body leading to edema, + Light-headedness, dizziness, or fainting may be attributed to inadequate blood supply to the bran, potentially linked to cardiac disease, Its crucial t investigate these accurrences promptly, + Excessive perspiration can indicate a cardiac ailment, particularly 9 heart attack, especially when accompanied by other symptoms such as chest discomfort or difficuly breathing + Experiencing nausea or vomiting during a heart attack or other heart- related problems is common, especially among women, Unfortunately, this symptom is often dismissed or mistaken for digestive troubles. + Upper body pain: Women, in particular, may feel pain or discomf inthe upper abdomen, arms, shoulders, neck, or aw if they are ‘experiencing hear issues https:wwwemsn.comien.invhealthihealth-news/signs-f-an-unnealthy-hear-everyone-shoul-know/ar-AA juSZw?rc=1Bocid=winp taskbarScvid-4d7A, 28 sapnarea, 11:22PM Signs of an unheathy heart everyone should know indication of an unhealthy heart, It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if you encounter persistent pain or pressure in your left arm or shoulder, particularly if it coincides with ether signs of cardiac distress such as difficulty breathing ‘A word of caution: Timely diagnosis and treatment after noticing the ‘symptoms can save one's life. Engaging in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day ean help lower the rsk of heart disease. Opting for activities lke walking, swimming, cycling, or even dancing not only improves cardiovascular heath but also helos manage weight and reduce stress levels. A good night's sleep is more than just, restorat and it plays a vital role in heart health as well. Lack of adequate sleep has been linked to an increased risk of developing various cardiovascular consitions such as hypertension and coronary artery disease, Prioitiing quality sleep by establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a comfortable sleeping environment, and limiting exposure to electronic devices before bed can significantly improve heart health, No all ats are created equal, and incorporating healthier sources of fat into your diet can promote optimal heart function, Instead of avoiding fats akogether, focus on eating unsaturated fats found in foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. These good fats have been show to help lower bad cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol levels thereby protecting against heart disease and reducing inflammation inthe body. Avoid smoking, and alcohol and stay stress-free to keep the heart healthy. Written by Dr Bipeenchandra Bhamre, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon {at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre in Mumbai For more news lke this visit TOI. Get all the Latest News, City News, India News, Business News, and Sports News. For Entertainment News, TV News, and Lifestyle Tips vist times More for You gneve Dh weneecnt Bucs emt New Mobile Stair Lifts Early signs of heart disease Mahindra Thar 5-Door Vs 3-_JN.1 Covid Variant Require No Installation (See that you should never ignore: Door: Know What To Expect _in Kerala: All You the Prices) Causes, symptoms, tips to In Styling, Space, Engine Know About The 7 6290 20 oe 92 oe. https: nwwemsn.comien invhealthyheath-news/signs-of-an-unhealthy-hear-everyone-shoul-know/ar-AA.juSZW7re=1 Bocid=winpthaskbarBevid= 74... 35 sarvarza, 11:22PM Signs of an unheathy hear everyone should know KCR recovering after surgery, Capricorn, Dec 10-16, predicts continues to be 1 month Quick Car Sale Or condition stable: Doctors happiness this week Doorstep pick-up 6% 9 oO 6s 90 6:90 a a @D Hindustan Times (ie) s Heart sends many signals before failure: Cardiologists Story by HT Correspondent, Lucknow + Sme Before it als, our heart gives several signs and cals you many times to teltis fling, said Dr Nakul Sinha, senior cardiologist, Medanta 1 hospital while addressing an interactive session on ‘Understanding Heart Failure’ organised on Sunday. “Alittle bit of fatigue in routine life is normal. I have swelling in my fe but thats ok | can do with it, We often hear such statements which are not taken seriously, This isan incorrect way of responding to signals your heart sending to make you realise that ‘eminent cardiologist sald during the interaction, in trouble, the “Fatigue, breathlessness, inability to do normal personal and professional work, weight gain without reason, swelling in feet. ave all carly symptoms for your heart under trouble, Try to read and act on any such symptoms, A cardiac arestis sudden but trouble in heart aggravates gradually and can be detected at an early stage” Dr Sinha sai, “Congestive heart failure or heart failure is a condition where the heart ‘unable to pump blood as efficiently as it should. Congestive heart {allure now has no specific symptoms and hence itis important to call { doctor ifyou have any such symptoms that have been troubling you {or days or weeks” said Or Mansoor Hasan as he shared how he responded to chest pain 10 years back “Within an hour of pain, [had a stent and heve lam before you atthe age of 86-years” he said before the gathering ‘The doctors said early diagnosis and treatment of heart issues is the best way to guard oneself, “Early detection helps in effective treatment wile the same ata later stage makes things worse, Heart failure is a common cause needing hospitalisation among people above 65 years of age," they added, https:wwwensn.comien invhealthyheath-newslsigns-of-an-unhealthy-hear-everyone-shoult-know/ar-AA.juSZW7rc=1 Bocid=winpthaskbarBevid=

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