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Video number one

1. The subject grabbed the bag and took it away.
2. He looked in all directions and took the bag.
3. He as on his way and entered through the car window.
1. He did not ask permission to take the bag.
2. The person did not force the car door.
Video number two
1. This is turning the meat, so it cooks evenly.
2. Is roasting the meat.
3. E is using a fork and knife for meat.
1. He is not being careful with the meat.
2. Does not use gloves for meat.
Video number three
1. One of the girls used her cell phone.
2. The two young women are vegetarians.
3. One is holding the cup of tea.
1. The one on the left didn’t pay attention to her friend.
2. The waiter did not serve the food plates correctly.
Video number four
1. The are a music band.
2. The boy in the withe sweater was wrong.
3. The are playing on stage.
1. The one is the blue sweater is not the band’s soloist.
2. The ware not wrong in any part of the music.

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