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Sometimes, people think you’re falling apart when you’re just starting

To piece yourself back together. Ilt’s like when everyone’s asking why
You’re quiet or why you don’t smile as much. They think you’ve lost
Your spark, maybe even given up. But the truth is, you’re doing the
Nard work on the inside, where no one can see. You’re facing those
Tough, dark moments head-on, asking yourself the hard questions,
And slowly finding answers that make sense to you, not to anyone
Else. It’s about those nights you spend alone, maybe crying, maybe
Just sitting in silence, allowing yourself to feel the full weight of your
Emotions. Everyone else seems to believe that you’re losing a battle
With sadness. But for you, it’s not about winning or losing; it’s about
Understanding, learning, and growing. You start to realize that it’s
Okay to be in this quiet, lonely space because it’s here that you’re
Rebuilding your strength. You’re not ignoring your pain or pretending it
Doesn’t exist; you’re acknowledging it, feeling it, and then slowly
Learning how to let it go. The smiles come back, not all at once, but a
Little more each day. And it’s not because the world is suddenly
Prighter or your problems have disappeared. It’s because you’ve
Fought through the darkest nights, faced your deepest fears, and
You’re still here, standing. You’ve learned that you’re stronger than
You ever gave yourself credit for. So when people look at you,
Thinking you’re broken, you know the truth. You’re healing, growing.
And becoming a stronger version of yourself. And that’s something to
Be proud of, something no one can take away from you.

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