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Here is an in-depth analysis based on the requested categories using the provided

content from the document:

### 1. Market Trends

**Current and Future Trends for Electric Mobility in India:**

- India's automobile industry is the fourth largest globally, growing at a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.01% and accounting for 4.02 million units in 2018,
excluding two-wheelers.
- Despite having a large automobile sector, the growth of electric vehicles (EVs)
in India has been slow compared to countries like China and the US. In 2016, Indian
manufacturers sold only 450 units of EVs compared to more than 337,000 in China and
170,000 in the US. This slow growth can be attributed to unclear policies and less
aggressive government support.
- The movement towards electric mobility is evident, with incremental increases in
electric vehicle possession, particularly electric two-wheelers, being noted.

### 2. Consumer Behavior

**Adoption of Electric Vehicles:**

- Although specific data on consumer behavior towards EV adoption in India isn't
detailed in the provided excerpts, the general slow uptake suggests possible causes
such as high costs, lack of charging infrastructure, and insufficient governmental
incentives which could deter consumers.
- Globally, better-endowed policies significantly support consumer inclination
towards EVs, as seen in countries like China, which uses strong incentives to push
for reduced dependency on oil imports.

### 3. Legal Development and Changes

**Policy and Legal Framework for Electric Vehicles:**

- India's legal framework concerning EVs has not been explicitly detailed in the
excepts. However, it mentions that the existing policies are unclear, which might
contribute to the slow growth of EVs in the Indian market. This suggests a need for
robust, clear, and encouraging policies to facilitate faster adoption.
- The comparison with other countries like China indicates that strong legal and
policy endowments can enhance the growth of EV industries significantly. Thus,
advocating for a structured and clear legal policy framework in India is essential.

### 4. Statistics

**Electric Mobility Statistics:**

- The document gives specific figures such as the total production of vehicles in
India (over 25 million units) and detailed the specific market share contribution
by bikes (79%), followed by passenger vehicles (14%) and commercial vehicles (7%).
- The sale of EVs in 2016 stood at approximately 450 units, which starkly contrasts
with the numbers from the US and China, highlighting the nascent stage of India’s
EV market.
- Global statistics also show a growing stock of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)
and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), indicating a global positive trend
towards electric mobility, albeit India lagging behind.

### 5. Inferences and Conclusions

**Overview of Electric Vehicle Market in India:**

- The current status and statistical data infer that while India has a robust
automobile sector, the transition to electric vehicles has been sluggish and
hampered by inadequate policy support and infrastructure.
- India could potentially increase EV adoption by implementing clearer policies and
substantial incentives similar to leading EV markets like China.
- The study's conclusions highlight the importance of a comprehensive policy review
and the introduction of targeted incentives to catalyze the adoption of electric

**Policy Suggestions and Further Research:**

- The document suggests that future research could focus on comparative policy
analysis to determine which policies have the most substantial impact on the EV
market. This could inform better policymaking in India.
- There is also a recommendation for more granular data collection from smaller
cities and municipalities to better support EV adoption and understand local

These insights and in-depth analysis derived from the document indicate potential
areas for development, further research, and policy improvement necessary to boost
the EV sector in India.

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