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Name : Refinsa Raditya Putra

NIM : 13020121120002
Class : Popular Writing A

The Breeze of Winter’s Love

Winter sky, winter sea,

The trees sway back and forth against the winter breeze,

Snow falls like dew.

Cold wind on the shore,

The sun is down and we are all alone,

But still you are here to stay.

A thousand years I've known you

And yet I know not a day;

Though long may our life together be

Yet each moment that passes

Presents new hopes and fears;

You see, it's a long way from childhood,

to old age and death.

I'm lonely, I don't know why

and yet my heart beats true,

but where would I go?

Where, oh, could I go,

who knows but what to find

the one who will understand me,

the only one with whom I can share

my life? But now there's only one

who has never left

who knows me better than he does

than I know myself.

I love you,

I hate me,

yet none can make me hate

you even if they tried.

You're all I have. All I need.

All I'll ever need.

So if you must leave, then leave you shall;

But I shall wait,

wait and wait

and when you come again

to this world you left behind

we will be together,

in another life,

together forevermore

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