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Weekly Tables Volume 9

✗ burial places

✗ Cannibal tribes

✗ Dark secrets

✗ Despair and depression

✗ genetic experiments

✗ Navigation challenges

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
burial places (d66) 23- Discover a park transformed into a serene
memorial garden.

24- Visit a crypt where important figures are

laid to rest.

25- Explore an eerie mausoleum filled with

ornate coffins.

26- Stumble upon a battlefield with markers

for fallen soldiers.

31- Witness a tree grove where urns hold the

ashes of the deceased.

32- Find a survivor's shelter adorned with

photos of lost loved ones.

33- Discover a beach with candles and flowers

in memory of the dead.
11- Discover a makeshift graveyard with
handcrafted tombstones. 34- Visit a memorial tower with names of
those who perished.
12- Come across a memorial wall covered in
photos and messages. 35- Explore a cave system used as a final
resting place.
13- Find a peaceful garden adorned with
markers for the deceased. 36- Stumble upon a hidden cemetery for
members of a secret society.
14- Visit a field of unmarked graves, a solemn
reminder of the past. 41- Witness a peaceful meadow with stones
for the fallen.
15- Explore an underground catacomb with
ancient crypts. 42- Find a memorial bridge filled with locks as
tokens of remembrance.
16- Stumble upon a peaceful, overgrown pet
cemetery. 43- Discover a town square where a
monument honors the deceased.
21- Witness a survivor camp's memorial to their
fallen members. 44- Visit a survivor camp's communal bonfire
site for remembrance.
22- Find a hidden, abandoned churchyard
filled with graves. 45- Explore an underground bunker converted
into a memorial chamber.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
63- Discover a peaceful riverbank with floating
memorial lanterns.

64- Visit a garden with statues representing

different emotions.

65- Explore a hidden cave with a natural

waterfall memorial.

66- Stumble upon an abandoned theater used

for memorial services.

46- Stumble upon a serene lake with floating

lanterns for the dead.

51- Witness a survivor's home turned into a

private memorial.

52- Find a memorial cave with ancient cave


53- Discover a hidden garden with sculptures

dedicated to the deceased.

54- Visit a library filled with books and

artifacts about the past.

55- Explore a lighthouse with a beam of light

to remember the lost.

56- Stumble upon a memorial amphitheater

with engraved names.

61- Witness a roadside shrine adorned with

candles and trinkets.

62- Find a historical museum dedicated to

preserving memories.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
23- Witness a group that views outsiders as a
Cannibal tribes (D66) source of food, not allies.

24- Learn of a tribe that believes in

absorbing the strength of their victims.

25- Discover a tribe that cannibalizes as part

of an initiation rite.

26- Realize that a tribe sees cannibalism as a

way to honor the dead.

31- Stumble upon a tribe that raises humans

for the sole purpose of consumption.

32- Witness the aftermath of a tribe's

gruesome cannibalistic ritual.

33- Uncover a group that cannibalizes the

infected to prevent zombification.
11- Stumble upon a tribe that practices
34- Learn of a tribe that consumes the hearts
cannibalism as a sacred ritual.
of their enemies as a ritual.
12- Discover a group of survivors who resort to
35- Find evidence of a tribe that engages in
cannibalism out of desperation.
cannibalism to mark territory.
13- Witness the aftermath of a tribe's recent
36- Realize that a tribe uses cannibalism to
cannibalistic feast.
punish and control its members.
14- Learn of a tribe that uses cannibalism to
41- Encounter a tribe that believes in
gain strength and vitality.
absorbing the souls of their victims.
15- Find evidence of a group that lures
42- Uncover a tribe that conducts
survivors into traps for consumption.
cannibalistic ceremonies during full moons.
16- Realize that a tribe uses cannibalism to
43- Witness a group that cannibalizes
maintain control and fear.
outsiders to "welcome" them into the tribe.
21- Encounter a tribe that consumes the brains
44- Learn of a tribe that considers
of the dead to gain knowledge.
cannibalism a form of communion.
22- Uncover a tribe with a twisted culture
45- Discover a tribe that consumes the brains
centered around cannibalism.
of specific individuals.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
63- Witness the rituals of a group that
sacrifices outsiders for cannibalism.

64- Learn of a tribe that believes in

consuming the hearts of the innocent.

65- Discover a tribe that practices cannibalism

as a form of spiritual cleansing.

66- Realize that a tribe uses cannibalism to

eliminate dissent within their ranks.

46- Realize that a tribe uses cannibalism as a

form of justice and punishment.

51- Stumble upon a tribe that consumes

certain body parts for specific reasons.

52- Witness the aftermath of a tribe's

cannibalistic initiation ceremony.

53- Uncover a group that cannibalizes

outsiders as a show of power.

54- Learn of a tribe that practices

cannibalism as a means of population control.

55- Find evidence of a tribe that engages in

cannibalism to gain the favor of their gods.

56- Realize that a tribe uses cannibalism to

instill fear in neighboring groups.

61- Encounter a tribe that sees cannibalism as

the ultimate form of unity.

62- Uncover a tribe that consumes only

specific body parts for their power.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
23- Uncover a group that believes in the
Dark secrets (D66) superiority of a specific bloodline.

24- Realize that the community engages in

human trafficking for profit.

25- Learn that the community's leaders are

involved in a power struggle.

26- Stumble upon a hidden bunker where the

elite live in luxury.

31- Witness the community sacrificing

members for protection from zombies.

32- Discover that the community is poisoning

its members for control.

33- Realize the community is controlled by a

shadowy council in secrecy.
11- Discover evidence of cannibalism hidden in
34- Uncover a hidden plan to abandon some
the community's past.
members to save the rest.
12- Uncover a cult within the community
35- Learn that the community is using
practicing dark rituals.
propaganda to manipulate its residents.
13- Find out the community's leader has a
36- Stumble upon a secret alliance with a
history of cruelty and abuse.
hostile neighboring group.
14- Stumble upon a hidden prison where
41- Witness the community's involvement in
dissidents are secretly held.
cruel gladiatorial games.
15- Realize the community is trading survivors
42- Discover that the community keeps a horde
as slaves to other groups.
of zombies as a deterrent.
16- Learn that the community has a stockpile
43- Realize that the community is forcing
of stolen supplies from others.
members into arranged marriages.
21- Witness a secret program experimenting
44- Uncover a group within the community with
on survivors for unknown purposes.
extremist ideologies.
22- Discover a forbidden romance that could
45- Learn that the community is engaged in
tear the community apart.
dangerous experiments.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
63- Realize that the community is using torture
for information extraction.

64- Uncover a hidden plot to expand and

conquer neighboring territories.

65- Learn that the community is turning away

outsiders to conserve resources.

66- Stumble upon a secret society within the

community with its own agenda.

46- Stumble upon a hidden stash of blackmail

material on residents.

51- Witness the community covering up a series

of gruesome murders.

52- Discover that the community has a dark,

oppressive legal system.

53- Realize that the community is hoarding vital

medical supplies.

54- Uncover a conspiracy to control

information within the community.

55- Learn that the community is secretly

involved in the drug trade.

56- Stumble upon a secret plan to

exterminate rival survivor groups.

61- Witness the community forcing members

into dangerous labor camps.

62- Discover a group of residents who seek to

overthrow the leaders.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
23- Cross paths with someone who self-harms
Despair and depression (D66) as a coping mechanism.

24- Help a character who is struggling with

addiction in the apocalyptic world.

25- Encounter a survivor dealing with

overwhelming survivor's guilt.

26- Discover signs of a support group formed

to combat despair.

31- Meet a survivor who has contemplated

suicide but is now seeking hope.

32- Find a diary detailing a character's inner

turmoil and battles with despair.

33- Come across a survivor who is dealing with

post-traumatic stress.
11- Encounter a survivor who has lost all hope
34- Interact with a character who believes they
and contemplates suicide.
are a burden to the group.
12- Discover a group member who is dealing
35- Witness a survivor's emotional breakdown
with severe depression.
and offer support.
13- Come across a note or message from
36- Discover a hidden message about the
someone who took their own life.
despair of living in this world.
14- Witness a survivor struggling with the guilt
41- Help a survivor cope with the loss of their
of losing loved ones.
entire family.
15- Find evidence of a failed suicide attempt,
42- Encounter a group member who isolates
but the survivor lives.
themselves from the group.
16- Meet a character who has lost their will to
43- Meet a survivor who contemplates ending
survive and needs help.
their life to avoid suffering.
21- Interact with a survivor who is haunted by
44- Find evidence of a character who sought
traumatic memories.
help for mental health issues.
22- Stumble upon a makeshift memorial for
45- Discover signs of a support network for
those who have taken their lives.
emotional well-being.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
63- Discover signs of a makeshift therapy or
counseling group.

64- Witness a survivor who uses creativity as a

form of therapy.

65- Meet a character who has found solace in

helping others in need.

66- Encounter a group member who is

determined to find hope in despair.

46- Interact with a character who has found a

reason to keep going.

51- Come across a survivor who struggles with

addiction and substance abuse.

52- Witness a group member who refuses to

leave a dangerous location.

53- Meet someone who is trying to find

meaning in the midst of despair.

54- Encounter a survivor who is grappling with

extreme anxiety.

55- Discover a message that reflects the harsh

realities of the apocalypse.

56- Help a survivor who is considering suicide

as an escape from suffering.

61- Interact with a character who contemplates

ending their own life.

62- Come across a survivor who is desperate

for emotional support.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
23- Witness the growth of mutated plants with
genetic experiments (d66) unexpected properties.

24- Find a group of survivors who have

developed resistance to the infection.

25- Realize that genetic manipulation has led

to unexpected mental abilities.

26- Stumble upon evidence of experiments to

create obedient, mindless soldiers.

31- Discover that genetic experiments have

caused physical deformities.

32- Encounter survivors with unstable and

unpredictable genetic mutations.

33- Witness the creation of hybrids that

combine human and animal DNA.

11- Discover mutated creatures created by failed 34- Find a hidden laboratory with records of
genetic experiments. unethical genetic tests.

12- Encounter a group of survivors with 35- Realize that some survivors have
unexpected genetic enhancements. developed enhanced senses through genetics.

13- Witness the emergence of a new species 36- Stumble upon a community with a
as a result of genetic manipulation. genetically engineered superhuman leader.

14- Find a hidden lab with evidence of 41- Learn that genetic experiments have led
inhumane genetic experimentation. to a loss of humanity.

15- Realize that a group of survivors is 42- Encounter individuals with the ability to
struggling with genetic defects. communicate with wildlife.

16- Stumble upon a rogue scientist who 43- Witness the emergence of sentient,
continues to experiment on survivors. mutated zombie-like creatures.

21- Learn that genetic experiments have led to 44- Find evidence of attempts to create a
accelerated aging in some survivors. cure through genetic manipulation.

22- Encounter individuals with unnatural 45- Realize that some survivors have become
physical abilities due to genetic tampering. dependent on genetic enhancements.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
63- Witness the emergence of creatures that
can survive in extreme conditions.

64- Find evidence of experiments to create

telepathic connections between survivors.

65- Realize that genetic manipulation has led

to unique, colorful physical traits.

66- Stumble upon a community that seeks to

weaponize genetic experiments.

46- Stumble upon a hidden facility dedicated

to ongoing genetic research.

51- Discover the existence of clones created

through genetic experiments.

52- Encounter survivors who can control and

manipulate plant life.

53- Witness the creation of genetically

engineered guard animals.

54- Find a group of survivors who have

achieved prolonged lifespan.

55- Realize that genetic manipulation has led

to unexpected emotional changes.

56- Stumble upon a group that worships a

genetic experiment gone wrong.

61- Learn that genetic experiments have

caused uncontrollable aggression.

62- Encounter individuals with chameleon-like

camouflage abilities.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
23- Navigate an old, decaying industrial
Navigation challenges (D66) complex with collapsing structures.

24- Cross a vast, sun-scorched desert with

limited water and shelter.

25- Journey through a radioactive wasteland

with dangerous contamination.

26- Sail through treacherous waters in a

makeshift boat or raft.

31- Travel across a frozen, ice-covered

landscape with frigid temperatures.

32- Hike through a dense, wildlife-infested

forest with predators.

33- Navigate a labyrinth of twisted, narrow,

underground catacombs.
11- Navigate a dense, overgrown forest with
34- Cross a rickety, unstable bridge
limited visibility.
suspended high above a chasm.
12- Cross a treacherous, fast-flowing river
35- Explore an eerie, abandoned underground
without a bridge.
military bunker.
13- Travel through a maze-like network of
36- Brave a stormy, turbulent ocean with
underground tunnels.
powerful waves and currents.
14- Slog through a boggy, swampy terrain with
41- Climb a crumbling, zombie-infested
hidden dangers.
skyscraper for a better vantage point.
15- Climb a steep, unstable mountain path with
42- Traverse a thick, suffocating dust storm
falling rocks.
with limited visibility.
16- Brave a thick, toxic fog that obscures vision
43- Navigate a series of booby-trapped areas
and affects breathing.
left by hostile survivors.
21- Explore a dark, eerie, and abandoned
44- Cross a dense, mist-covered forest with
urban cityscape.
mysterious noises.
22- Traverse a massive, debris-filled post-
45- Journey through an overpopulated area
apocalyptic highway.
with swarms of roaming zombies.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 9
63- Navigate a deadly, zombie-infested urban
maze of streets and alleys.

64- Cross a thick, overcast, and zombie-filled

fog with poor visibility.

65- Journey through an abandoned, collapsing

underground subway system.

66- Sail through a stormy, zombie-infested sea

with perilous waters.

46- Sail through a treacherous, zombie-

infested river or waterway.

51- Travel across a sun-baked salt flat with

harsh sunlight and no shade.

52- Hike through a haunted, abandoned

asylum with unsettling discoveries.

53- Navigate a series of canyons and cliffs

with no clear path.

54- Cross a dangerous, crumbling rockslide-

prone mountain slope.

55- Explore a massive, pitch-black cave system

with unknown dangers.

56- Brave a toxic, post-apocalyptic wasteland

with no clear direction.

61- Climb a vertical, rocky cliff face with limited

safety equipment.

62- Traverse a dense, overgrown, and wildlife-

filled jungle.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes


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