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A good-cooked poached egg has a compact, glossy,

tender white, and unbroken, thickened yolk.

Critical factors:
 quality of the egg
 temperature
 amount of liquid
 the way the egg is put in the pan

Fried Eggs
Fried eggs call for perfectly fresh eggs, the correct heat level, an
appropriate amount of cooking fat, and a deft hand. Fried eggs
may be served sunny side up (not turned) or aver (turned once).
Fried eggs may be basted with fat as they try. Using very fresh
eggs is the only way to ensure a rich flavor and good
appearance of the finished dish.
Standard Qualities of Fried Eggs
1. White should be shiny, uniformly set, and tender, not
browned, blistered or crisp at edges.
2. Yolk should be set properly according to desired doneness.
Sunny side- up yolks should be yellow and well rounded. In
other styles, the yolk is covered with a thin layer of coagulated
3. Relatively compact, standing high. Not spread out and thin.
4. A fried egg should have a yolk covered with a thin film of
coagulated egg white and still remain slightly fluid.
5. The egg white should be opaque, firm and tender, not chewy,
crisp or brown.
6. A perfectly fried egg is a glory to behold - crispy edges and a
wobbly. pinkish yolk.
7. It will provide a fried egg with a slightly crispy, frilly edge; the
white will be set and the yolk soft and runny
Poached Eggs
Poached eggs are prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely simm water and gently cooking
until the egg holds its shape. The fresher the more centered the yolk, the less likely the white is
spread and
Poached eggs can be prepared in advance and held safely throughout typical service period to
make the workload easier during service Slightly and the become tagged poach the eggs, shock
them in ice water to arrest the cooking process, trim them and hold them in cold water. At the
time of service, reheat the eggs in simmering water.
Eggs are most often poached in water, though other liquids, such as red wine, stock, or cream,
can also be used Add vinegar and salt to the water to encourage the egg protein to set faster.
Otherwise, the egg whites can spread to much before they coagulate.

Standard Qualities of Poached Eggs and Cooked Eggs in the

1. Bright, shiny appearance
2. Compact, round shore, not spread or flattened 3. Firm but tender whites
4. Warm, liquid yolks

Poached Eggs
Makes 10 servings

Tools and Equipment Needed:

 saucepan
 skimmer

Ingredients Needed:
 1 gal/3,84L water
 1tbsp/15g salt
 1 floz./30mL distilled white vinegar
 20 eggs

1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items. Be sure that eggs are chilled unti ready to poach.
2. Combine the water, salt and vinegar, in a deep pan and bring it to a bare simmer.
3. Break each egg into a clean cup, and then slide the egg carefully into the poaching water.
4. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the whites are set and opaque.
5. Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon, blot them on absorbent toweling, and
trim the edges if desired..
6. Serve or chill and refrigerate for later use.
Joybe J. Medina

Brgy. Lawis Balasan, Iloilo

Sir Rowel F. Gadian

Balasan National High School

Brgy. Balanti-an Balasan, Iloilo

Dear Filipino Youth,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Today, I want to draw your attention to a
matter of utmost importance - the environmental changes that have taken place in our country, and how
they affect us now and in the future.

When I was your age, the Philippines was a different place. Our natural resources were more abundant,
our air was cleaner, and our seas were teeming with life. However, as the years have passed, I have
witnessed drastic changes. Deforestation, pollution, and climate change have taken a toll on our
environment. We now face more frequent typhoons, rising sea levels, and loss of biodiversity.

But all is not lost. We have the power to make a difference, to sustain our Mother Earth for the
generations to come. Here are some pieces of advice I would like to share:

1. **Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:** Make a conscious effort to reduce your waste, reuse items whenever
possible, and recycle materials. Small changes in your daily life can lead to significant reductions in

2. **Conserve Energy:** Turn off lights and appliances when not in use. Opt for energy-efficient
appliances and encourage your family to do the same.

3. **Plant Trees:** Participate in tree-planting activities or simply plant trees in your backyard. Trees
help combat climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide.

4. **Reduce Plastic Usage:** Say no to single-use plastics. Use reusable bags, containers, and bottles to
minimize plastic waste.

5. **Support Sustainable Practices:** Choose products from companies that practice sustainability and
environmental responsibility.

6. **Educate Yourself:** Stay informed about environmental issues and their impact. Knowledge is a
powerful tool for change.

7. **Advocate for Change:** Raise your voice, join environmental organizations, and advocate for
policies that protect our environment.

8. **Practice Responsible Tourism:** When visiting natural areas, leave no trace and respect the local
environment and communities.

9. **Conserve Water:** Be mindful of your water usage. Fix leaks, use water-saving appliances, and
avoid wasteful practices.

10. **Lead by Example:** Inspire your friends and family to adopt environmentally-friendly habits. Your
actions can influence others.

In closing, I urge you to take these words to heart. The future of our beautiful country depends on the
actions we take today. Let us be the stewards of our Mother Earth, preserving her for the next
generation. Together, we can make a difference.

I look forward to seeing you share your thoughts and actions on this matter in class. Let us work hand in
hand to create a sustainable and thriving Philippines for all.

Sincerely yours,

Joybe J. Medina

Submitted by: Emmy D. Bocala

(Grade 10 Ruby)
Submitted to: Ma’am Gladys Bulanon

Submitted by: Bhebelyn Bacurayo

(Grade 10 Ruby)
Submitted to: Ma’am Gladys Bulanon

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