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Mr. Zakir is a huge art enthusiast. He loves collecting very famous and old antiques and
sculptures of historical importance. He always invests most of his profits from his shares in
buying and collecting such artifacts. One day, his agent Mr. John calls him to inform that he has
found the original artifact- “Ash of Warriors” from China. This artifact is a vase which has
intricate carvings and miniscule details of the story of one great Warrior- Qu Cho Ming from the
14th century B.C. in China and was thought to have been lost. The only way to find the original
piece was that in the bottom of the vase, there was a secret draw which contains the ashes of
Warrior Qu Cho Ming. The said artifact had the secret bottom with ashes hence proving to be
invaluable artifacts of all the times. He decided to buy it and goes to meet the person who has the
possession of the same, one Mr. Firenze. Mr. Firenze’s late father being an archaeologist had
collected this piece from Indonesia years back when he had gone for an expedition and since
then preserved it. Now, Mr. Firenze wants to settle in UK with his family and hence decided to
sell these artifacts. He agrees to sell the same to Mr. Zakir. They have decided to
negotiate upon the same.


1  Initial offer 100 million US dollar  My offer would be 60 million
 Since the most expensive vase ever sold was
for 80 million US dollar by the bonham
auction house in 2010
2  My vase is more than 3600 years old  Yes, you are right but I am not buying this
and the vase you are talking about is vase for my personal collection but I will
of 18th century Quing dynasty so my keep it for public display so that the people
offer is quite reasonable of my country can appreciate the beauty
and prestige of Chinese culture.
 I believe that this vase represents the vast
and illustrious history of the great Chinese
empire through the ashes of Qu Cho Ming.
3  Pondering for few seconds



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