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a blue print of success

DATE : 11-4-2020




The natural resources in and around Delhi have suffered severely. The river Yamuna, which has been
the lifeblood of Delhi since ancient times and the prime reason for its existence, is highly polluted.
Even until a few years ago, the sewage lines from half of Delhi’s household emptied raw sewage into
the river and apart from that the Yamuna also carries the sewage of the thousands of unplanned
habitation located on its banks. It has been estimated that 80% of Yamuna’s pollution results from the
dumping of sewage. And other than sewage, Yamuna is also polluted by dumping of garbage and
industrial runoffs. It does not help that Yamuna has a ‘sacred river’ status. Thousands of inhabitants
drop flowers, coins and other offerings into the Yamuna polluting it further. The level of pollution in
Yamuna is so high that the water has turned frothy in several stretches. The condition of Yamuna
improved a little after the Supreme Court took the matter into his own hands and ensured that sewer
interceptor were built that would channel the waste flowing from unconnected parts of the city to the
sewage-treatment plants. However, in spite of millions of dollars spent on treating the water pollution
of Yamuna, the condition of the river is only going from bad to worse.

Write an essay in 750 words

Time limit : 1 hour

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