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First, go to https://www.blogger.

com/ and press the

orange button, the one who says “create blog”. When
done, the next screen will ask you for the previous
mentioned google account, so you ‘ll be able to log in
with your existent account (if you already have it) or to
create a new one if you don’t have one yet.
Then, Blogger will require you a name and a web adress
to create the blog. Fill in the forms and press the button
“create blog”. Later, select a template (anyone you like,
it doesn’t matter which one, because later you can
change and customize it). In my case I did nothing of
that, because I already had a blog called “La Radioteca”
which I made serve for this purpose.
After that, the blog is created and set to publish posts.
So the next step is learning how to do that. Go to the
left side of the main screen of your blog (called
dashboard) and press the button “+ new post”. It will
drives you to a page which will reminds you of a Word
text processing window. So all you have to do is write
your text and experiment with all the features until
everything is to your liking.
Finally, when you are done, press the button “publish
post” and that’s all. Well done!
Web adress:
Post link:

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