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=== System ===

--- Test Routines ---

No routines of this type were run in the session.

=== Networking ===

--- Network Info ---

Name: GFPS-Handhelds
Type: WiFi
State: Online
Active: True
MAC Address: 44:AF:28:29:26:D3
Signal Strength: 66
Frequency: 2462
SSID: GFPS-Handhelds
BSSID: 3C:46:A1:B7:F6:68
Security: EAP
IP Address:
Name Servers:,
Subnet Mask:

--- Test Routines ---

12/1/23, 12:26:46 PM - GatewayCanBePinged - Started

12/1/23, 12:26:50 PM - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
12/1/23, 12:26:50 PM - LanConnectivity - Started
12/1/23, 12:26:51 PM - LanConnectivity - Passed
12/1/23, 12:26:51 PM - ArcPing - Started
12/1/23, 12:26:52 PM - ArcPing - Unable to run
12/1/23, 12:26:52 PM - DnsResolverPresent - Started
12/1/23, 12:26:53 PM - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
12/1/23, 12:26:53 PM - DnsResolution - Started
12/1/23, 12:26:54 PM - DnsResolution - Passed
12/1/23, 12:26:54 PM - DnsLatency - Started
12/1/23, 12:26:56 PM - DnsLatency - Passed
12/1/23, 12:26:56 PM - ArcDnsResolution - Started
12/1/23, 12:26:57 PM - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
12/1/23, 12:26:57 PM - SignalStrength - Started
12/1/23, 12:26:58 PM - SignalStrength - Passed
12/1/23, 12:26:58 PM - CaptivePortal - Started
12/1/23, 12:26:59 PM - CaptivePortal - Passed
12/1/23, 12:26:59 PM - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
12/1/23, 12:27:00 PM - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
12/1/23, 12:27:00 PM - HttpsFirewall - Started
12/1/23, 12:27:04 PM - HttpsFirewall - Passed
12/1/23, 12:27:04 PM - HttpFirewall - Started
12/1/23, 12:27:05 PM - HttpFirewall - Passed
12/1/23, 12:27:05 PM - HttpsLatency - Started
12/1/23, 12:27:07 PM - HttpsLatency - Passed
12/1/23, 12:27:07 PM - ArcHttp - Started
12/1/23, 12:27:08 PM - ArcHttp - Unable to run

--- Network Events ---

12/1/23, 12:26:46 PM - WiFi network [44:AF:28:29:26:D3] started in state Online

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