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The Admissions Office

Humber College


Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the Graphic Design program at Humber College, and I am
excited to submit my application for consideration. With a strong passion for visual communication and a
desire to cultivate my skills in graphic design, I am confident that Humber's renowned program will
provide me with the comprehensive education and practical experience necessary to thrive in the dynamic
of graphic design.
Throughout my academic journey and professional experiences, I have developed a keen interest in
design and a deep appreciation for the impact that effective visual expressions can have on individuals
and communities. I am particularly drawn to Humber College's Graphic Design program because of its
commitment to fostering creativity, innovation and real-world application of design principles.
One aspect that sets Humber apart is its faculty, comprising industry professionals with a wealth of
practical knowledge and experience. I am eager to learn from such experts who can offer valuable
insights, mentorship, and exposure to current industry trends. The program's emphasis on project-based
learning aligns perfectly with my learning style, providing the hands-on experience I need to translate
theoretical knowledge into practical skills.
Humber's state-of-the-art facilities and resources, including cutting-edge design software and
collaborative workspaces, will provide an immersive learning environment that mirrors the professional
settings I aspire to enter. I am confident that these resources, coupled with the program's curriculum, will
equip me with technical proficiency and creative acumen required to thrive in the industry.
Furthermore, I am impressed by Humber College's commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive
learning environment. As an individual who values cultural exchange and believes in the power of
diversity to enhance creativity, I look forward to contributing to and benefiting from the rich tapestry of
minds in the class.
In conclusion, I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining the Graphic Design program at Humber
College. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to and thrive in the vibrant community and I
strongly believe that the skills and knowledge I acquire during my studies will form a solid foundation for
a successful career in graphic design.

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