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(THURSDAY/ TBJ/ MESSAGE/ 16- 09 2010)

Thank you for your coming! Halleluyah! I am here to pray

for you and for you to pray for me. No matter your situation,
whether you are sick or not that is not the issue. The issue is
our relationship with God because a man can be sick and yet
be a candidate of Heaven. So you are a friend of God. If you
are a friend of God, He is on your side, He is fighting for
you, He is with you. If God is with you, for you and on your
side, no sickness, no disease, no poverty, can be against
you. So why are you worried? You are here at last. You
know what is happening here. Here is not bread and butter.
Here is a place of refuge to run to and you are safe.

Before you come here, you know what you used to hear.
You heard them saying,' Na lie!' At last you are here. You
are welcome. Is today your first time of hearing about
Synagogue, Church Of All Nations? Think back of the past,
the 4, 5, 6years. "Over my dead body..." You are here
today. They use to say, " I have nothing to do with this
man. Switch off that channel!" You are here today.
God's time is the best.
Today is the day the Lord has made.
There is nothing like murmuring. To His power nothing is
Before you come here, you heard numerous testimonies that
brought you here. You have seen in the channel.

We are supposed to stand up and praise God and wait for

the appointed day. What you must be thinking about is the
maintenance of the blessing. The blessing is for you. How to
maintain this blessing, this healing is very important. You
can only maintain what you are here for when you receive it
for salvation of your soul. If you are here for salvation of
your soul, the maintenance is guaranteed. Everyone can
receive healing not everyone can maintain it. When you
receive blessings without salvation, you will loose it. You will
find yourself in a greater problem than before.

The blessing cannot stand the test of time.

When you receive blessing, healing, deliverance, without

salvation, you are only inviting enemies to yourself, because
the blessings of God attract enemies. It is like honey. When
you drop honey on the floor, insects will locate it and come.
Blessing without salvation is dangerous. I advise you to ask
for salvation. Blessing for salvation of your soul, is blessing
forever. Healing for salvation of soul is healing forever.
Deliverance for salvation of soul is deliverance forever. Do
you know the meaning of salvation? Salvation means a
relationship with God. That is the compass of all relationship
with God. You begin to act with God. Blessing without
salvation is dangerous. It is better not to receive blessing
than to receive it without salvation. Blessing of God attracts
enemies, opposition. Greater enemies will come but God will
be there to see you through. Don't bother to rebuke your
enemies when you are praying. It is a waste of time.
Enemies have their own mission. It is to strenghthen your
When you are tempted, you move closer to God- Someone
who can help you- the Saviour.
Are you telling me that the situation you are in is without a
purpose? If not the situation you will not be here. Look at
how many people are sitting here today. You have many big
people here. Outside this place they are Governors,
Managers... You can't know who is big and who is small.
When situation comes we are one. It makes us to
understand God and to remember the last day. The last day-
this is the way it looks. God is concerned about how we
could heed and obey God. Salvation that is His business. Are
you ready for salvation? TYN- Healing for salvation is healing
forever. Deliverance for salvation is deliverance forever.
Salvation is a relationship forever. It is wonderful! You know
those who had good health in the past and today they are
troubled in their health. They are in sickness. It is better not
to receive than to receive and loose it. It is like someone
who was so rich, living in an empire living in a mansion,
having a private jet and later, he turned to become a
common man. When common people look at him, they say,'
What is wrong? They begin to remember the way, he
behaved when he was rich. Salvation!Salvation! Salvation is
a relationship forever. That is what you should be ready for-
salvation of your soul. 99% here are from other countries.
Who has a revelation of coming here? I knew that you
were coming. That word is pregnant. I am talking to you in
parable. When I know that you are coming as a guest, I
prepared the house where you will sleep, what you will eat.
I knew you were coming here. It means the table is set. On
top of the table are the essentials of life, such as:
prosperity, salvation, healing, breakthrough, etc.

Is it not what you are here for? There are here some people
that needed to be delivered. Because of the force that is
filling them, we cannot allow them to go back today. If they
are not delivered, they will be stopped from coming by
sickness and disease. The demon will not allow them to
come back on Sunday. Are you happy? Who will lead us in
prayer? You just believe you are here to be prayed for. It is
in two ways: I can pray for you and you can pray for me,
because you have that faith. You are just looking down at
yourself because of your situation. Awake! You just need
somebody to tell you, " You are this, you are that" You don't
know who you are. I want to tell you who you are: You are
a Child of God. I mean your past is over! If your past is over
and you are a Child of God. Change your words and your
thoughts. That is the first thing I want you to know.
T.B.Joshua is telling you that you are a Child of God. If your
past is not over, I mean if God has not separated you from
your past, you will still be sitting somewhere saying," Wait"
Your past is over. That is why you are here. I am a Child of
God. I am a born again.

One or two people need to be removed. The coordinators

may not like them to follow you because of the weapons
they have. Where there is no vision, the people perish. We
know unclean spirits to be demons, devils.

Say," In the name of Jesus Christ, give me a prayer
language, give me a word- a word of God from Heaven"
Your body is not the temple of evil spirit
Say," You demon, I command you to come out of my body!"
I command you, out!
I don't have any respect for the devil/demon
Say," You devil/demon, I command you to come out!
You unclean spirit, I command you to come out of that
You demon/ you devil, come out!

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