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Alumna: Nicole Alisson Ruiz Huaman

Verbs or Expressions from the video

My daily routine

 wakes up 8 o'clock
 First she does yoga and then takes a quick shower.
 Then he makes his breakfast, avocado toast and a coffee with
 At 9 o'clock take a bus to go downtown
 Starts work at 9 am and finishes at 2 pm
 He usually eats a Spanish omelette and salad, other times an
Italian pizza.
 At 3 he goes by bicycle to the university
 He is pursuing a master's degree in English studies, has
classes for 4 to 8 hours after school, goes to the gym or goes
out with his friends.
 Before going to bed, read a book or watch an episode of your
favorite series. sleeps at midnight

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