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Here is the solution to the activities in the document:

Activity 01: Choose the Correct Answer

1. a) Integrity

2. b) Objectivity

3. c) Professional Competence and Due Care

4. d) Confidentiality

5. e) Professional Behavior

Activity 02: True or False

1. An ethical decision-making framework is only applicable to certain professions. False. The

paragraph states that the "broad applicability of an ethical decision-making framework" extends
its relevance to "various professions".

2. Professional organizations and businesses do not establish ethical guidelines for their
employees. False. The paragraph states that "Numerous entities, including professional
organizations and businesses, establish their ethical guidelines for employees."

3. Individuals joining professional bodies like accounting bodies do not adhere to a Code of Ethics.
False. The paragraph mentions that "the discussion anticipates individuals joining professional
bodies like national or international accounting bodies, all of which uniformly adhere to a Code
of Ethics."

4. Professional accountants are not required to exhibit integrity, objectivity, professional

competence, confidentiality, and professional behavior. False. The paragraph clearly states that
accountants "are mandated to exhibit honesty, objectivity, maintain professional competence,
safeguard confidentiality, and uphold ethical standards."

5. Accountants are not mandated to comply with laws and regulations to prevent actions that
could harm the profession's reputation. False. The paragraph states that accountants must
"comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoid actions that may discredit the profession."

Activity 03: Classify the following words Assets: accounts receivable, property, plant and equipment
Equity: share capital, retained earnings Liabilities: accrued liabilities, accounts payable, notes payable
(Dividends is not included in the classification)

Activity 04: Translate the following Sentences

‫إن إطار العمل المفاهيمي ينص على أن الهدف من التقرير المالي هو توفير معلومات مالية عن المنشأة المبلغة التي تكون مفيدة‬ .1
.‫للمستثمرين والدائنين والغير الحاليين والمحتملين‬
.‫األصول هي موارد اقتصادية توفر منفعة مستقبلية لمشروع ما‬ .2

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