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 What is the issue that they are raising awareness about? i.

e pollution, waste, sea-

level rise, animal habitats, etc.
 How are they raising awareness? i.e protests, meeting with world leaders,
advertisements, etc.
 What is the solution that they want to achieve for the issue they have identified?
 Have they been successful so far? (For this question, you simply want some
information about whether any countries or organisations have made changes
relevant to their solution or if people are making different decisions based on their
new found awareness).

Chosen campaign: GreenPeace Plastics Campaign


GreenPeace’s Plastics Campaign focuses on raising awareness about plastic pollution

and its detrimental effects on marine ecosystems and general wildlife as well as human
They employ various strategies to raise awareness, such as organising protests, sharing
information through social media, publishing reports on their website, etc.
GreenPeace aims to advocate for a reduction of single-use plastic (not plastics in
general), establishing new policies, and holding corporations accountable for their plastic
waste and production. Their solution to all of this is to promote the adoption of more
sustainable plastic variants.
Their effort has been so far successful. Many countries and regions of the world have
implemented restrictions on single-use plastics, as well as many corporations have pledged
to reduce their plastic usage. The public awareness of this issue has also grown as consumer
behaviour has shifted, with more people being open to more plastic-free alternatives and
supporting eco-friendly initiatives. Nonetheless, plastic pollution remains as an on-going

Second campaign: Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA)


The issue raised by CAA is antisemitism, the prejudice and discrimination against Jewish
CAA mainly raises awareness through public campaigns, educational programs, and
sharing information through social media platforms.
They aim on achieving an antisemitism-free society where people from different
religions can live happily and without conflict with one another.
Their effort can be seen as successful as they were able to add Jewish protection laws in
the UK governmental policies (alongside other countries’), as well as they increased
awareness about the issue in the overall society. The complete erasure remains an on-going
battle that they fight for daily.
We will work on this Tuesday, December 12th.

Please submit answers to the following questions for the campaigns that you researched.
H&M 'Close the Loop campaign, the GreenPeace Plastics Campaign, Fridays for Future,
and/or The Rainforest Alliance.

Here are the questions:

 What is the issue that they are raising awareness about? i.e pollution, waste, sea-
level rise, animal habitats, etc
 How are they raising awareness? I.e protests, meeting with world leaders,
advertisements, etc
 What is the solution that they want to achieve for the issue they have identified?
 Have they been successful so far? (For this question, you simply want some
information about whether any countries or organisations have made changes
relevant to their solution or if people are making different decisions based on their
new found awareness).

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