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Similar software or services

FLTR - Foreign Language Text Reader (Open Source Java Desktop Application). (Web based service with tutoring. An account costs US$ 10 per month). (An on-line environment that allows anyone learning a language to quickly look up and learn
the vocabulary). (An on-line service where you can import articles, read and translate them, and learn new
words. Price: US$ 5 per month or US$ 48 per year).
Resources for various languages
GoogleDocs Spreadsheet with recommendations for LWT Language Settings ("Templates")
Important: Please be careful when making additions or corrections!
For learners of Japanese
MeCab - Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
For learners of Chinese
"Jieba" Chinese text segmentation (Python needed). Usage: Download, unzip, run: python -m jieba -d ' '
input.txt >output.txt
▶ Abstract - [↑]
Learning with Texts (LWT) is a tool for Language Learning, inspired by:
Stephen Krashen's principles in Second Language Acquisition,
Steve Kaufmann's LingQ System and
ideas from Khatzumoto, published at "AJATT - All Japanese All The Time".
You define languages you want to learn and import texts you want to use for learning.
While listening to the audio (optional), you read the text, save, review and test "terms" (words or multi
word expressions, 2 to 9 words).
In new texts all your previously saved words and expressions are displayed according to their current learn
statuses, tooltips show translations and romanizations (readings), editing, changing the status, dictionary
lookup, etc. is just a click away.
Import of terms in TSV/CSV format, export in TSV format, and export to Anki (prepared for cloze tests), are
also possible.

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