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Classroom management

Field report #2: GT

Jennifer Lara

Tarrant County College

The required field experience was taken in Lake worth ISD, located in Lake Worth ISD.

These observations took place in Mrs. Gage class for GT which teaches many grades levels

around the district at lake worth ISD.

The student's seats are arranged in groups of 4 students, which there is 3 tables in total.

Students would bring their computer to GT and will allow to use when teacher assigned the

computer which they’re able to use when teacher says so. There is various chart such as new

vocabulary, there is many books around and a list of books they read through out the year. The

teacher desk is located at the right side as walking into the class and on the side, there is a table

for her and chair for when teacher work with students. Which there is also a smart board in the

back of the class and teacher would give a lesson and listen to it. The class look a very calm class

with warm color around the classroom it felt a good vibe which students enjoy, and the lighting

was soft which she put the sheet on the light panel to not make it as bright.

This class was all about pulling kids from regular classrooms which were taken to her

class which they were required to work as a class. Which they we’re currently learning about

animals and doing research about it. The students currently started a new project which they pick

a kind of cat and did research about it and gather a lot of information from the sources the

teacher has provided for them to work on. This project had to do a lot of the habitat of what they

ate, how they lived. The students were taught new information and from the lesson the teacher

gave them student’s work independently and manage to look for information on their project.


Some of the grouping strategies that are used to meet the needs of students, which they

were able to have technology being able to express and explain on why they believe that answer
is right. At the beginning of the class they observed as a whole class and participated together

which eventually lead to partner group once they were done with that, they started the new

project individually. Teacher was able to let students explore and express their thoughts. Which

she was able to manage time for one and one with the students and help them achieve their goals.

The teacher did use blooms taxonomy which included to do a report of the animal, which would

be turn into a presentation later on once it was completed. I noticed the lessons were lengthier

than regular classroom GT was more in-depth and use a stronger vocabulary for the kids to learn

new word and understand the meaning of them. When it came with the warmup it was more as a

critical thinking you had really to think and know and to solve it. Which even myself was hard

for me to figure out.

Similarities/ differences

This class differed from regular classroom since this class has a lot more work than the

other classes is more lenient. I noticed the vocabulary the teacher use it was more for higher

grades which teacher wanted able for students to learn new words without giving definition of it.

Which this class was a lot smaller than ed class. Some things that are similar to general ed class

is that teacher will have the same expectations, they teacher the same subject for the students.


Some of the challenges the teacher encounters are the behavior that students have. While

I was observing the class I was able to see in one of the groups there was at least one behavior

students which the teacher saw it as how smart they were and trying to get ahead of others and

get frustrated when it wasn’t time to move on. Which the teacher was able to manage well the

behavior for the students. When I talked to the teacher there’s wasn’t a lot of obstacles for
resources which she did said thy she which there was more ways to use technology to help



While my observation I was able to see how the teacher was able to manage the

classroom when students were being disruptive and getting them back on task. Students felt

welcome and excited to learn. Overall, I really liked this class it was a small group of students

being pull out from their class which was good for the teacher to help students with one and one.

With being said I would be more than excited to be able to observe this class one day again.

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