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Activity 5.1 Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: Mr. Niel Bajao
Grade/Year-level: grade 2
Video link:

Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners Note their ages.
2 How many boys are there? How many girls?
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
4. Can the learners already work independently?
5 Describe their span of attention.

As I observe the class the students are well behaved, collaborative with their
classmates and participative to the lesson of the teacher. I think their ages ranged from 7
to 9 years old. The number of the students is 24, there are 12 boys and 12 girls in the
class. As observed by the students, most of them are well behaved and listen to their
teachers, there are just some of the students that are not participative and inattentive to
the class. I also saw students talking with their classmates and more focused on talking to
their classmates. But most of the students, listening to their teacher, are attentive to
answer the question and really like to engage and participate. I observe the student can’t
absolutely work independently; they still need the guidance of the teacher to more
understand their activity. But I see that the student is able to do things on their own with
just some guidance and support from the teacher to accomplish their work. In their age
the span of attention is so short and they are still easily bored and distracted by the things
in their surroundings. In this class even the teacher is really interesting. There are still
some students that are distracted by the sound and things in their surroundings that they
unleash their focus on their teacher.
Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices, It is also
good to ask the teacher for additional information, so you can validate your observation.
Write your notes below, and then organize your data in the Table that follows.

1.Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books,
students belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if these
areas for specific purposes are not present?
In the classroom I see a cabinet at the back to store their books and there is also a table that has a
tall filed book over it. Also, in the side corner of the classroom has a long shelf to store their
materials. I think the classroom should be re-organize to have more space, make the classroom
more presentable and avoid allergic reactions to the students. I see the classroom is too crowded
of the book and I think it needed those things is not really need to the class and I suggest to remove
those things to make the classroom has a lot of space for the important things and materials that
can help for students.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules
reinforce positive behavior?
The rules and procedures aren’t posted to the classroom. Mostly the teacher just verbally reminds
the student about the classroom rules that they have. In the beginning of the class the teacher
always asks his student about the classroom they have to remind them. And because of that the
student is so aware of the rules that they know what behavior that they need to show to the class.
As I see most of the students were following the rules that they have.
● Umupo ng maayos
● Ilagay ang kamay sa lamesa
● Tumahimik habang nagtuturo ang guro
● Makinig sa guro
● Laging tumingin sa guro
● Huwag mag salita ng sabay sabay
● Itaas ang kamay at tumayo kung gustong sumagot

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher is
available, ask him/her to describe the process. What's the effect of students participation in
rule-making on student's behavior?
I think the students participated in making the classroom because they were really knowledgeab le
about the classroom rules that they have. The teacher didn’t need a posted chart to make the student
identify the classroom rules, just asking them makes us know that they really participate in
constructing the classroom rules and they really show that they are following it. It is important that
we involve the student in the rule-making so that they really know and suggest what are the right
things to do and what are the wrong that they need to avoid. Make them suggest what are the things
that they are able to do to make the classroom to be at peace and have a well organized behavior.

4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?
They start the class with the prayer, greeting, energizer and saying the rules of the class. Then the
teacher starts to introduce the lesson for the day by doing a drill and giving a motivational activity
to make the student have a clue about the lesson for the day. Next, the teacher starts to discuss the
lesson for the day, he makes it more engaging that the student is able to participate in class while
he is discussing. After the discussion, he gives a group activity for the application of the lesson.
It’s a hetero activity, where each group have different task that need to accomplish. After that do
the generalization, where he asks the student what are the lessons for the day and what they learned.
Before the class ends, he gives an evaluation for the student and he also gives an assignment. At
the end of the class they closed it with a prayer.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help in
managing the class?
As I observed, the seating arrangement in this class was based on their heights, where the tall
student was seated at the back and the short student was in the front. I think this helps the class to
make the student be organized and to avoid the changing of seats. This kind of arrangement makes
the student have a good vision for their teacher and the short student will not have a hard time
looking at the front. It makes the class have a good and no distraction/problem during the class

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

As I observe the student in the classroom is not too noisy, I just hear some whispering of a student
talking to another student. The student was well behaved, they didn’t shout when they wanted to
recite instead, they just raised their hands so that the class engagement was not noisy. I think the
student is well behaved because they really know the rules that are implemented in their classroom
and they really follow it.
7 If a leaner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource Teacher do?
Describe the behavior strategies used.
When the student is off track, the teacher will call the names of the student when he/she becomes
a nuisance while discussion to avoid the continuation of this behavior. The teacher just calls the
name but he doesn't scold the student, his motive is just to get the attention of the student to make
the student listen to him. Calling the name of the student is just a sign that he wants to make the
student remember the rules that they have. I think the behavior strategy that he uses to manage the
behavior of the class is Set Rules Together With Students. By this the student knows the behavior
that they need to show in the classroom. When they are included in the constructing of rules they
more know and understand the implemented rules in the classroom.
8 What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior strategies)
The teacher does to reinforce positive behavior of the student, and is always reminding them about
the rules that they have in the classroom. Before the class starts, he always asks the student about
the rules in the classroom to make them aware that they need to show a positive behavior to the
class. He also talks positively to the student; he shows positive behavior to the student and he
motivates the student to talk when they recite, he will say very good to praise the student for
participating in the discussion. By this the student is encouraged to have a positive behavior and
engage in the class.

Reflection as a future teacher

1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

It’s so important that we enforce positive discipline in the classroom because it is the most effective
way to manage the misbehavior of the student and also to boost their self-confidence. If we always
make a punishment to the student that misbehaving it will cause them trauma or they just
repeatedly practice this because they just think in that misbehaving there will someone notice him
instead to decrease his misbehavior it will just a way to make the student to be more nuisances.
That’s why it is more likely to use a positive discipline, so we can make the student feel that they
are important and doing a great job when we praise them and reward them. It can boost their self-
confidence to be more engaged and collaborate to the class activity and discussion. They are more
likely to adopt positive behavior if they see that the environment and the people around them are
giving him positive reinforcement.
Activity 5.2 Identifying the different Aspects of classroom Management


Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.

Aspect of classroom Description Effects on the learners

1. Specific Areas in At the back of the classroom has Because the classroom has a lot
the classroom a cabinet and table that is full of of stock materials that can make
filed books, in the side has a long the classroom dusty and it will be
shelf that have a teacher materia l dangerous for the student to have
and, in the front, has 2 table, 1 for an allergy. It also makes the back
the teacher and 1 for the stand of part of the classroom to be
the television. crowded and it is not safe for the
student because there is a
possibility it falls to them when
they are doing an activity.

2. Classroom There is no bulletin of the It controls the behavior of the

rules classroom rules but the student is student because there are rules
fully aware of it and the teacher that need to be followed. They
always reminds them before the are able to identify what are the
class starts. right and wrongs doings in the
classroom. It can make the
student responsible for their

3. Classroom The classroom procedure is clear It makes the classroom and

Procedures and the student understands it. students to be organized and
The student really follows those students know the right things
procedures. they need to do in the class. It
makes the class more productive
than wasting time to scold
4. Daily routines The daily routine is followed by It makes the class to be organized
the teacher making sure that the and the student already knows the
student is doing their routines. activity will do in everyday class.
The student also knows the things It makes the student look forward
they will do and already and be excited to know what type
memorize the daily routines. of activity will do in the certain

5. Seating Their seating arrangement is by It makes the class organize and it

arrangements height, where the tall student will make an equal to student to
seats at the back while short in the have a good view to see the front.
front row. It also avoids problems and
students fight because they do not
see the front or board.

6. Handling The teacher will call the student's The student will recognize that he
misbehavior/ name when he/she shows is doing wrong and remember
off task misbehavior during the class to that they have classroom rules
behavior get their attention. He will not that need to be followed. It makes
scold the student, he just makes it the student realize that they need
a clue to the student that it not to show positive behavior and
following the class rules and will not repeat those misbeha vior
procedure. again.

7. Reinforcement The teacher shows positive It encourages the student to show

of Positive behavior to the student to be a a positive behavior to the class.
behavior role model. He also praises the Be collaborative, engage and
students every time they doing participate in the class discussion
great work and participating in with full of confidence.
the class.

1 How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners' behavior?
Classroom organization and routines, make an organized learning environment for students.
Having a classroom organization makes a clean and safe place for the student to study. We should
always consider the arrangement of the furniture so that we can avoid any accidents to the student
and also remove the distraction for them. Making this makes the student have a comfortable
learning environment. Routine is also important to make our class to be more interesting, exciting
and organize class for our students. If we organize class, the student will know the things they will
do, not be scared to go to school and be anxious about what they need to do. A well organized
environment will make the learners have a good learning experience and it will make them a
productive student.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she he designs the classroom organization
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
In the classroom organization routine the teacher should consider how those organizations will
help the student in their learning process and developing their skills. Those organizations are equal
for them and will not force them to act that they didn’t want or disrespect children rights. This are
the theories and principles that we can also consider and have in our mind in making classroom
● Behaviorist theory which is focusing on the behaviors of the students including the positive
and the negative ones.
● Psychoanalytic theory in which the teacher must consider individuals thoughts, feelings
and experiences consciously or subconsciously,
● Cognitive theory should also be considered to give attention to the learners' mental
processes and construction of knowledge

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners
motivating students? Why were they effective?
First is to set clear expectations and create simple classroom rules that are achievable by students,
it makes the student know what is right and wrong doing in the classroom. It makes them have
guidance for their actions and we can remove the bad behavior that they adopt outside of the school
environment. We have to make it simple and achievable for our learners that they will not be
pressured to follow those rules. Then, Reinforcement and rewards, is a way to make our students
be more engaged in the class when we give them praise and rewards for their good actions. And
reinforce them to show more positive behavior to the class and guide them to make them
understand that they should follow and do positive behavior.
Reflect on the following and write your insights.
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level
do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level

In the future I see myself to be a grade 2 teacher, to make my classroom and students to be
organized I should implement routines and procedures to my students. First, I will start my
class with a prayer, energizer and asking about their day. In this way I will prepare my
students to make the class interesting to them and unleash the tension in their body. Then,
the attendance checking, where there will be assigned students each day to count the
number of students and write it to the board. Next, is the reviewing where the student will
be asked what the lesson was yesterday about, to know if they still remember the lesson
and it a way to introduce the new lesson to the class. In recess time, after they eat there will
be an assigned student to look if the garbage and trash is full and the surrounding is clean
to maintain the cleanliness of the classroom. At the end of the class, the student needs to
do closing prayer, check their bag if their things are complete and they fall in line while
going out. This way the student will be organized to go outside and there will be assurance
that they will not forget any things in the classroom.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose
● Respect and listen to the teacher ● Have a good attitude, Use positive
● Raise your hand to speak
● Line up neatly and quietly
● Be quiet when the teacher or
classmate is talking ● Stay in your seat
● Keep your hands to yourself ● Cooperate with your classmates
● Respect others’ property ● Be Respectful to everyone
● Be honest
These are the rules that I want to Implement to my classroom, with these rules it makes my
students be responsible for their actions, organize and maintain a positive behavior. Having
these rules, I will create a student with a sensitivity towards other people in the classroom
and they learn how to handle their behaviors. Also it motivates them to be a competent
student to the class and learn to collaborate with other students.
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?
Yes, it is important that we also make the student be involved in making class rules because it
makes them know that the teacher considers their opinion about the class behavior. Also, they can
provide a rule that they can absolutely practice with the class to maintain it organized. They also
become more responsible to follow the rules because they suggest it and it becomes their
agreement to the teacher. If the student is involved in making the rules it will become clear and
understandable for the student and they are able to follow the rules that are implemented.

LINK Theory to Practice

Direction: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

D 1. Focusing on natural consequences of students' behavior develops more self-regulation

in the students. Which of the following teacher statements demonstrates focusing on natural
A. "Those who were noisy today during seatwork will not be allowed to play games in the computer later.

B. "If it takes you longer to finish the seatwork because time is wasted with chatting, then we won't have time to go
to the playground anymore."

C. "Those who are well-behaved in class will be given plus 5 points in the quiz."

D. If you get a grade of 95 or higher in the first two assignments, you will be exempted from the 3rd assignment.

C 2. Learners are more likely to internalize and follow classroom rules when
A. the teacher clearly explains the rules she prepared

B. the learners know the punishments for not following the rules

C. the learners participate in the rule-making process

D. the teacher gives additional points for those who follow the rules

B 3. For a teacher to establish and maintain consistent standards of learners' behavior, they
should do all EXCEPT
A. give immediate feedback to reinforce appropriate behavior of learners

B. be open to exceptions each time a learner misbehaves in class

C. communicate and enforce school policies and procedures clearly and consistently

D. handle behavior problems promptly and with due respect to learners' rights
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rules that work in class. You may also put pictures of
the physical space and learning stations which contribute to the effective implementation of
classroom management.
● Umupo ng maayos
● Ilagay ang kamay sa lamesa
● Tumahimik habang magtuturo ang guro
● Makinig sa guro
● Laging tumingin sa guro
● Huwag mag salita ng sabay sabay
● Itaas ang kamay at tumayo kung gusting

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