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Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you
answer the questions here.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting
experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.
I observe that the mother of the child is not an authoritarian to her child. She let her child
to explore by herself and discover about the things around her. She has freedom of expression,
where the child always free to express, share her doings and tell the problem she has. The
mother listens to her child and she didn’t easily to get angry when the child is making mistake
instead, she try to speak to her child that it wrong to do it. I observe the child will not having
problem with her socialization because inside of her house she able to express herself.
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do
you think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school?
I learned that child with a freedom is more expressive than to the student with an
authoritarian parent. The children like Althea who has a lot of freedom to explore has more chance
to develop their cognitive, emotional and physical because they able to gain more knowledge and
experiences about the world. In that case, if Althea was out the bigger environment, she easily
adapts it because she able to meet a good foundation inside their house. The positive environme nt
help the child to develop, it has a big contribution to the development of child to build a good
personality/behavior foundation. In that way, the child can more interact, engage and communicate
with other people without doubting herself and being scared.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes,
what are these effects?
Yes, its important that home-school has communication to each other. Home is the first
place where the child nurtured that’s why it important, we know their background. Like, what kind
of parenting they apply while raising their child that we know the background behind of his
behavior and we can able to solve if the child has a behavioral problem. Talking to their parent
also a good way to make sure that the student not only study at the school but also in their house
that the child able to master the learnings. Lastly, it makes avoid any possible accident to the
children because we can able to know the things that they prohibited and we can inform their
parent about the activities of the child in the school.
4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the development and
learning of the students? Who are the people or which institutions can the teacher tap to seek
advice regarding the development and learning of students?
The teacher can contribute to the community by participating in the day care center in the
barangay. In this way the teacher able to help the little children in the barangay to make them
prepare going to school. Volunteering to day care center is really great contribution to barangay
because not all barangay has fund to get a lot of teacher for their day care. I think the person can
help the teacher to the development of the child was her parent because it really knows about his
child. Also, the doctors/therapies of the child can help the teacher to get an information to the
development of the child especially the student with disability.

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience?
How did it affect you?
When I was a child my parent let me do the things that I want and they always by my side
to support me. They let me do the things I want but still have a restriction. Because of the parenting
style of my parent there are a lot of things I discover and experience. But there also time that I so
dependent to my parent and Sometimes I see myself that I still can’t live without them. When my
mother leaves us to work abroad, I’m become independent and be responsible to the things I need
to especially to the task our home. Now I so independent to my decision and I have always to think
twice to it consequences. Lastly, I become responsible child, I will make sure that I do the task on
my own and not be dependent to others.
2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can
you work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?
As a future teacher it important to us that we are always communicate to the parent of our
children that we still monitor their development. To make have a good collaboration to them, we
have to be always welcoming to the parent that they will not be scared to ask us about their
children. We should face them with full of smile and not an angry face, because when we face
them with a bad appearance, they will think that they are not welcome to the classroom. Always
entertain the question of the parent and not avoid them that the two us help each other to help the
child to develop. Implementing a monthly meeting is a good way that the parent aware to the
performance of the child. Also, I need to ask the parent about their child, we have to exchange
information about their child that we can help each other to make their children meet their needs
and develop.
1.Make an artistic, colorful, and creative visual expression of your insights or feelings about
the influence of the home and school to the learner. Then, write a few statements on the space
below about your visual art.
This visual art that I made is show that if the home and the school have connection to each
other there will be a large possibility that the child will develop successfully. With a good
communication to share information about child behavior and learning development they able to
form a great team work to provide a learning strategy for the child that able to be the way of the
child to meet and gain all his needs. The parent should also learn to help the teacher to know more
about the student and also make the student be more engage to the study. Where even the student
in their house she will have eagerness to learn, open her books to discover many things. A great
environment and connection of the home and school can make a fully develop and successful
human being.
H-elps from parent is so much appreciated
O-bserving student is the way to
M-aking sure they are learned
E- nvironment should be positive.

S-tudent must be the

C-enter of the education
H-ate shouldn’t feel of the student
O-btain the learning is a must
O-pen their mind about diverse classroom where
L-ove should always be visible.

C-ooperation with parent is indeed

O-rganize information of student from parent is also we need
M-anage the expectation to the teacher, we
M-aking them skilled not perfect student
U-nity between the parent and teacher is the way to makes the student meet their
N- eeds to be a fully develop human being
I-magine if all of us will cooperate
T-alented student will sure we will create and
Y -ou will feel the success.

L-earnings will be achieved

I-f the parent and teacher help each other to
N-urture the student all the
K-nowledge that they need.

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