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Liceo de Cagayan University


LEVEL 4 Accredited by PACU-COA

Name: Hannah C. Enanod Course and Year: BSED-ENGLISH4

Classroom Management and Learning

A. Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to plan on how to manage time, space, and
resources to provide a learning environment appropriate to the learners and conducive
to learning.

B. To realize the intended learning outcomes, work through these steps:

● Using a checklist, find out the evident classroom components.

● Describe how the classroom is designed to allow everyone to participate in the
learning activities.
● Relate the data in your checklist to the learners’ behavior.
● Reflect on how classroom management affects learning.

C. Activity Form

● An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

1. Are there rules and procedures applied in the classroom? List them down.

- Students are constantly reminded of the rules and procedures that need to be
followed in the classroom by the regulations that are placed throughout the room.
As of right now, given that the pandemic is still going strong, there is signage that
urges the students to always have their masks on and to keep a respectful
distance from one another. Additionally, I have seen that what is placed in the
classroom are their duties and responsibilities, such as who will be responsible
for cleaning the classroom, the backyard, and the comfort, and so on.
2. Is there participation of students in making the classroom rules?

- Because the children pay such close attention to what their instructor says, it is
clear to me that they take part in the process of formulating the rules that govern
the classroom. Even if there are a few students that don't always comply with the
rules, I believe that the situation can still be handled.

3. What are the daily routines done by the teacher? (prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

- As the teacher enters the room, students rise to their feet to greet them lively and
bow their heads in prayer, following which the day's work is
checked/assignments and, in certain cases, warm-up exercises/ ice breaker
activities are conducted before the class proper begins.

4. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

- Even though there were close to thirty pupils present in the classroom, the noise
level was bearable. Because the students were engaged in answering questions
throughout the period that I observed their class, they did not make as much
noise as usual.

5. If a learner is not following instructions or is off-task, what does the teacher do?
Describe the behavior strategies used.

- When the student is not paying attention to what they are supposed to be doing,
the instructor will warn them that they are not following the directions by
mentioning their name twice. When the learner is still not following, the
instructor will give the pupil warnings about his conduct and then take certain
steps in reference to this problem.

6. What does the teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior strategies)

- The instructor will use positive incentives to encourage the desired conduct in
the classroom. The students who are willing to contribute actively to class
discussions get bonus points from the instructor. The instructor may also use
positive comments, such as "very excellent," to encourage students to speak out
in class.
D. Analysis

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?

- The classroom organization and routines affects the learner behavior in a sense
that it serves as a guide for the students on how to manage their task and it also
serves as a guide for them to change their attitude because they know that their
teacher is monitoring their behavior.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when he/she designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in

- A teacher has to consider how the tastes of her or his students might
influence the classroom's structure and procedures. The best way for a
teacher to help students learn how to arrange themselves and their
routines is to include them in the decision-making process. To make sure
that this matched what I saw in the classroom, I once asked a student how
they set up their classroom, and she said that they performed most of the
work themselves, with the approval of the instructor.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the

learners? In motivating learners? Why were they effective?

- The teacher's attitude has a significant role in shaping the conduct of her/his
pupils. Having overheard one of the lecturers at Bulua National High School, I
can attest to this. She displays her regular look, which seems to be severe, and
talks to her pupils with confidence; yet, her performance doesn't appear to be
beneficial for the learners, as they continue conversing despite her mood. The
only thing I can think of is that she didn't care about her pupils' happiness or her
own "passion" as a teacher, hence her students ended up unhappy. It's apparent
that she's losing interest in her classroom. To be sure, it seems that students
benefit greatly from instructors who exude enthusiasm and positivity in their
classrooms. As a result of the relaxed and positive vibes in the classroom,
students pay close attention and are inspired by that instructor. Humans have an
innate ability to feel and pick up on the emotions of others.
E. Insights

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year

level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for
this level? Why?

- In a hypothetical classroom setting, I would be an excellent candidate to teach

freshman in high school. Why? Because I'm interested in working with freshmen
because I want to satisfy their natural curiosity and their open mind. Since it is
the first thing that happens to a student and the source of their incentive to learn,
the first year of high school is a crucial time in a student's academic career. I
think it would be beneficial to include prayer into their routines prior to the start of
each lesson. The next thing I want to do is start a conversation and give my
warmest wishes to the students, from whom I also want to hear some feedback.
My third point would be to have a designated student briefly review the material
we covered in the previous meeting before we moved on to the next topics. After
a brief prayer at the end of the session, I'd have the kids share a quotation that
they believe would serve as an inspiration to themselves and their classmates.

2. Make a list of rules you are likely to implement at this level. Why would you
choose these rules?

- For that reason, I proposed the following guidelines.

● When they are on school grounds, I'd want it to be mandatory that they show
their ID cards and wear their uniforms.

● Be respectful and quiet throughout class; students will be given adequate time for
activities such as reporting, oral recitation, and answering questions upon their

● If they need to leave class, they must explain respectfully.

● They need to put out effort and treat their other students with dignity and respect.

● They need to set up and clean up their desks and tables before and after the
class session,

● When instructors or guests are present, students should greet them pleasantly.

● More involvement from the kids would be much appreciated.

● Place their phone on vibrate or silent mode. Students who are discovered texting
or accessing social media on their phones in class will face disciplinary action.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

- Youngsters in this day and age are more than simply passive learners in a
classroom; they are also active participants in decision making. We are also now
in a more progressive mode of the curriculum, and most of the activities were
guided by the instructor. Additionally, it is strongly recommended for the students
to participate in the majority of specific activities. In order for the students to
exercise their rights to have their voice and concepts heard, the rules governing
the classroom should be created with their participation. This would demonstrate
to the students that the creation of the rules was an integral part of the classroom

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