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1. As you observe, the class look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.

2. How many boys are there and how many girls?

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
4. Can the learners already work independently?
5. Describe there is span of attention.

The class is composed of Grade 7 students with varied characteristics. From how I observe them, they are very
participative in the class, they always share their ideas and they are competitive. Their age ranges from 13-15 years
old. There are 13 boys and 23 girls. Although, they are a bit of noisy, their attitudes toward learning is
commendable. They are also respectful when approaching their teachers and classmates. Their behavior shows
how they are still young and still need guidance from their teacher and parents. The rest of the class are paying
attention in the class, and jotting down notes from their teachers’ discussion. When working on their activities,
they can accomplish it independently but mostly prefer to work with their peers.


1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (Storage for teaching aids books, students,
belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if these areas for specific
purposes are not present?

The classroom set up is just a typical and traditional Philippine high-school style where there is a
blackboard in front of the room and a table in the center front. The row of seats are occupying the
whole space of the room with only minimal spaces left for other. The wall displays are only limited.
Although it does not encourage active learning environment, how it is being organized it is still
promotes positive learning among students.
2. Are analyze there rules and answer and procedures these questions posted in on the observe
room? pleasure List them management down. Do these practices rules reinforce positive behaviour?

There are no rules being posted in the classroom but the teacher taught the rules before starting the
class discussion.

3. Did these students participate in making the classroom rules? If there is Resource Teacher is
available, ask him or her to describe the process. What's the effect of students participation in rule-
making on students behavior.

No, but the behaviors of past students help refine and what rules are needed and should be
implemented inside the classroom.
4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (Prayer attendance assignment of
monitors, warm up activities and cetera. )How are they done?

The Daily routines are: the class starts with the prayer then continues with the checking of attendance
done by the subject teacher, the class discussion and when the class ended the end with "good bye
teacher, thank you for teaching us."

5 Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help in managing
the class?

The class were seated according to their will.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this manage?
In a high school classroom, noise level is quite high as students like to talk a lot with their seatmates.
During the discussion, all students are very participative and everyone want to share their answers.
However, the teacher remains calm in telling them to lower their voices. She tells them that that are
also other classes that they can disturb with their loud noises.

7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off task, what does the resource teacher do? Describe
the behavior? Is strategies used?

There are students who do not follow instructions especially when working on their tasks. The teacher
still accepts their output but reminds them to pay attention to the instruction because she will not
accept their output anymore if they made the same mistake again. This helps them learn from their
mistake and be attentive to the teacher’s instructions.

8. What does the resource teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? Behavior strategies.

The teacher do to reinforce positive behavior is by talking nicely to the students and being a good
rolemodel to them.


1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

Enforcing a positive discipline is essential in managing the classroom well. Even though the students are
well-mannered, there are unpredictable situations that would challenge the teachers’ patience. There is
a need to enforce a positive discipline among students to positively address the conflicts that may arise
in the classroom without being too harsh on students. Students will not think negatively about
themselves and this will eliminate unwanted behaviors or reactions from students. This will also help the
teacher inculcate positive values among students. In addition, students will be responsible for their
actions, to be rational, and critical and decide smartly in different situations.


Aspects of Classroom Management Description Effect on the Learners (to be filled

out after youanswer the analysis

1. Specific Areas in the Classroom The classroom is traditional set-up These make them feel safe and
with table in the front near at the comfortable in their learning spaces.
black board and also at the back at
the center

2. Classroom Rules The classroom rules are well The rules help them to become
established and effective. responsible and well-mannered.

3. Classroom Procedures The classroom procedures are These enables them learn potibly
carefully taught and modeled. and comfortably.

4. Daily Routines Daily routines are well-established. These maintain consistent standards

5. Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement is well- This lead them learn better and
implemented and help learners to partcipate in the class well.
be attentive

6. Handling misbehavior/off task The Teacher handles the This does not threatens the learners
behavior misbehavior calmly and politely. instead motivates them to do better
next time.

7. Reinforcement of Positive Reinforcement of positive behavior It increases their confidence,

Behavior is appropriate, effective and regulates their behavior and reduce
catalyzes favorable result. negative behavior.


1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?
Classroom organization and routine affect the learner’s behaviour positively through making them
responsible and helps manage their learning better. It also increases their confidence, regulates their
behaviour and builds good relationship in the classroom. Students may also be able to develop
selfcontrol that can reduce the possibility that they may fail on their classes.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?

Behaviorist theory or Behaviorism which is focusing on the behaviors of the students including the
positive and the negative ones. The teacher must be aware that the students will be able to follow or
cooperate in the organization and routines when creating the classroom environment. In order to
determine whether something is effective or not, a teacher must also be aware of any potential negative
impacts it may have on the students.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In motivating
students? Why were they effective?

The following are the behavioral strategies that teachers may use to manage the behavior of students or
motivate them effectively:

 Organize the classroom set-up in a new learner-centered classroom space where students can
be more independent and self-reliant.
 Utilize wide variety of tools, materials, approaches, and strategies in teaching to support the
different types of learners.
 Create classroom expectations or simply classroom rules that are achievable by students.
 Reinforce teaching routines and procedures effectively.


1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do you see
yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level, why?
In the near future, I see myself teaching junior high school students in my English class. I will start my
class through a prayer, which for me is very important. To be followed by asking them about how they
are doing, are they happy, what do they feel about our subject, etc. These questions will help me
determine the current status of students regarding learning my classes. I can also find out easily the
strategies that I need to carry out to address their needs if they ever shared to me what do they feel
about learning my subject. Then of course, the usual procedures like attendance, motivational activity
and actual discussion with constant posing of questions to check their comprehension.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these rules?

Classroom rules:

 Listen to the teacher

 Stay in your set
 Do not disturbed others
 Respect others
 Hands to yourself

The students can quickly agree or follow with these rules because they are simple to understand and the
rules are easy to do so.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Students need to be involved in the making of classroom rules to help them develop their leadership
skills as well as make them understand the value of being responsible in their own action and behaviour.
It also allows for collaboration between students and teachers in agreeing on the rules that they need to
establish. But, making the rules should be guided by the teachers as they are the one who knows the
guidelines and how to facilitate well in discussing the rules to include.



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