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NAME: _________________________________________________ DATE:


HOMOPHONES: There, Their, and They’re

Complete each sentence with the word there, their, or they’re.

- THERE is used to refer to a place.

- THEIR means belonging to them.
- THEY’RE is a contraction meaning they are.
1. Yesterday, Sofia and Reena flew on an airplane to New York to visit ____________ cousins.
2. Look over ___________! Do you see the squirrel climbing up on that tree?
3. ___________ driving home right after the soccer game.
4. The boys forgot to feed _____________ hamster before they left for vacation.
5. The ones who studied hard are the ones who made a 100 on _______________ test.
6. The bus stops ___________ in the morning.
7. __________ is room for only one more person in the car.
8. ___________ playing ___________ guitars at the concert tomorrow evening.
9. Can you ask your friends if ___________ coming to the party?
10. The kids will love these tickets because _____________ huge football fans.
11. ___________ going to clean ___________ room before going to bed.
12. ___________ they are! I have been looking for my bracelet everywhere!
13. ___________ are no more chocolate chip cookies in the bag.
14. My parents called me to let me know that __________ going to be 30 minutes late.
15. We visit Florida every summer because my grandmother lives ______________.

Write a complete sentence about elephants using each homophone given.


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