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NU LI e ty 271/73 TEXTOS Raeyeae eave ea EEE, Criangas Genig;, Criangas Geniais Santos Dumon€ Curioso desde sempre, o menino furava baléezinhos de borracha para ver o que tinha dentro. Observava tudo o que se se mexia 4 sua volta para entender os movimentos: a agua, 0 vento, os passaros eas ferramentas da lavoura. Quando ele tinha seis anos, sua familia se mudou para uma fazenda ainda maior, em Sao Paulo. Having been born curious, the boy used to poke little rubber balloons to see what was inside. He observed everything that moved around him to understand the movement: water, wind, the birds and the harvesting tools. When he was six, his family moved to an even bigger farm, in the State of Sao Paulo. Criangas Geniais Santos, Dumont O lugar era tao grande que dentro dele cabia uma estrada de ferro de verdade! Enquanto seus irmaos brincavam de cagar, Albertinho preferia contemplar as maquinas da lavoura eas locomotivas que carregavam o café. Ele logo aprendeu como funcionavam os trens, a consertar pegas e até a dirigir os enormes veiculos. The place was so big that an actual railroad fit inside it! While his siblings played hunting, little Alberto preferred to watch the plantation machines and the locomotives that carried coffee beans. He learned how the trains worked, to fix parts and even to drive the huge vehicles, Criangas Geniais Santos Dumont Ele também adorava ler os livros de ficgao do autor francés Julio Verne, repletos de histérias fantasticas. Cada pagina era uma aventura. Ele viajava com o Capitao Nemo e explorava o oceano, sobrevoava o mundo em um balao, pilotava maquinas muito diferentes, navegava pelo espaco e conhecia terras distantes e inexploradas. 10 He also loved to read the fiction books by French author Jules Verne, full of wondrous stories. Each page was an adventure. He travelled with Captain Nemo and explored the ocean, flew over the world in a balloon, piloted very unusual machines, travelled through space and got to know faraway and unexplored lands. Criangas Geniais Santos Dumont O menino sonhava com mundos diferentes, com coisas que ainda nao existiam e como elas poderiam transformar a vida das pessoas no futuro. Deve ter sido nessa época que ele descobriu seu lado inventor. Desde sempre, ja “maquinava” na sua cabecinha como as coisas poderiam ser um dia. E, claro, como ele criaria tudo isso! 12 The boy dreamed of different worlds, of things that did not yet exist and how they could transform the lives of people in the future. It must have been around this time that he discovered his inventor side. He had always “engineered” in his little mind how things could be one day. And, of course, how he would create all of that! Criangas Geniais Santos Dumont Alberto aproveitava 0 pai distraido coma fazenda e se divertia nas oficinas. Sua maior alegria era brincar de inventar e construir pequenas engenhocas. A familia toda admirava o talento do pequeno com as maquinas! Como ele também gostava de livros de ciéncias e tecnologia, sempre sabia de tudo 0 que estava acontecendo no mundo. 14 Alberto took advantage of his father being distracted with the farm and had fun in the workshops. His greatest joy was to invent things and build small gadgets. The whole family admired the little one’s talent for machines! Since he also liked science and technology books, he always knew everything that was going on in the world. Criancas Geniais Santos Dumont Mas Albertinho era fascinado, mesmo, pelo céu. Ele analisava 0 voo dos passaros, imaginava criaturas com asas, desenhava e soltava pipas de papel de seda e construia pequenos “aeroplanos que voavam”, empurrados por uma mola de borracha. Ele ja estava praticando todas as coisas que iria fazer na vida. 16 But little Alberto's biggest fascination was with the skies. He analyzed the birds’ flight, imagined creatures with wings, drew and flew tissue paper kites and built small “aeroplanes that flew”, pushed by a rubber spring. He was already practicing for all of the things we would do in life. Criancas Geniais Santos, Dumont Em todas as situagdes, ele dava um jeito de se divertir e aprender. Todos os anos na fazenda, durante as festas juninas, ele dobrava uma centena de pequenos balées de seda coloridos para colocar perto das fogueiras. O ar quente deixava o balao mais leve e, maravilhado, Albertinho assistia cada um deles subir bem alto. Inall situations, he found a way to have fun and learn. Every year, in the farm, during the village parties that took place in June, he would fold hundreds of small colorful tissue paper balloons to put them close to the bonfires. The hot air made the balloons lighter and little Alberto watched them go high up in the skies in wonder. Criangas Geniais Santos Dumont Durante as brincadeiras com os irmaos e os amigos, as criangas perguntavam: “PDassarinho voa?”, “Urubu voa?”. E nao é que ele respondeu que homem também voa? Mesmo quando todos cairam na gargalhada, Alberto nao desistiu dessa ideia. Feliz e certeiro, dizia: “Claro que voal!”. Voar, entdo, passou a ser o seu sonho. 20 During his games with his siblings and friends, the kids would ask: “Do birds fly?”, “Do vultures fly?”. To which he replied that so did people! Even though everyone burst out laughing, Alberto did not give up on this idea. He would cheerfully and assuredly say: “Of course people fly!” Flying then became his dream. Criangas Geniais Santos, Dumont Quando Alberto ainda era crianga, o mundo viveu uma época de muitas transformagées e invencées. Elas vinham especialmente da Franga, onde ele também tinha parentes. De |4, soube da existéncia dos primeiros balées, de voos incriveis edo comego da navegacao aérea com os planadores. 22) When Alberto was still a child, the world went through a time of several transformations and inventions. They came especially from France, where he also had family. From there, he learned of the existence of the first balloons, of incredible flights and of the beginnings of air navigation, with gliders. Criangas Geniais Samos Dumont, Tudo a ver com ele! Ele foi para Paris estudar mecAnica e se apaixonou por tudo 0 que acontecia ali, principalmente as feiras de ciéncias e inventos. Mais tarde, em 23 de outubro de 1906, a cidade inteira olhou para ele: Alberto foi o primeiro homem a voar préximo a Torre Eiffel, a bordo de sua maior invengao: 0 avido 14 bis. 24 It was all right up his alley! He went to Paris to study mechanics and fell in love with everything that was happening there, especially the science and invention fairs. Later on, on October 23, 1906, the whole city was looking at him: Alberto was the first man to fly close to the Eiffel Tower, aboard his greatest invention: the 14-bis plane. Bis Bas) wana cria Quando nascem Cte ‘A Colegio Criangas Geniais apresenta Oe eters eee Ce eae eller mostrando que tudo pode ser bem Pee Pere Cen pos en alguns probleminhas de percurso ‘Aqui todos eles brincam, estudam, se eee ace ea Sn oe ccd Pe eee ed Pecnehou eae ie uh card eee eRe ee el Beene een lal To) When dreams Tew Seay The Genius Kids Collection shows the first years of several characters that have made history, proving that everything can be very much alike the things you go through in your daily life: family, siblings, friends, school, games and even a few bumps eee meee ome tn Petes eens ee people and most of all, dream of changing the world for the better. In each book, you will travel back in time and get inspired by so many stories, because they are worth it after all, your life is only just beginning!

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