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Anggie: Hello, Jazmín, good afternoon. How are you doing?

Long time no see, tell me how is

your family?

Jazmin: Hello, Anggie! My family is fine, thanks for asking. And yours?

Anggie: Everything's fine, although my little brother has been a little sick lately. We are
worried about him.

Jazmín: I hope he recovers soon. Family is the most important thing in times like this.

Anggie: Speaking of health, how have you been taking care of yourself?

Jazmín: I have been trying to stay active by exercising regularly and eating healthy. And you?

Anggie: I've been focusing on getting enough sleep and reducing stress. I think it's crucial to
staying healthy.

Anggie: Changing the subject, how are you doing at university?

Jazmín: Good, thank you. I am in the last year of my degree and I am excited to finish.

Anggie: That's great! Do you have plans for after graduation?

Jazmín: I am still deciding whether to look for a job or continue my studies with a master's

Anggie: Have you seen the latest technological innovations?

Jazmín: Yes, I am fascinated by the new applications of artificial intelligence and augmented

Anggie: Me too! I believe these technologies have great potential to change our lives.

Anggie: Have you met up with our friends lately?

Jazmín: Yes, we had dinner last week. It was great to catch up and laugh together.

Anggie: We should organize another meeting soon! I miss spending time with everyone.

Anggie: Speaking of relationships, how are you doing with your partner?

Jazmín: Everything is going well, thank you. We are planning a vacation together to celebrate
our anniversary.

Anggie: How exciting! Do you already have a destination in mind?

Jazmín: Yes, we want to go to a quiet place on the beach to relax and enjoy our time together.

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