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ARTIFICGER SPECIALIZATION At Ist evel the Arificer gains the Speiaization feature “Tie following exclusive option Is vlan ation fo Ue ‘Specializations presented with the Alternate Artificer: Agent AGENT ‘While most Artificers use their wondrous intellect to innovate and create, those known as Agents focus their considerable ‘minds on hunting down information, objects, and most often, other creatures. Rivaling the great hunters ofthe wilderness, these Artificers leverage their wondrous Infusions and magic abilities inthe pursuit of their current quarry. Antificer Level Feature Ist Seeking Sight, Tools of the Trade 3rd Arcane Restraints Sth Enhanced Sight, Extra Attack 9th Defensive Maneuvers 15th Master Agent ‘SEEKING SIGHT Astlevel Agent feature You have erafted a wondrous creation to aid you in pursuing ‘your foes. Over the course of 1 hour, which can be during a short or long rest, you can use a sc of tools to craft a Tiny object to aid you. You can only have one such object. ‘When wearing this object, most often over one or both eyes, you can use a bonus action to place an arcane Mark on a creature ot object that you can see within 60 feet. The Mark grants you the following benefits against the Marked targe ‘Whenever you make a Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdlom (Survival) check related to it you gain a bonus tothe roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of *1) + You can use Intelligence, in place of Strength or Dexterity, for weapon attack and damage rolls against your target, ‘soong as that weapon bears one of your Infusions. You always know the direction and distance to the target ‘so Tong as you are on the same plane of existence. ‘This Mark lasts for 1 hour, but ends early when you Mark another target or ifyou use your bonus action to end it. Ifthe Mark is slain, you can use a reaction to Mark another target of your choice that you can see within range ofthis feature. ‘You can use this feature a numberof times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once) and you regain all expended uses each time you finish a long rest. Ifyou have no uses left, you can expend a spell sot to use this feature again. TooLs oF THE TRADE Istlevel Agent feature ‘You gain proficiency with martial weapons and smiths tools I you are already proficient in smiths tools, you instead gain proficiency with a set of artisan's tools of your choice. AGENT SPELLS 2nd-level Agent feature You learn certain spells at the Artifice levels noted in the table below. These don't eount against your total number of Spells Known and cannot he switched tpon gaining a level Artficer Level Spell 2nd censnaring sirike, grease Sth locate object, web 9th clairvoyance, nondetection 1Bth arcane eye, locate creature 17th hold monster, legend lore ARCANE RESTRAINTS Std-evel Agent feature You tse wondrous inventions to enhance your ability to hunt, track, and capture your target. Once per turn when you hit ‘your Mark with a weapon bearing an Infusions, you can force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, Se eae ee ‘As an action, the target, or another creature within 5 feet oft, can make a Strength check against your Spell save DC, ending the restrained condition on your target on a success. ‘This condition also ends ifthe target takes any damage. ENHANOED SIGHT Sth-level Agent feature Your Seeking Sight grants you wondrous insights into the ‘targets that you Mark. When you Mark a target you instantly Jearn one of the following characteristics of your choice: ‘+ Its spelteasting modifier and the level ofits highest spelL ‘Its creature type, alignment, and one language it speaks. ‘Its civilization of origin and approximate age. Exrra ATTACK Sth-level Agent feature You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover you ean cast one of | ‘your Artificer cantrips in place of one ofthese attacks DEFENSIVE MANEUVERS Sthstevel Agent feature Your analysis of your chosen foe allows you to better defend ‘yourself against them. You gain the following new reactions: ‘+ When your Mark targets you with an attack that you can ‘see, you can use your reaction to add your Intelligence ‘modifier to your Armor Class against that attack. “© Ifyou Mark misses you with a melee attack you ean use your reaction to force it to make a Dexterity saving throw ‘against your Spell save DC. On a failed save, itis knocked ‘prone or grappled by you (your choice) You must have a free hand in order to grapple the target with this feature. Master Acent 15itrlevel Agent feature Your wondrous mind allows you to predict the actions of your, enemies. Your Mark has disadvantage on any attack roll that ‘it makes against you, and it has disadvantage on the first saving throw you force it to make on each of your turns. "his i uno dal Fan Conlentporlited under th Fan Contant policy- Not approved endowed by Wards. Plone of the matevals used ‘are property of Wizard of the Coast. EMizarde of the Cone LLC

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