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aged Ut amt UT ala LAL ae laste) AeRAat. alsV/AMier tS ati) Po oro DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 1808.30 Forwarp My contribution te this project would not have been possible without those who came before me. Mainly CaptShade, whose original drawings lad the foundation for my work By providing ime the figurative and itaral tools for my own creative output. Nichodo, whe was 2 big help it resting aft and ventral views of various components. RevercheRM, whose Ideas and drive helped me get e litle more creative and better at something |really enjoy And. most defiitely Neale "Vanes" Davideon, whose enormous volume of work got me interested in doing thie i the first place, end for inepiring Us all ~ Adrest First, as always. thanks to Adrasil Since partnering with him Ive taken some great artwork land added some context to it Hes realy alowed me te scratch my writing teh, to the point It Sometimes bieads. but stil feels Oh-So-Good Next up. of course. Is Tmo Seloniem, whos work Fe been following for around two decades and | greatly respect. The artwork in thasa “Starship Recognition Manuals” are 57% based Upon the ones he describes textually in his rend opus, the "Hobbyists Guide to the UFP Starfleet end Its History’ end 9% derived trom What ne Nas inspired in us. RevancherM Additional reports may be found at: starshintracker com/daltedynamics Creors ADRASL: Al imagery [unless otherwise credited) wwwDevientArtcom/ Adrasi REVANCHERM. All writing (unless otherwise credited) wwwDaviantartcom/RevencheRM NEALE VANCE DAVIDSON /JAVNZ. Project & caver concept worwQeviantArtcom/ TF Vanguard Jaynz:Fekshipsorg STAR TREK DESIGN PROJECT: Source of sponsor icons www StarTrekDesignProjectcom TIMO SALONEM: Author oF Hobuyistls Gude to the UFP Starfleet” the inspiration for these ‘SAMs. A direct ink to his Google Orive may be found on most devistions in Ravancnerive galery VIPERA/IATOR Source of adapted caver sterburst Aviator SYRACUSE CLASS = Original inspiration from Franz Joseph, Star Tek l- The Wrath of Khan, Star Pek (2008) Star Pek Axanar “Incorporated parts from: CaptShade & Nichodo Note FROM THE WAITING EDITOR ‘These shins do not always exactly match the specifications Timo provides in his technical section for each class. 8s Ive adapted them in ways that allowed them to tit @ bit better with the guidence provided by the starship construction rules in Steven Longs “Spacedock Ive also changed some dates around when | found them in confict with ather information Timo has proviced. These twa books grestly inform my own alphe-cancn and | urge you to leck up both ‘onine. 8s offered tree by their respective authors, (Links to both sre provided on the Belts Dynamics site) Seo wutze aaron ts toners rtaraotos tan wis tne haters tir osp congrs or ocr) sevacprerts ote ited Pasereaan oh [Borie Sia Pet ta 'rorour muprmceang tens ora Wane serves tgurs grove agers Septem serosa grove 9 |sngo eons oe tas Paceetan tora ste rartore ure (oyna co ar ta rternaton cantonad ae [san ang pe a of ears oe a ew a St rar Sr pea DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 1908.30 Po ore ConTeENTS SYRACUSE SALAOIN BOSTON EINSTEIN SNA SNA FUGHT 4 POMPEY EINSTEIN FLIGHT 1 SNA FUGHT CLASS TIMELINE STARGHP COMPARISON GUIDE GLOSSARY "FREE TIME" SPONSORS: OTHER PUBLICATIONS: >» DESTROYER DESTROYER DESTROYER LEADER OBSERVATION SHIP DESTROYER DESTROYER DESTROYER OBSERVATION SHIP DESTROYER PG 0201 PG 0205 PG o208 PG 0213 PGO2I7 PG O22 PG O225 PG O241 PG 0245 PG 0301 PG 0308 PG 0308 PG OSm Pa ose Po 0313, Pozo DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 1808.30 SYRACUSE CLASS >» tase |) carecony bestaoveR CPEATONAL, Bee cade SENSTRUDTED. Etleeet~ e224) OMENSONS: merical, TeNen= = zosaMm CTYPE J PARTICLE PHASE CANYONS BEAN mom = 2s iv Gerensive CASES EMTTERS Heer Sse 7 9X Lagu Topeno TUES Mase Sma0o Mr (W780 PHOTON TOPPEDOES) ~ WAVER CONFORMAL FORCEPELD PERFORMANCE = NAGANGNAL CEP ETE cRUSE ware 4(ocu) > SX SECONDAHY NA/GATENAL CEFLECTORS max Ware 1 (ODU) SXtuRaNcE 3 YEARS COVELEMENT AUXLIARES CrrcenS 20 AQtligeT GeurTes ENLISTED «Be 7 BX Worn Poos DELTA DYNAMICS Po c2ce AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 1908.30 SYRACUSE CLASS AUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING SHIPS OF THE ABOVE CLASS WERE AUTHORIZED AS PART OF THE FEDERATION STAR FLEET BY FEDERATION COUNCL APPROPRIATION, USS SYRACUSE Noo-420 USS DRONA NCC-431 USS MASSILIA Noc-4et USS STARPLOTTER = NOC-432 USS ALEXANDRIA Noc-a22 USS ADAD. NCC-433 Uss TROY, Nec-a23 USS RAHMAN NCC-434 USS POMPE! NOG-424 USS MELGART NCG-435 USS BOSTON NOG-42s USS SHAITAN NCC-436 USS HELLAS Nec-a268 USSGLGAMESH = NOC-437 USS LENRIGRAD NoG-427 USS SARPEDON NCG-438 USS CARTHAGE Noc-428 USS TRITON NCC-438 USS STALINGRAD Noc-428 USS CLYMENE NEC-440, Uss LavecH Nee-430 GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Though in serious competition for the more complex heavy destroyer Ostrayat design. in @ bid to break out es the predominete miitery shipbuider in the Federation. Geering lost out to Aurore. However this was far fram @ eritical eetback. as the company hed been recently awarded tha Burke frigate contract and received the lower-tier Syracuse destroyer one immediately folowing the Oetroyat snnouncement. Since there were at least four times es many huis associated with this particular victory the other loss to Aurora was not a large Cause Of disappointment, ‘The Syracuse was relatively simple tO take on. as it used the Burke-type saucer with relatively few mocifications to it. t borrowed the hangerette/ spinel attachment that was wel Underway for the forthcoming Aldrin subciass deep epace frigate, and incorporated Geering’s Geveloping concept of weapons pod, though with @ permanent presence and an established torpedo tube arrangement. The nacelie pyion design was siso similacthough only one nacelle was incorporated into this design. ‘The P8-29 werp nacele hed proven-~in the initial warp tests~-the cepabilty of getting this anti-capttel ship platform up to warp 51. with a cruise speed of warp 4. The nacelle itself massed 146.000 metric tans and came in at a length of 148 meters Simla to the PE-2! Series. It 9is0 had 8 Hycor deflector system bull ahead of the stunted Susserd collector providing an FTL graviton stream out forty-seven Ipht-seconds ahead of the vessel for Sbstructions up to'S tons and up to two light-minutes for considerably smaller abjects. It also carried most of the warp power generation equipment, though the nacele pylon shared some of this responsibaty ‘The weapons pod was @ concept developed for the Burke class nesrspace frigates which Gearing promoted sa an installable option whan heavy firepower was needed for an emergent threat The off-hull pod idea was explorad with the Syracuse, though it was not remavable on this vessel since the torpedoes served as the primary weapons system. Lnfortunately the tight space and stiI-developing technology meant that the pod was restricted to two forward fhd two rearward ight torpedo tubes (though @ total complement of GO photonic torpedoes Were loaded in the magazine). Esriy combat engagements demonstrated the class was just not 9 worthy combatant siongside the Detroyats, not only because the warheads were under-inspiring, bul largaly due to the lack of maneuverabiity associated with 2 single nacele warp field. Range also proved to be @ Considerable barrier ta strategic deployment of the Syracuse assets and all three shortcomings forced Ster Feet planners to re-exemine the nesds of the fleet. Whi production of the first two runs remained authorized. Star Fleet ordered an improved model be identified and produced. The Syracuse destroyers’ first production run honored ancient cities that hed successfuly resisted assauits & sieges, while the second run were named after classic Terran gads end damigods. OES0S SVOUWLS GSIVOUNSHLNY SOWVNAG WEG e020 a4 DEA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 1908.30 Po oe04 B >» Ps o20s DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 1808.30 SALADIN SUBCLASS: caTeGoRy OPERATIONAL: CONSTRUCTED. DIMENSIONS: LENGTH: BEAM HEIGHT MASS: PERFORMANCE: (CRUISE: MAX ENOURANCE: COMPLEMENT OFFICERS. ENLISTED. DESTROYER 2226 - 2253 20 (2224 ~ 2227) 2a27M 120M SIS M. 326000 MT WARP 4 (OCU) WARP 55 (OCU) 3 YEARS 42 12 vacticat: "4X 125 MW DEFENSIVE LASER EMITTERS * 2X HEALY TORPEDO TUBES: (W/60 PHOTONIC TORPEDOES) = LAYER CONFORMAL FORCEFELO = SX NAVIGATIONAL DEFLECTORS AUXLIARES: Sex SHUTTLEFOOS =e WORK POD

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