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wrrwie >" REPORT: AFP-1 EXPERIMENTAL PROPULSION SHIP Assasin SASvancrsnm Po anor DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 221021 Forwarp My contribution te this project would not have been possibie without those who came before me. Mainly CaptShade. whose orignal drawings laid the foundation for my work by providing: me the figurative and itersi tools for my own creative output. Nichodo, who was 3 big help in Creating aft and ventral views of various components. FlevancheFM, whose ideas and drive Relped me get a ittle more creative and better et something I realy anioy And mast defintely Neale "Vance" Davidson. whose enormous volume of work got me interested in dong this in the first place, and for inspiring us el ~ Acrasi First as always. thanks to Adres Since partnering with him, Ive taken some great artwork and added some context to It Hels realy alowed ma to scratch my writing itch, to the pant it Sometimes bleeds, but stil feels On-So-Good Next up, of course, Ig Timo Sialoniemi, whos work Ie been folowing for eround two decades and | grestly respect. The ertwork in these "Starship Recognition Manuals” are 57% based upon ihe ones he describes textualy in his Grand onus, the "Hobbyists Guide to the UFP Starfleet and ts Pstory and 3% derivad from What he has inspired in us. = RevencherM ‘Adaitional reports may be found at; stershiptrecker com/daltedynamice Creors ADRASL: Al imagery (unless otherwise credited) ‘www DevientArtcom/ Aras FE\ANCHERM, all writing (unless otherwise credited) ww DevientArtcom/RevencherM NEALE VANCE DA/IDSON/JAYNZ; Project & cover concepts ‘wwwDevientArtcom “TF Vanguard dlaynzFelshigeorg STAR TREK OESGN PROUECT; Source of sponsor icons: ‘www SterTrekDasignProject com TIVO SALONEME Author of "Hobbyists Guide to the UFP Starfleet", the inspiration for these ‘GAM. A direct ink to his Google Drive may be found an most deviations in RevencherMis gallery AFP-1 EXPERIMENTAL PROPULSION SHIP: “"Griginal nepination from Spacefight Chronology (Goldstein, Goldstein, Sterrbech) Note FROM THE WAITING EDITOR ‘These ships do not sways exactly match the specifications Timo provides in his technical section for each ciass. as [ve adapted them in ways thet alowed them to fit bit better with the guidance provided by the starship construction rulas in Steven Longs "Spacedock” Ive iso changed some dates sround when | foun them in conflict with other Information Tima has provided: These two books grestly inform my ONN Bighe-canon end | urge you to look Up both cniine. a6 offered tree by their respective authors. (Links to bath are provided on the Delta Dynamics site) Lame teiae erste cri 2 Deas ee aa SSL ES SS” [ap cpg wasn hapa otal Te teen hos ban eeub arnabn ord wera Parpose O) NO DELTA DYNAMICS Pc coe AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 221021 ConTeNTS AFP EXPERIMENTAL PROPULSION SHIP Pozo CLASS TIMELINE PG 0301 SHIP COMPARISON GUIDE PG 0302 GLDeSarY PG 0303 SPONSORS: PG 0308 OTHER PUBLICATONS PG 0307 PG oeo! DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 221021 AFP-1 EXPERIMENTAL PROPULSION SHIP CATEGORY TESTED OPERATIONAL: 2035 (PARTIALLY) CONSTRUCTED 1 DIMENSIONS: TACTICAL: NVA, LENGTH isso BEAM asm HEIGHT 133M Mass. 7998 MT PERFORMANCE: AUXLIARES: MAX: 0.47 ¢ (PROJECTED) = UNUKELY ENOURANCE: 4 DAS COMPLEMENT DELTA DYNAMICS Po c2ce AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 221021 AFP—1 EXPERIMENTAL PROPULSION SHIP AUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING SHIP OF THE ABOVE CLASS WAS ALITHORZED AS PART OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE AGENCY BY NEW UNITED NATIONS APPROPRIATION. ADVANCED FUSION PROTOTYPE-1 (AFP-1) GENERAL INFORMATION In 2026, the Galileo experimental propulsion project ended catastrophicaly. with 108 deaths anc the complete oss of tha test vehicle. It was bul with lofty goals~aplorelion and explotaton of the Kuiper Belt end Cort cloud and 8 voyage to the Proxima Centaur systen-and a large amaunt of capitel wes expended to build @ vehicle with all the perceived equipment end redundancies Recessary for such a voyage, Gespite the relisnce on what was sill experimental propulsion technology. Additionally. 8 great desl of pubic relations “credit” was lavished for all stages Of the Project including Gesign construction. and craw selection. The entire investment By the International Space Agency (ISA) was simply gone when the hellum fuel erronecusly leaked into the chamber with the energized laser—fusion exciters during & systems test However. lost in the stream of the news and investigations of the explosion was the valetion of the uciesr thermal propulsion design, which hed been anticpated to achieve O.37c, a high-water mark for sublminal drives of the time [though thet descriptor was only ulized by tha vary few Subspace physcists, since faster-than ight travel wes stil considered impossible} The drive itself ra not even been completely installed (es It was awatting the fusion reactors arrival). so the {general public was working from the misassumption that the propulsion technology itself was Sengarcus and flawed! In Paaity, the ISA had not abandoned interest in this particular concept for Bovenced thrust Fiesion drives based on the Yeyouyne Propulsion Systems-derived ian technology were continuing to progress in madmum thrust capacity. though an upper velocity limt was anticrated. However, the some scvencements in both engine design end mneturzaton were applied to the Earthbound Static mode! of the Gallec's NTR drive and Nyoricized with niche research of microwave Fesonance drive theory, otherwise known as an EmDrva, When the ISA wae prepared to take Brother chance on the experimental tech. they unvelled the Acvanced Fusion Project=1 with its yori NTR/EmOnve thruster, “Unveling” is @ rather hyperbole descripton of the vessefe launch ae the ISA di a figurative 120. With this follow-on project: no publiity preceded the event and it was announced with & simpie Press relesse. Guilt et en understated L-1 construction station, the Intert wes to stepdown expectations for the project and just “do the science’. The vessel was just over half the length and mace of the Galea end crewed by only 14, It was never going to visi another ster syatam and it Was not built with thet capability. Instead. ife support was focused almost exclusvely on operstion.l Support. not Nebitebilty: even the mecicsl bay cnbosrd emounted only to the space of typical Closet A majority of the non-propulsion equpment was geared towards sensing, recording. and Feporting all possible data in the thrust cavity, the fuel tankege, and the external hull. This was 8 prototype end ell members of the project treated It es such the intent wes to test. correct. and refine & potential mative benchmark in Human space travel. ‘The hybrid drive wes self-contained in what a first impression might suggest was 3 nozzle extension for an enormous trust enging_ BU instead was @ housing for the hybrid crive, with 2 flattened aft surface broken only by the thruster’s cimnulive exhaust port, The enerpy provided by the fusion reactor (locsted just forward of the cavity] would be rhythmically pumped into the chamber. bounced against the semi-absorptive material on the flat aft bulkhead, and then Pertectly-refiected Back onto @ specially modified ion engne’s vibration recaver by the angled panels of the forward end side portons of the cavity. The theory held thet the resonance that Geveloped within the void-space imbued multiplying and stabilizing effects upon the thrust generated by the ion engine alone, with 2 theoretical top velocity of 0.47¢ for the AFP-1 vehicie as a result. Ths was extremely more efficient and capable than the best performing ion-enly thruster, presently operating st O23c on some ther test vehicles, History would, as Mark Twain quipped. end up rhyming for the AFP-1 project. The vessel exploded without warning on Fetruary & 2025. There were no incications of what went wrong. ne tests were scheduled end the full crew was Involved in operstionel training, without any energzed engineering equipment. wrile on shore power. The helm tank was only partially Mlled (reports Ps o203 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 221021 AFP-1 EXPERIMENTAL PROPULSION SHIP GENERAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Indicate @ volume of some amount between 2 and 6 percent of capacity) and did feed the Secondary explosions but thera was no evidence twas the angin of the event. Oeste the ISA's intensive investigation. the review bosrd could provide no concrete resscring for the vehicles Sudden loss. There was considerable speculation from the possible {euch as @ faulty fusion Injector that randomly fired, for cause unknown) to the absurd (claims that tulure~infemous ‘Colonel Witla Green blew it up. despite his being a relatively obscure first lieutenant in the US. Army at the time) Que to both the Uncertain results of the inocient review and the paucity of Ristorical recoras in World Wer Three, the actuel cause of loss will Ikely Pema forever Unknown. DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 221021 Ps o204 P0205 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 221021 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 221021 Pcasor CLass TIMELINE poze ‘The subspace dimension is discovered, though 185 yet there Is no means to tap Its potential The Aloander Mackerzie (Avanteur I] arrives at Neptune as part of the Grand Teur. “The John Fremont (Aventeur V) launches from Earth on @ Grand Tour to dupiter and Neptune 2oR4 ‘Several Europesn nations, including France, become pollically destabilized The Bell Ficts in the United States, the Neo-Trotsky Movernent In Pussia. a resurgent eugenics movement in ‘Soutnesst Asie. ang the Avignon Flats in France harken the destabilization Inaland! fs euniied by force, 202s ‘The Venus Terraforming Project begins. “The John Powell (Aventeur IV] arrives at SILrN as the first part of ts Grand Tour. ‘The Aventeur Vi mission (Stephen Long) to ‘Selurn end Uranus ie canceled, prior to launch| Construction begins on the Galileo experimental propulsion ship. 202s Factions of eco-terrorists launch @ series of attacks that ere responsible for 8s mary eS 37 milion deans Astronomers detect @ series of asteroids on @ leer path for s near-Earth passage. Multiple naiysis of the threatening asteroids confirms S number of them wil eolide with Gerth over = ered of three yeors (starting in 203 threatening al ite, “The Ponce de Leon (aventeur I) returns to Earth, having completed its part of the Grand Tour: “The wiohn Fremont (aventeur V) is remotely recalled to Earth, well prior to its arrival at supter 2oee The final DY=100 interplanetary transport is conetructes on Earth “The Alaander Mackerzie (Aventeur I] returns to Earth. having completed Its part of the Grang Tour, “The Galleo experimental propulsion ship is lest In'8 catastrophic failure of its hycrogen-2 ‘suppl, 202s Fusion power technology Is achieved: work immediately begins to make it space-capabie. “The wiohn Fremont (averteur V) returns to Earth, having been prematurely end remctely recoiled, >» ‘The Western Alisnce Council authorizes the ‘sppropriation of funds for the Companion class: mission spacecraft osteneibly en ant-Swarm Platform, 2030 ‘The Ares Iie Earth's first mannad migsion back to Mare, ence the fall of the Grest Khanate, ‘The first successful and controlled metter= antimatter energy conversion is tested under leboretory conditions. 2031 ‘The Western Aliance, Pan-Atrican Alliance, Muslin Bloc, and a mx of rations from the For East and Micdle East achieve the frst ‘success in the global project to divert the orbits: of a number of estercics due to impact the Planet. The effort is able to copture ax of the fragments, eventually moving them to Eartt’s L-6| point. where they are eventually hollowed out Bhd conerted to ONelstyia space habitats: Vanguard colony, Colony Roykirk, the Moss-Oitenhouse colony. the NicholCorp facity, the Brynner Asteroid, and the Staring Habitat Most Asian. snd many nesr~Asian, nations formalize their relstionship into the Eastern Cosilton. ‘The John Powell (Aventeur MV) arrives at Pluto 88 the second pert of its Grand Tour. pose Zafram Cochrane is born in St. Paul Minnesats, ‘The Ares IV mesion to Mare fails when the command capsule disappears, stranding two Setronauts on the surface. The Ares V leunches early to perform the rescue of the stranded Ares IV astronauts 2033 ‘The secretery-general of the New United Netions exuberantly proclaims victory against the threat of the Swarm, 2os4 ‘The L-S ONell Support Station. Asgard is competed and begs assisting in the evelopment of the colonies wihin the captured esterods 2035 ‘The multicnstonel manned prototype AFP-1 experiments wih 8 hybrid NTR/EmOrWve thruster, but meets with disaster. 14 ives ere lest. ‘The Cantral Arican States are formed from 10 central natans. 2038 ‘Tau One, the Daedelus, becomes the first mannad vessel tb attempt tb leave tha Sol System, when ft launches for the helopause, ‘Contact with the main computer of the Daedalus ie lost PG ose DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 221021 StarsHiP COMPARISON GUIDE MISSION SPACECRAFT (2008) ARES MISSION SPACECRAFT (2030) (COMPANION (CRUISER (2033) AFP EXPERIMENTAL PROPULSION SHIP (2035) DELTA DYNAMICS PG o303 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 221021 Array: Generally. 8 combination of Identical sengors, weapons. or other equiment operating i conjunction Gviossary ‘Auament: A type of Human genetically modified before birth (orignally) in the mid-20th century, Auxiliary: 8 commen name for small craft emberked aboard and uizad by starshine for various tasks Craft types Incude werk pot. shuttlepod. shuttle, plus various tactical craft and other ‘special-purpose craft C/P/S: Canterine /Port/Sterboard (see F/S) Chine: On Earth. 8 powerful pre-Linficstion state: joined the Esstern Cosition (ECON) in 2031 en formally absorbed in 2055. NSA; Ching National Space Administration, the offical launch agency for the pre-inification state of Chine on Earth (Deep space: The region near or beyond the recognized borders of the Federation, often Uncharted in eny considerable etal (Demos: one of two natural eetalites of the planet Mare. Delhi 8 territory of the pre-Linficstion state of India on Earth Deuterium: hydrogen-2, or heavy hydrogen: an isotope of hydrogen often used as one of the: Primary ingredients for fuel in mattor-ertmatter reactors (the other being antigeuterim). DY: Dinyan-Yoyodyne Conglomerate, 8 pre-Eugenics War technology and industry sector corporation on Earth thet served ae the Greet Khanete agent in plane for planetary domination. Collgpse into smaller, cisparste companies in ISS EC. Eurasian Confederation, @ large pre-Linfication nation-state on Earth, formed from the ‘smaller stsles of Afghanistan. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia. Russia, Tajkistan and Lizbekistan InTIBSS. wes absorbed into the Eastern Coalition (ECON) in 2031 formally so in 2055. EDSA: Eurasian Confederation Space Agency; formed in 1996 trom the constituent agencies and absorbed into the ECSN in 2031. FCSN. Eastern Coalition Space Navy; formed in 2031 from the allance's constituent agencies, ELAS: Extreme Long Range Sensor EmOcWve: A theoretical technology thet sought to achieve greater power efficiency for thrusters ie the use of microwave resonance waves insice @ mostly-emply chamber. ESA; European Space Agency, an intergovernmental space exploration organization of 22 European member states on pre-Unificetion Earth. Eugenics Wars: a Iste 20th century global confct on Earth in which the Augments established themselves 8s super men end sttempted works amination Great Khanste: an historicel designation for the tight but gelf-contenticus ergarization of ‘Augments thet sought to dominate Earth in the ite 20th century, culminating in ther defeat in the Eugencs Wars, GW: Gigawatt HED: High Eerth Orbit: 8 geocentric orbit with an eittude higher then SSEOO kilometers. in the madern idiom. High Pianetary Orbit (HPO) is above that of the geosynchronous orbital range, with erbal periods Qrester than that of the rotation of the planat it question Indie: an important pre-Liniicstion state: subsumed into the Eastern Cosition (ECON) in 2056. TAC: ISA Rescue [or Regulatory] Cutter. Ship prefix for the names of vessals of the International Space Agency. IGA: International Spece Agency. @ NUN agency on pre-Unificstion Earth, formed in 2016 and Serving as @ condult for peaceful and cooperative space activiles by the major space-capable rations. end later for most space activities of eny entity. including corporstions. orgsnizations. end Prvate Incivicuels: Succeeded by both the UESPA and UESN in 2087 end 2088. respectively, Ps as04 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 221021 ISAC. Incien Space Research Organization, the national space agency for the pre-Linification state of Incia on Earth, Gviossary KARI Korea Aerospace Research institute, the nations! space agency for the pre-Liniication state oF South Korea on Earth, transitioned into the FAKS in 2008 Korea: formally the Royal Flepubic of Korea on Earth. 6 2003 (pre-Linification] merger of the prominent nation of South Korea and the xenophobic and developmentally Cevastated state of Nocth Korea L+6 Colonies: while not comprising ail instalistions loceted st Eartt’s L-6. the sk Swerm asteroids Captured in the period of 2031-2033 were usually identified by this name: they comprised Erynnar Asteroid. Colony Roykirk, Mose-Dierhouse Colory, tha NicholCarp Paty Sterling Habiet, ang Varguara Colony. LaGrange Pont: five positions in snace where 2 body of negigble mass would maintain its position Felstive to (wo eating masuive bodies: thees are referred ton abbrevieled forme a3 L=1 taeaugh CS Laser: Typically. 8 seconclery weapon on esrly space vessels. Current shielding technology hes lergely negated the threst posed by the coherent electromagnetic beam, LED. Low Earth Orbit; an altitude of 2.000 kilometers or less. In the modern idiom, Low Planetary Debt (LPO) is approdmately one-third or lass of the radius of the planet in question, in alttuce LUDAR. Acronym for Light Detection And Renging: 8 sensor that uses laser pulses to calculate the Sze, speed, and cistance of an object, Lunar: of or relating to Luna (see Moon) Me Meters Main Belt: the designation for the Sol system's mejor asteroid bett M/AM: Matter / Artimatter: Mars: the fourth planet in the Sol system, Mission spacecraft: a catch-sll category for governmental spacecrsft. though usually non-miltery. that operate independently and perform certan functons, such as Search & Pascua Om Peguiatory enforcement Moor: the pre-colonizstion name for Luna, the sole natural satelite of Earth MT; Metric Tons NASA: Nations! Aeronsulics and Space Administration, an independent agency of the United States government responsible for the civilan space program. ae well #e aeronautics and space research, Navigation Light: Yellow in color. these lights are generally located an or near major points of superstructure of 8 Space vessel. They often provide low-emission positening signals for specific Iccetions cn end within the vessel for the purposes of proximity maneuvering by another vessel land relative destination positons for transporters. Not to be confused with Ped or green running lights. NTR. nuctesr thermal rocketry NUN: New United Nations, Farmed in 20, frat dissoVved in 2053 (during the Thirg Worl War) re-formed in 2055 (two yeers following First Contact) then finally dissolved in 2078, Authorized the formation of the ISA (2018), UESPA (2057), UEDP end UESN (bath 2089), Succeeded by the EOP. Cceanie: On Earth a distinct geographic region eperning the eastern and western hemispheres of the northern end southern Peciie Ocean. P/S: Port/Starboard left 6 right side, respectively. in naval pariance. Phobos: one of two neturel satelites of the planet Mars, FICS: reaction control system @ spacecraft system that uses thrusters to provide attitude and Station-keepng control (ane sometimes propulscn) DELTA DYNAMICS Po o305 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 221021 IRKS: Royel Republic of Koree Spacetorce, the new nation's space end reguletory agency. Merged with other international agencies to form the ECSN in 203. Gviossary lunning Light: Red (port /lef) anc! green (starboard /night) lights tracitionally denoting the observed Scie of @ water vessel under low light concitons. Uilized for similar purposes by space vessels of the UFP. though generally for rapid orientation by the pilots 7helms of cther vessels maneuvering in close proximity. Not fo be confused with yalow navigation lights. Russie: an important pre-Uniication state on Earthy it merged with eix other states in 1886 to form the Eurasian Confederation (ED) ‘Shore power: the provision of electrical power to @ ship at berth while its main and auxdiary fengines ere shut down: often provied by 8 station South Kores: an important pre-Unification state on Earth, it merged with the smaller, xenophobic [and developmentally cevastated atate of North Korea to form the Aayal Reaublic of Korea in 2003, ‘South Pacific Ccean Lininhabited Ares: 8 spacecraft “cemetery” on Earth, @ target in Bre-Unifestion times for spacecraft that hac reached the end of usefulness end destroyed by Ge-orbiing Subclass: A significant variant of @ given class of ship, usualy newauls, though sometimes Including important modifications to existing ships, that ore rot intened to replace the exstng ships of the orignal cisss. Glen nemed for the first ship to reach thet final intended proguction sterdors. ‘Transport: A Starship or other vessel devicated to transporting passengers or carga, They range in size from small two- or thres-crew ships to huge sterships and freighters, ‘Trane-spectrel imager: A gengor thet compares chenges in perceived ight to help determine the pletforms location, a= well as Cistance and espect of = tergat TW: Terrawatt United States: On Earth, 2 powerful pre-Linfication ration. An original signatory to the: ‘Tralte GUniicstion. wnich established the United Earth government in 2130, USAF: United States Air Force, the aerial and space warfare branch of the armed forces of the Bre-Lnifestion nation of the Linted States on Earth USNS: United Survey and Navigation Ship. Prefix for joint missions of the ISA & NASA \Verus: the second planet in the Sol system Western Alisnce: Originally @ NATO agency to oversee the 2002 pra-Uniication economic and Gefensive agreement between Earths United States and Euronesn Union it became @ major force for the cooruination response to the Swarm incident cf 2026 and @ competitor ta the rival Eastern Coalition, Work Pod: The general name for manned, sub-impulse craft used for construction, maintenance. repair, and other service tasks in space. A verily of external tools and modules sre attached to the work pods to faciitate a mutitude of tasks. YPS. Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems. sn offshoot and surviving entity of the post-Eugenics Wars Binyan=Yoyadyne Conglomerate on Earth; most associated with he United States end Korean atons, ae well ae the Wastern Alice. Ps as06 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STARDATE 221021 > Tigan Pergium Mining Fecieration News Network (FNN) Earth Sciences institute Peexicore land Members lke you. ets Dynamics appreciates the sponsorship of the following x “The Anbo-iyutsu Society © Utopia Planitia Shipyard: { \Vulean Science Academy & ‘Sterfiest Academy Courtesy of Brad Wider & The Star Trek Design Project (https: / DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 221021 PG0307 >» ‘THE FOLLOWING ARE OTHER STARSHP RECOGNITION MANUALS: PUBLISHED BY DELTA DYNAMICS: REPORTS: AFP-1 experimental propulsion ship APHROOITE mission spacecraft ARES mission spacecraft AVENTEUR mission spacecraft 5 BONAVENTURE survey cruiser © BONAVENTURE ailithium power testbed 0 BURKE frigates © CAVALRY light destroyers: © COMPANION cruisers © CONSTITUTION heavy cruisers © DURANCE cargo tugs © DY subight interplanetary transports (© GALILEO experimental propulsion ship OHDRIZON heavy cruisers © SYRACUSE destroyers 0 TRENT destroyers 00000 ‘Adgitional reports may be found at starshipirecker com/daltedyramics

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