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3/6/24, 8:41 AM Platform | Study Fetch

Functional Groups and Polymers

Functional groups add chemical character to carbon chains (Paragraph 1)

- Functional groups are groups of one or more atoms that have particular chemical properties regardless of what
they are attached to

- Common functional groups include:

- Amine (=NH)

- Amino (-NH2)

- Carboxyl (-COOH)

- Hydroxyl (-OH)

- Ketone (=O)

- Phosphate (-O-PO3H2)

- Sulfhydryl (-SH)

- Methyl (-CH3)

- Nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur atoms in functional groups are more electronegative than carbon

- Functional groups containing these atoms are polar

- Methyl group is nonpolar

Functional groups impact molecule polarity and solubility (Paragraph 2)

- Molecules containing polar functional groups become polar even if the carbon chain is nonpolar

- Polar molecules are soluble in aqueous environments like cells

- Polar molecules disperse throughout the cell

- Many functional groups are polar and reactive

- Reactions joining simpler molecules into polymers usually occur between functional groups

Proteins (Paragraph 3)

- Proteins do much of the cell's work as enzymes and structural components

- Enzymes accelerate chemical reaction rates

- Structural proteins provide cell shape and movement

- The human body contains thousands of distinct protein types performing diverse functions

- Proteins consist of amino acids covalently linked into chains

- Amino acid chemical features determine protein diversity and versatility 1/1

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