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the skills that a teacher should have in the

1) Cultural sensitivity

2) Engaging and interactive lesson planning

3) Language assessment

4) Active listening

5) Effective communication

6) Differentiation of instruction

7) Creating a positive learning environment

8) Understanding second language acquisition

9) Avoiding too much feedback at once

10) Maintaining a calm and positive demeanor in the classroom

a teacher should avoid doing in the classroom:

1) Don't be a "sage on the stage." Which means teacher talking time

2) Don't ignore student questions or concerns.

3) Don't forget to build relationships with your students.

4) Don't forget to take care of yourself as well.

5) Don't be afraid to ask for help from colleagues or administrators.

6) Don't try to do everything yourself.

7) Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

8) Don't forget to have fun in the classroom.

9) Don't forget to listen to your ss

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