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Littérature specialist (Lola) :

Animal Farm is a political satire or allegory that uses animals to depict the events of the Russian
Revolution and the early years of the Soviet Union. George Orwell uses dialogues (simple and direct
they make the story easy to read and understand), personifications (human qualities are given to
animals, which makes the story more relatable), symbolism (to represent abstract ideas and themes)
and finally irony (to show the difference between the ideals of the revolution and the reality of life
under a dictatorship).

Animals represent different figures in Soviet history (for example,Old Major, the pig who initially
inspires the rebellion, represents Karl Marx, the founder of communism). Orwell criticizes their
misfortune to the detriment of the people they claim to represent and also how they used
propaganda and manipulation to control the masses and maintain their own power.

Animal Farm is like it was said, a political satire or an allegory. It tells the story of a group of farm
animals who rebel against their human farmer and establish their own society to satirize and criticize
the events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Stalinist era.

Animal Farm remains relevant and famous today because it is a powerful allegory about the dangers
of totalitarianism and the importance of individual liberty and freedom. Its themes of power,
corruption, propaganda, and abuse of power are timeless and resonate with readers of all ages and

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