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Differences and Similarities of Criminal Law and Civil Law

1. O.J. Simpson's civil and criminal cases shared several similarities. Firstly, O.J. Simpson

was the defendant in both cases, facing accusations related to the same incident (Turner).

Secondly, the burden of proof in both cases rested on the plaintiffs or prosecutors to

establish Simpson's guilt. Lastly, witnesses played a significant role in both trials, as they

provided testimony and evidence to support their respective sides. These commonalities

demonstrate the interconnectedness of the civil and criminal proceedings surrounding

O.J. Simpson's case.

2. There are notable differences between O.J. Simpson's civil and criminal cases. Firstly, the

parties involved were distinct: in the criminal case, the state prosecuted O.J. Simpson,

while in the civil case, the plaintiffs were the families of the victims. Secondly, it is vital

to note that the burden of proof differed; the criminal case required proving guilt "beyond

a reasonable doubt," whereas the civil case necessitated demonstrating liability by a

"preponderance of evidence (LegalYou )." Lastly, the consequences varied as well. In the

criminal trial, Simpson faced the possibility of incarceration, while in the civil trial, he

faced potential financial liability through damages. These differences highlight the

separate legal standards and objectives of the two cases.

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Works Cited

LegalYou. “What is the difference between civil cases and criminal cases.” YouTube. Uploaded

on 10 October 2015.

Turner, Kim. “Chapter 1 part 2 business and its legal environment.” YouTube. Uploaded on 18

June 2020.

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