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What are Views in Android?

Views are the building blocks for the visual component of the App. Whatever
would be visible on the screen, is defined and managed through different
types of Views.

 TextView
 ImageView
 EditText
 SearchView
 BottomNavigationView
 NavigationView
 SurfaceView
 RecyclerView

TextView in Android
Perhaps one of the most common views is TextView. TextView is used to
display text on the screen. To add a TextView to your Activity, you simply
need to add the following lines of code in the XML file:




android:text="Hello" />

We need to make a reference this in our Java file. If we want to access or

modify it through code, we can do that by writing the following:
TextView textView = findViewById(;

The text of this TextView can be changed in 2 ways:

1. Modifying the android:text attribute in the XML file.

android:text=”Modified Text”

2. Using the setText() function in the Java File.

textView.setText(“Modified Text”);

ImageView in Android
ImageViews are used to display images on the screen. The images could be
Bitmap images or Drawable resources.
Drawable resources are those images which are present in the drawable
folder of your application.

To add an ImageView to your Activity, add the following code in your XML file:




android:src="@drawable/my_image" />

For this code, our image is present in the Drawable folder, and it is given by
the attribute “android:src=” “”

Location of Image File

We need to make a reference of this in our Java file before we can use it for
coding. If we want to access or modify it through code, we can do that by
writing the following:
ImageView imageView = findViewById(; //reference

We can change the image in 2 ways:

1. Modifying the android:src attribute in the XML file.


2. Using the setImageBitmap() or setImageDrawable() function in the

Java File.


The image you want to change it to should be present in the drawable folder.
In this case, we are changing “my_image” to “your_new_image”.
EditText in Android
EditText is used to take input from the user. The input types supported are:

 Plain Text
 Datetime
 Multi-Line
 Numeric
 Phone Numbers
 Email
 Password (Text and Numeric)
 Addresses

To add an EditText to your Activity, write the following in your XML file:




This EditText will take Plain Text as input, as specified in the

android:inputType attribute.
To get the text entered by the user, write the following code:
EditText input = findViewById(;

String str = input.getText().toString();

SearchView in Android
SearchView is used to give the user an interface to submit a search query. It
acts as a simple EditText, and it needs to be configured by the developer to
act as a search interface. Android also provides a fully functional search
interface called Search Dialog. That handles all events by default and submits
the appropriate search query.
The SearchView is represented as an icon which expands into an EditText
after clicking by default.

SearchView Icon

To change this behaviour, set the android:iconifiedByDefault attribute to

false, in the XML file.
To add a SearchView into your Activity, include the following code in your
XML file:





You can read additional documentation about SearchView for more in-depth
BottomNavigationView in Android
You might have noticed a bar at the bottom of many apps. This bar contains
some icons which navigate to different screens of the app when clicked.

Bottom Navigation – Instagram

Bottom Navigation – LinkedIn

This bar is called the Bottom Navigation Bar. The BottomNavigationView

widget is used to add a Bottom Navigation Bar. This allows users to switch
between different views on clicking different icons. This is a Material Design
Component, meaning that it is a functional design component, made by
Google’s design library.
As per the Material Design guidelines, the bar should be used for:

 Destinations/Screens that need to be accessible from anywhere inside

the app
 3 to 5 destinations only
 Mobile or Tablet only

To use BottomNavigationView in your app, you need to follow four steps:

1. Include the material design dependency in your app-level build.gradle

2. Add the BottomNavigationView widget in your MainActivity
3. Define a menu resource file for populating the bar
4. Define the actions that would be performed for each item, using the


Fortunately, Android Studio provides a template

for BottomNavigationView that has all the above steps already done. You
just need to modify the menu file and the Java Code as per your app’s
Let’s see an example using the template.

 Create a new project in Android Studio and select the Bottom

Navigation Activity.

 Selecting Bottom Navigation

 Click Next. Enter a project name of your choice, and then click Finish.
 Android Studio will create a new application. After the build has finished,
you can check out the MainActivity, and the other boilerplate code.
 Let’s test the generated app. Click the Run button. You will see an
output similar to this:
NavigationView in Android
You might have observed a menu that opens up when you click an icon on the
top-left side. This is called Left Navigation or Navigation Drawer.

Navigation Drawer – Gmail Navigation Drawer –


Left Navigation can be implemented using the NavigationView.

NavigationView is a scrollable view that is used to display a menu as a vertical
list. It also contains a header view above the menu. It is also a Material
Design Component.
To use NavigationView in your app, you need to follow four steps:
1. Include the material design dependency in your app-level build.gradle
2. Add the NavigationView widget in your MainActivity
3. Define a menu resource file and a layout file for the header.
4. Define the actions that would be performed for each menu item, using


Android Studio has a template for the Navigation Drawer that has all these
steps already done. You just need to modify the header layout, the menu
resource file and the Java code for handling the actions.
Let’s see an example using the template.

 Create a new project in Android Studio and select the Navigation

Drawer Activity.

Selecting Navigation Drawer Activity

 Click Next. Enter a project name of your choice, and then click Finish.
 Android Studio will create a new application. After the build has finished,
you can check out the MainActivity, and the other boilerplate code.
 Let’s test the generated app. Click the Run button. You will see an
output similar to this:
Navigation Drawer Application Preview
Opening the Navigation Drawer
SurfaceView in Android
In Android, all simple layout views are all drawn on the same UI thread, which
is also used for all user interaction. So, if we need to update UI rapidly, or if
the rendering takes too much time and affects user experience, then we
should use SurfaceView.
For example, if we need to have our own implementation of a Camera in our
app, like in Snapchat and Instagram where there are different filters which
change the face accordingly, we should use SurfaceView, as embedding a
Camera directly into the layout will slow down all the other processes in the
SurfaceView – Instagram Camera Snapchat
Camera – SurfaceView

SurfaceView provides a dedicated drawing surface embedded inside of a

view. You can control the format of this surface and, its size; the SurfaceView
takes care of placing the surface at the correct location on the screen.
The documentation for SurfaceView has a lot more information that you
should read about.
RecyclerView in Android
In almost every other app, we can observe a list of items. For example,
WhatsApp has a list of chats, Instagram has a list of posts, and Gmail has a
list of emails. Although all of them are lists, the structure of their individual
items is very different from each other.
RecyclerView – WhatsApp RecyclerView in

Instagram RecyclerView in Gmail

RecyclerView enables the developer to create customised lists. It gives you

the flexibility to define your own structure for the items and how the individual
components in the list item (images, text, buttons, etc.) respond to events.
Also, it handles large data sets efficiently.
It is called RecyclerView because instead of creating views every time user
scrolls, it creates views once and recycles and reuses them if need be.

To add a RecyclerView to an Activity, we need to do the following:

1. Add the dependency for the support library required for RecyclerView.
You can do it manually as well as automatically by dragging and
dropping the RecyclerView widget into the layout.
2. Create a layout file for the list item. This file should contain the structure
of the individual item of the list.
3. Create an Adapter class for the RecyclerView. An adapter is used for
wiring up the functionality of the RecyclerView. It populates the list with
the layout and the data you provide.
4. Finally, reference the RecyclerView widget and the adapter in the
Activity’s Java File and attach the adapter to the widget.

Here’s the official documentation for RecyclerView.

FloatingActionButton in Android
FloatingActionButton is a type of Button that is used to represent the primary
action of the screen. It appears in front of all the screen content, usually in a
circular shape, which gives the illusion of ‘floating’, hence the name. You
might have observed it on WhatsApp as the new chat button, and on Gmail as
compose email button.

Floating Action Button – Gmail Floating Action Button –


It is also a Material Design Component. There are three requirements that a

Floating Action Button should fulfil:

1. Represent the primary action on a screen.

2. Perform a constructive action (such as create, share, or explore).
3. Be relevant to the screen on which it appears.

To add this component to your Activity, write the following code in the XML





android:layout_margin="16dp" />

To wire up the FAB, add the following code to your Activity’s Java File:
FloatingActionButton fab = findViewById(;

fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {


public void onClick(View view) {

//Add your action here


What are UI Components in Android?

In this classification, we have those classes/components that manipulate the
UI in different ways to perform various actions. The most commonly used UI
components are:

 Fragments
 ViewPager
 TabLayout

Fragments in Android
Fragments are reusable functional components that have their own layout and
lifecycle. However, they cannot exist independently. They have to be a part of
an activity.
You can think of a fragment as a portion of an activity, which has its own
lifecycle, receives its own input events, and which you can add or remove
while the activity is running (sort of like a “sub-activity” that you can reuse in
different activities).
A fragment’s lifecycle is directly affected by its parent activity’s lifecycle. For
example, when the activity is paused, all the fragments in it get paused, and
when the activity is destroyed, all the fragments in it get destroyed. However,
when the activity is in running state, you can manipulate each fragment
independently, like add, remove or replace fragments. All of these operations
are called transactions.
Read more:
Fragments are used in BottomNavigationView, NavigationView and
ViewPager (discussed below) to create the different screens. These are
suitable for creating these screens as they are lightweight, and can be easily
replaced as and when required.
Adding Fragment to an Activity
To add a fragment to an activity, write the following in the Activity’s XML file
(manipulate the attributes as per your design):
<fragment android:name="com.example.myapp.BlankFragment"



android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Now, we need to create a layout file as well as the Java file for the fragment.
This can be done manually, or we can create a Fragment class using the
Android Studio dialogue, and it will auto-generate these files for us.
Doing this manually, create a layout resource file in the res/layout folder.
Name the file as fragment_blank.xml. Write the following code:
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""




tools:context=" com.example.myapp.BlankFragment ">




android:text="Hello blank fragment!" />


Now, create a Java file named Write the following code:
package com.example.myapp;

import android.os.Bundle;


import android.view.LayoutInflater;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.ViewGroup;
public class BlankFragment extends Fragment {


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,

Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// Inflate the layout for this fragment

return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_blank, container, false);

No need to modify the file. Run the app. You should see the
text “Hello blank fragment!” wherever you placed the fragment widget in the
Activity’s XML file.
ViewPager in Android
ViewPager is a widget that allows the user to swipe left and right between
multiple pages of data. It can be used for a variety of actions that require
swiping between components. It is most commonly used with Fragments as
its pages.
Just like the RecyclerView, ViewPager also requires an adapter that
determines how and which page is to be loaded. This adapter is known as
the PagerAdapter.
Steps to implement a ViewPager in your activity:

1. Add the following code to your activity’s XML file.





android:layout_height="match_parent" />

2. Create a layout resource file for the individual page layout. This file will
define how each page would be structured. Most commonly, fragments
are used, but it could be anything, even a simple ImageView.
3. Create an adapter that extends the PagerAdapter class. Define all the
methods as per your functionality.
4. Finally, wire up the ViewPager in your activity by adding the following

ViewPager mPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;

MyAdaper adapter = new MyAdapter(); //Where MyAdapter is the adapter class

defined by you


TabLayout in Android
You might have observed some tabs on WhatsApp that help to switch
between different screens, like chats, status and calls. This functionality is
implemented using TabLayout.
TabLayout in WhatsApp

TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs, which can change the
screen either by swiping or clicking on one of the tabs. To add a TabLayout to
your activity, add the following code to your activity:




Tabs can either be added programmatically or can be hardcoded in the layout


1. To add tabs programmatically, you can write the following code in the
Activity’s Java File:

TabLayout tabLayout = findViewById(;

tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab 1"));

tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab 2"));

tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab().setText("Tab 3"));

2. To do the same through the layout file, you can write the following:








TabLayout can also be used with ViewPager. You can call

setupWithViewPager(ViewPager) to link the two together. This layout will be
automatically populated from the PagerAdapter’s page titles.
What are Utility Components in Android?
These are the classes/functions that are used to perform essential tasks in the
background. They are not visible in the frontend as such, but their functions
bring about a change in the frontend. Some commonly used components are:

 ContentResolver
 Intent
 SharedPreferences

ContentResolver in Android
Many times, we need to access some of the user’s data, such as pictures,
videos, contacts, files etc. Android does not provide direct access to the whole
storage, as it can give rise to many security threats. Android provides an
abstract class called ContentResolver that helps to fetch the above-mentioned
content securely.
There are two main classes for exchange of data between different apps in
the device: ContentProvider and ContentResolver. As the name suggests,
ContentProvider provides the content to the ContentResolver, which helps in
the exchange of data securely, as no direct access is provided.
As an example, let’s see how to get the paths of all the images present on the
Write the following code wherever you want to fetch the images:
private List<Uri> getAllImagePaths() {

List<Uri> paths = new ArrayList<>();

String[] projection = new String[] {




Uri images = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

String BUCKET_ORDER_BY = MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN + "


try(Cursor cur = getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().query(images,





)) {
int idColumn =

if (cur != null && cur.moveToFirst()) {

do {

long id = cur.getLong(idColumn);

Uri contentUri =
URI, id);


} while (cur.moveToNext());


return paths;

The list returned by this function will contain the Uri of each image present on
the device. You can use a RecyclerView of images to load all these images.
Intent in Android
Intent is used for various tasks like switching between activities,
communicating with Broadcast Receivers or background services. Its most
common use is to launch a new Activity from an existing Activity. It can be
done using the startActivity() method. We have a detailed post explaining how
we start a new activity with an intent which will help in better understanding.
Switching Between Activities Using Intent
Suppose we want to go from MainActivity to NewActivity. We will write the
following code in the file:
startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this, NewActivity.class));

Intents can also be used to pass data between activities. Suppose we want to
pass some integer value from MainActivity to NewActivity. We will write the
following code in the file:
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, NewActivity.class);

Intent.putExtra(“key”, 1);


Now, in the file, write the following code:

Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();

if (bundle ! = null) {

int value = bundle.getInt("key");

In our note-taking application tutorial, we use intent to pass data from one
activity to another. Take a look at it for a real-life example of it.
SharedPreferences in Android
Sometimes we need to store some data in the form of key-value pairs. For
example, we might need to save a search query for future use, or user’s data
so that the user stays logged in even after exiting the app. SharedPreferences
allows us to do exactly that. It offers a variety of modes, including the private
mode to store data privately.
Read more:
SharedPreferences Example
To write some integer data to SharedPreferences, write the following code:
SharedPreferences sharedPref =

SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();

editor.putInt(“data”, 2);


To retrieve this data, write the following:

SharedPreferences sharedPref =

int data = sharedPref.getInt(“data”);

Again, in our note-taking app tutorial, we are using shared preferences to

store the notes in the device’s storage. Please take a look at it.

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