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Online Safety

Gianna Feniello

Viruses Hackers
Viruses replicate Hackers can take
themselves and can over your computer
cause the computer to
and use it to take
operate incorrectly.
Antiviruses protect over other
your computer against computers. They
viruses if you keep the can also hack into Viruses
software up to date.You
personal finals.A
can also prevent
firewall can be Hackers
viruses by not opening
emails from unknown used to prevent
senders. hackers. Social
Social Media Personal Info.
You should be smart when
Everyone should it comes to the internet. Education
make sure they are Having knowledge about
the internet helps you
aware of what they Personal
prevent hackers. You
post on social should be cautious when Information
media.Do not make giving your social
your address, security number.You
birthday, children, should also type in links
yourself instead of
financials etc.
clicking on links from
public. emails.

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