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Hi! I'm Mel, a 40-something empty-nester who recently moved from North Georgia to Kentucky. I
enjoy cooking, lake life, travel, movies and video games. Join me as I begin a new journey towards
self-sufficiency including financially, gardening, DIY and more. April 2019 "Because I Said So!" -
John Rosemond - book - Ending the Homework Hassle (1990) If the late-night arguments over
homework are too much, there is always the last-minute excuse. Download to read offline Some
parents mistakenly wrap their own self-image into how their teen performs academically. They
cannot live with knowing their teen is doing poorly in school and it is not an option, because it
reflects poorly on them. So, they do their child’s homework themselves. December 2022 Our school
has asked that we assign no more 10 minutes of written homework for first grade, 20 minutes for
second grade, 30 minutes for third grade, etc. In first grade we would assign our students a math
sheet and baggie-book reading on a daily basis. April 2015 (2) October 2009 And I remember the
naps. Yes, in my Kindergarten class, there were rugs for napping and we all took a break for a little
bit. December 2011 July 2022 "I ask that you spend your evenings doing things that are proven to
correlate with student success. Eat dinner as a family, read together, play outside, and get your
children to bed early." August 2010 In my work as a counselor, this is one of those books I pick up
and reread every couple of years. Homework struggles are very common and this gem walks you
through a step-by-step guide on how to fix most of them. It's an easy read, great to recommend to
parents and teachers. However, Rosemond can be . . . how should I put it . . . blunt and forthright.
I'm the same, so I probably get a little too much enjoyment reading Rosemond's works, but not
everyone will handle such good-humored scolding with grace. June 2020 October 2010 June 2023
March 2021 No comments yet! Add one to start the conversation. This is another book club book for
me and i highly recommend it! This book is about so much more than homework and is for parents of
everything from toddlers to high schoolers. It definitely gives me a lot to think about on how I train
and direct my kids to becoming hard working, independent adults. I wish I had read this years ago.
But she says there is no evidence that homework can be actively counter-productive to learning.
Most schools agree that the amount of homework should depend on the age and skills of the student.
Many suggest that homework for children in kindergarten through second grade is most effective
when it does not exceed 30 minutes each day. In third through sixth grade, children typically receive
30-60 minutes of homework per day. What really is the point of overworking a young child so
much? March 2013 This book completely changed my approach to my helping with homework. So
glad I found it with my first kid and not my last. April 2009
January 2016 (1) September 2011 We lucked out with my first grader's teacher this year. There is
homework every night, but she stressed at the Open House that it should take no more than 20
minutes. Ever. And if it is not working for the child on a particular night, just forget it, and read a
book. That's it. I agree with the comments on both sides, but I must reiterate what Kate said: it
forces the parent to engage. Maybe the happy medium would be to have the homework model shift
more into some of the enriching activities you described, Katie - counting and sorting leaves, baking
something, locating words on road signs. If those were the actual assignments, perhaps it would seem
like less of a chore and intrusion on family time. Sadly, though, I think you would see a bigger
backlash from many families against that than writing a few sentences in a notebook each night.
When he asked the professor about this student’s grade, the professor said the student wasn’t
motivated and had written a terrible mid-term paper. When the president reported his finding to the
mom, she was extremely angry and said, “That was not a bad paper, it was an A paper. I have an
MBA from Stanford and I wrote that paper for my son!” I know there are two sides to every story,
and I can appreciate that some people really like the idea of homework. I guess I’m just not one of
them. March 2013 Homework can be one of the most frustrating of all problem areas for children
and parents. Sponsored Post: This post is sponsored by Kraft Lunchables Organic but the content
and opinions expressed here are my own. As parents we'd like children to want to do their
homework, but that won't always be the case. We are all influenced by incentives. It doesn't have to
be a big reward but a small treat when they've got it finished, either something edible, a favourite
drink or maybe time doing something you know they love may help to get it done without too much
hassle. For older children perhaps the treat can come after a few evenings when they have done
homework without any fuss. Watching my country fall apart day-by-day April 2018 (port 443) A big study published by the
Department for Education also found homework made a positive difference. March 2024 December
2022 A child must be allowed time to develop, learn, and explore outside the domains of the school.
You don’t need a research report, or a survey to tell you homework causes stress in children. Just
look at your child’s face working late into the night, slumped over a bunch of assignments, a fraction
of which he perhaps doesn’t even understand. But her relaxation time is cut short by the need to
complete the assignment for the day. I teach 1st grade this year and at our school we do suggest
about 30 minutes max of homework for lower grades and probably 30 to 60 for upper. This is of
course time that is takes for the average student who actually works at finishing up their work. (I
have many parents tell me their kids sit at the table to hours doing homework every night…well, yes
that's because your child is just sitting there and not focusing.) December 2010 A parent should
encourage, challenge, and guide when he does not live up to his academic potential, while
remembering the responsibility is his, not yours. As a child, having to cut down on enjoyable
moments of family bonding and playing with friends, only to go finish a pile of homework has
always been abhorrent to us. To this day, we detest the idea of giving the child homework every
single day, until they are too stressed to think or give time to anything else. We are a participant in
the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide
a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. July 2019 September 2018
1. End The Homework Nightmare With Your ADD Child! 10 Tips To Make Homework A Breeze.
November 2012 All rights reserved melsaywhat - 2023, by Infinyteam A secondary school in Essex
is scrapping the traditional approach to homework, allowing pupils to choose tasks rather than having
a set amount of work to be completed.
June 2022 September 2019 Excellent book on solving the question of who is responsible for
homework. It is fully the child's responsibility and should not be a nightly battle.\n\nThe first half of
the book talks about the process for dealing with homework. The second half covers topics like
motivation, retention, and ADD. \n\nDefinitely a great resource and I fully support his position on
the topics. This one is a yearly read. Gets me ready for handing the responsibilities of school over to
the child with ease and conviction. Homework is set for a number of different reasons, sometimes to
give extra practice, or to revise things already learned, or maybe research around a topic. Make sure
your child knows what they have to do, and give general guidance but try not to take over. If it
seems too hard for them then help BUT make sure you talk to the teacher as homework should be
something children can do fairly independently. Rosemond had several good ideas that I
implemented. Some of them were common sense (having an area dedicated to homework) but some
were novel to me (setting a stopping time for homework instead of a starting time). I also like that
his ideas were easy to remember/ implement- no gadgets to buy or family meetings to have. I did not
care for the teacher check-off he suggested- as a teacher myself, I would not appreciate a middle
school student handing me a sheet to sign that he had written down his homework. Rosemond
promotes the child being responsible to take the stress off of the parent- in this way, he is shifting it
to the teacher. At my daughter’s school, they have adopted a great organizational tool, and that is the
7 pocket plastic pouch. Within the pouch, she keeps a stash of notebook paper, index cards, and her
pencils, and each subject has it’s own pocket. This comes home with her agenda which teachers
check each day. (as a teacher, I find this part difficult because I do not have the students at the end
of the day, so if I don’t get a chance to check during our block of time, then it is sometimes
forgotten. We use Edline in our school division which offers parents the option of checking the
assignments and grades online. August 2010 I'm Carla, The Author Of Comprehension
Connection. I'm A Recently Retired Literacy Coach And TPT Author. I'm A Wife To A Great Guy,
Mom To Two Grown Children And Two Fur Babies. I'm A Virginia Blogger, A Travel Lover, A
Coffee Drinker, And A Gal Who Loves All Things Techie. Blaming dogs for eating homework has
been an excuse in circulation since at least the 1920s. Finally, homework doesn’t have to be this
boring mindless activity, so why not make homework time fun? The way we make homework fun is
by providing the kids with fun tools. To make homework time more fun while they do homework
they get a fun snack, they love, such as Lunchables Organic. Lunchables Organics is USDA certified
organic and free of artificial preservatives, ingredients, flavors or colors* They also use some of our
learning toys to get a better idea what they are learning. Sometimes we even play games, for
example, who can say their times’ tables faster? Or who can read in a funny voice? By providing
them with a fun way to pass the time while they work on homework the daily homework struggle is
diminished because they are having too much fun to think of how much time homework takes. *See
back panel of any Organic Lunchables item for ingredients used to preserve quality. Dozens of jurors
ruled out as historic Trump trial begins Select Month A proper homework schedule that does not
compromise the child’s playtime, family and friends bonding time, and does not take away from the
child’s overall holistic development, maybe understandable. This book gave me some helpful hints
regarding school work. I just need to follow through. :) Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a
robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. July 2021 February 2021
Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * The style of writing is easy to
read- he writes as if he is talking to you. I also like that he is not one of those "heart felt problem"
kind of writers that talk about the stresses that today's kids have and how we should be more
involved with them so this kind of thing is prevented,. He puts the "hassle" on the child's shoulders.
As he said, we (parents) have already done xxx years of homework- our time is over. She’s doing a
lot of hard work each day. She’s exhausted when she comes home. She needs time to just relax and
listen to stories before we head out for some afternoon playtime. To learn more about me, click here
→ January 2015 August 2015 No comments yet! Add one to start the conversation. A child’s primary
purpose in life must never have to be to confer with the extremely flawed and capitalistic education
system of the world.

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