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Optimizing Learning Environment: Investigating the influence of a

conducive classroom to a student’s academic success.

Laurence Campañero
Trisha Nable
Cristine F. Catinoy
Allysa Ramirez
Mark Lowie Cainto
The learning environment plays a crucial role in shaping students’ academic success and
overall educational experience. As such, the focus on optimizing learning environments has
gained significant attention in educational research and practice. In the broader context of
educational settings, the design and atmosphere of classrooms have evolved over time to cater
to diverse learning needs and styles. Researchers and educators alike recognize that a conducive
classroom environment surround various elements such as classroom layout, instructional
methods, teacher-student interactions, use of technology, and overall classroom culture.

Creating an optimal learning environment, especially a conducive classroom, is crucial for

students’ academic achievements. This involves effective classroom management, setting clear
rules, establishing routines, and managing time effectively, all of which help encourage a positive
learning. These factors collectively contribute to encouraging student’s engagement, motivation,
and academic achievement. As we delve deeper into this topic, it becomes crucial to examine not
only the theoretical support but also 9empirical evidence from studies that have explored the link
between classroom environment and student success. By synthesizing existing literature and
conducting empirical investigations, this research aims to shed light on effective practices for
optimizing learning environments and enhancing students’ academic journeys. This study delves
into investigating the influence of a conducive classroom environment on a student’s academic
success, aiming to understand the key factors that contribute to positive learning outcomes .

Statement of the problem

The challenge lies in understanding how specific aspects of classroom environments impact
students’ academic success. While we know factors like classroom design and teaching methods
play a role, there’s a lack of detailed research that quantifies these effects across different schools
and classrooms. Despite acknowledging the advantages of a favorable learning environment,
there’s a significant gap in the comprehensive understanding and successful execution of
strategies to optimize such an environment for enhancing student academic success. The
problem lies in between the potential benefits of a conducive classroom and the practical
application of methods that encourage such a setting. This includes effective classroom
management, the establishment of clear rules, setting routines, and time management fulfill
targeted strategies to improve learning environments effectively. By addressing these gaps, this
research aims to provide practical insights for creating better classrooms that support students’
academic achievements across various educational settings.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the key elements within classroom
environments that significantly influence Grade 11 Mapamaraan students’ academic success. By
analyzing factors such as classroom design, instructional methods, and teacher-student
interactions, this research aims to provide empirical evidence and actionable insights for
educators and policymakers. The study seeks to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge
and practical implementation, offering evidence-based strategies to optimize learning
environments and enhance student engagement, motivation, and overall academic performance.
Ultimately, the goal is to contribute meaningful recommendations that can be applied across
diverse educational contexts to support students’ learning journeys effectively .

Significance of the study

The study investigates how a conducive classroom environment affects academic success for
both teachers and students. It provides valuable insights for teachers to enhance their teaching
effectiveness and professional development by understanding the impact of classroom
atmosphere on student achievement, potentially leading to improved job satisfaction. For
students, the findings can lead to improved academic performance and overall well-being by
fostering engagement, motivation, and essential lifelong learning skills. Ultimately, the study aims
to enrich the educational experience for all stakeholders involved .

Definition of key terms

Conducive classroom environment:

Refers to a learning setting characterized by engaging

teaching methods, supportive classroom culture, appropriate physical layout, and positive
teacher-student interactions, contributing to enhanced student engagement, motivation,
and academic success by Hatch, M. J., & Cunliffe, A. L. (2006).

Scope and Delimitations

Most research topics cover areas that are far too multitudinous, multifaceted, complex, or
inexhaustible to be addressed in a single research study. Similarly, the topic of optimizing learning
environments and its influence on student academic success encompasses various dimensions
that may not be fully explored within the scope of this study. One delimitation is the exclusion of
specific demographic factors such as socio-economic background, cultural diversity, and prior
educational experiences, which can also impact students' experiences and outcomes but are not
the focus of this research. Additionally, while this study investigates classroom design,
instructional methods, and teacher-student interactions, it does not delve deeply into the role of
technology integration or the influence of extracurricular activities on academic success, which
could be avenues for future research inquiries. These delimitations help clarify the scope and
boundaries of the current study within the broader scholarly community, acknowledging both its
contributions and areas for potential further experience.

This study on examining the impact of creating a conducive classroom environment on student
academic success . It encompasses various aspects such as effective classroom management,
establishing clear rules, routines, and the time management strategies. The investigation will
explore how these factors motivation, learning strategies, and engagement. The study will
consider the social, physical, psychological, and pedagogical contexts in which learning takes
place. However, it is important to note that this research does not delve into other external factors
that may influence academic success, such as socioeconomic status or home environment. The
study aims to provide insight and recommendations for educators and policymaker to optimize
the learning environment within the confines of the classroom setting and it’s immediate

Limitations of the study

Due to the scope of this research project, there are certain limitations inherent in the research
design. Firstly, the study cannot comprehensively collect data from the entire population sample
recommended for such inquiries due to constraints in time and resources. Consequently, the
study’s findings are limited by the number of participants included in the research, potentially
impacting the generalizability of results to a broader population. Additionally, the use of a
convenience sample, while practical for this study’s purposes, may introduce biases related to
participant self-selection or specific characteristics of the sample that may not represent the
larger population accurately.

Using humor is a great way to develop a joyful atmosphere in the classroom (Bondy, 2007).
Humor is a skill that comes easily for some, and is appreciated by all. In using humor, teachers
need to be wary that their jokes aren’t made at a student’s expense, which would undermine
their relationship with the student. Using familiar words and expressions or pop culture
references are usually good places to start.

This paper measures the importance of conducive classroom climate, positive self-concept and
motivation for Pakistani EFL learners. Data were collected through randomly selected sample of
110 Pakistani EFL learners from both the public and private institutes. Finally on the basis of
findings, a number of generalizations are made in relation to the importance of conducive
classroom climate, positive self concept and motivation for Pakistani EFL learners.

It was found that Mr. Clark used 5 types of teacher’s strategies to create a conducive classroom
environment: physical design of the classroom, rules and routines, relationship, engaging and
motivation, and discipline. Each of the strategies has several classifications. By applying these
strategies, the students of Mr. Clark finally succeeded in passing the exam with satisfactory
Meanwhile, the study “Optimal learning environments to promote student engagement” by David
J Shernoff, published in Springer 10, 978-1, 2013, discusses the everyday experiences of high
school students. It observes that while students attend school daily and enjoy social
interactions, many are only partially engaged in their studies. The study also notes that a
significant number of students lack access to organized after-school programs.

In such an environment, pupils are more likely to be task-oriented and reflective, and hence,
more likely to engage in higher order thinking. Using activity theory as a framework, the
following classroom management issues.

What emerges most clearly from this study is that pupils’ perception of their choice process is
powerfully framed by deep-rooted conceptions about the educational alternatives available to
them. Furthermore, children’s choices seem to be delimited by parents’ opinions of which
educational alternatives were acceptable, and which ones not. Our study calls for future
research to take the wider context of decision-making processes more explicitly into account.


This study compares classroom practices of teacher interns in Taiwan and the Philippines when
teaching English in primary schools. It utilizes document analysis, field notes, reflective journals,
and classroom observations. The results reveal significant similarities and differences in lesson
planning, classroom management, and assessment.
This study explores students’ perceptions of teachers’ classroom management strategies aimed
at fostering self-control and positive achievement. Students believe these strategies significantly
impact their health, maturity, thinking and learning styles, and interpersonal interactions. The
study underscores the significant influence of teachers’ classroom management on students’
overall well-being and educational experience.

This paper investigates the classroom climate’s impact on learners’ academic achievement,
emphasizing its multidimensional nature encompassing educational, psychological, social,
cognitive, organizational, and physical factors. Recognizing a lack of exploration in local
literature, the study aims to assess the classroom climate in terms of discipline, learning,
assessment, student interactions, attitude, and culture.

When the teachers give priority to the physical classroom condition, the students tend to feel
relaxed and comfortable, thereby displaying a higher level of academic performance. Further,
students performed better when the teachers positively reinforced their responses. Furthermore,
the students’ better performance in their educational undertakings is linked with teachers’
adeptness in time management.

This research assesses the implementation of the Clean, Healthy, Safe, and Friendly (CHSF)
school environment program at Saint Mary’s University using a mix of qualitative and
quantitative methods. It evaluates the extent of compliance and identifies challenges faced by
stakeholders in sustaining the program. The findings indicate that behavioral guidelines are
well-followed in certain areas like libraries and faculty rooms but less so in classrooms and
comfort rooms.
This study investigated the role of the classroom environment in influencing teacher creativity
and student academic stability among 400 Filipino students in Davao del Sur. Results showed
high levels of teacher creativity, student academic stability, and a positive classroom learning
environment. Pearson correlation analysis revealed significant relationships between the
classroom environment and teacher creativity, as well as its impact on student academic

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