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School facilities are resources that are used by learners and teachers to

aid the teaching and learning process. Facilities have a great impact on

academic performances of students, and inadequate facilities translate to poor

performance. It appears that the facilities in the school setting go a long way to

motivate students to learn. Facilities in any school system range from the school

plant, that is the school buildings, classrooms, library, laboratories, toilet facilities,

learning materials to other infrastructures that would likely motivate students

towards learning.

Accessibility of the school facilities can boost up students’ eagerness and

willingness to study and gain a wider range of knowledge. Accessible school

facilities are indeed a great help for every student. It is where they can improve

their abilities like doing research and other useful resources to improve

education. For some reason, it is also needed that equipments are available and

accessible for students.

Talibon Polytechnic College is the first college public school in the

Municipality of Talibon. It is under the Local Government Unit of Talibon and

started its operation in the year 2018. Since the school recently operated, TPC

do not have sufficient facilities to accommodate to their growing population.


Students need to access and to avail the facilities in order to improve their

scholastic performance.

A close observation of the students’ performance perhaps could be traced

to sufficient facilities and learning environment. Most local colleges seem to lack

the necessary facilities that could enhance effective learning as a result little is

expected from students in terms of academic performance. Experience shows

that adequate facilities have some adverse effect on students’ interest to learn.

Hence, this may invariably affect their academic performance.

Apart from protecting student from sun, rain, heat and cold, there should

be enough space, seats, laboratory and internet facilities and a host of other

facilities that could enhance the students’ performance. These prevailing

conditions moved the researchers to conduct this study.

Focusing on availability and accessibility of facilities, the researchers are

motivated to conduct this study driven by their curiosity about its affects. Further,

the researchers aimed to study the availability and accessibility of facilities on the

performance of selected Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System

(BSAIS) second year students of Talibon Polytechnic College.

School facilities improve the quality of the study environment in the

school, thus improving the quality of education to the students. Significantly, it is

interesting to determine if availing and accessing school facilities will enhance

the academic performance of the students, specially the BSAIS selected 2nd year

students of TPC. Findings of this study shall lead to the formulation of

appropriate recommendations and actions.


Literature Background

In carrying out this study, the researchers anchored its principle on

Educational Productivity by Herbert J. Walberg (1993). This theory tackled about

the exploration of academic achievement on how to identify the factors that affects

the academic performance of a student. It indicated that student characteristics

exhibit the most significant and need proper school facilities to improve the

quality of the students learning.

Further, Walberg’s study identified key variables that influence

educational outcomes as: student ability/prior achievement, motivation,

age/developmental level, quantity of instruction, quality of instruction and

classroom climate.

Most essential asset for any educational institute is students. The social and

economic development is directly linked with student academic performance. The

students’ performance plays an important role in producing the best quality

graduates who will become great leader and manpower for the country thus

responsible for the country’s economic and social development. Student academic

performance measurement has received considerable attention in previous

research. It challenging the aspects of academic literature, and science. Student

performance are affected due to social, psychological, economic, environmental

and personal factors.

Walberg’s theory of students’ performance posits that psychological

characteristics of individual students and their immediate psychological


environments influence educational outcomes on cognitive, behavioral, and

attitudinal aspects (Reynolds & Walberg, 2018).

The theory shows that psychosocial characteristics of classroom learning

environments demonstrate incremental validity in predicting student

achievement. Subsequently, this theory projects positive effect of the availability

and accessibility of facilities on the academic performance of selected BSAIS 2nd

year student of TPC.

Another theory that supports this study, is the Constructivist Learning

Theory by Slavin and Slameto (2020). This theory states that student learning

success is determined by how far the educators can create situation and

condition which students can be active in the learning process. Consequently,

the pleasurable situation and condition for learning process is the keys to

improve the achievement, motivation, and outcomes, so the evaluation is

required for educators or teachers to create a pleasant environment.

If local colleges can get hold of triumph for students, it can attain a good

quality. Hence, the school facilities can affect the school quality, thus researchers

are interested to find out how does school facilities affect the quality of BSAIS

student. It it is necessary to evaluate adequate facilities.

This theory is also vital to understand how students learn. The idea that

students actively construct knowledge is central to constructivism. Students add

or build their new experiences on top of their current foundation of

understanding. It is important to understand the theory of constructivist learning

because every student that enters classroom has a unique perspective on life

that has been created by their unique experiences. This will impact their learning.

If the basis of the constructivist theory states that students construct new

knowledge on what they have already have, the entry point of their learning

journey is of utmost importance. Learning theories are as valuable as credentials

to educators. It is important to understand what will affect the learning journey of

the students.

Gagne et al., (2015). Pointed out that instructional materials can be used

to develop higher learning abilities to the learners through self-teaching or guided

learning. This implies that the instructional materials mainly comprise “eliciting

performance” and “providing feedback on performance correctness,” in addition

to “providing learning guidance” for guided discovery learning.

The quality of education services provided by institution of higher learning

can be gauged through the perspective of students who are engaged in various

services and activities in the campus. Effective management of availability and

accessibility of facilities are common goal to ensure the customers, i.e. the

students are always provided with good infrastructure to support their learning


Several educational researchers have proposed theoretical models to

explain linkages existing among learning variables and students’ educational

performance. Specifically, each theoretical model includes characteristics of the

learner, the learning environment which is school facility.

According to Steinmayr, (2017), academic achievements represent

the performance outcomes when an individual has achieved their specific goals

on some activities specially when they are in school, college and university. The

importance of students’ performance is not only evident to the students but also it

measures the success of their educational process.

These theories further support the researchers’ claim that availability of

facilities can help the learning process be more effective and students or

teachers can reach updated information easily. A previous study stated also that

students became more successful as they gain higher results in their

examination results compare to students who did not use the proper facilities for

their studies. Even in the digital age, there is no substitute for books. These are

invaluable source of knowledge and are the most important aspect of our


The legality of this study can be traced in Republic Act No. 7722,

otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994”. This Act provides

provision that the state shall establish, maintain and support a complete,

adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the need of the people

and society, and that the State shall encourage non-formal, informal and

indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning, independent and out- of-

school study programs particularly those that respond to community needs.

A section of the cited Republic Act declares that the commission has the

power and function to rationalize program and institutions of higher learning and

set policies, standards, and guidelines (PSG) for the creation of new ones as well

as the conversion or elevation of schools to institutions of higher learning. This


greatly supports the outcome of the study which is to create an improvement plan

for availability and accessibility of facilities on students’ performance.

In addition, the Local Government Unit provides access and equitable

distribution of opportunities for Filipinos to acquire higher education. There is a

need to rationalize the creation or establishment of higher education institutions

to address quality and excellence in the areas of school administration, facilities,

library and laboratories, curriculum and instruction, research and community

service, and faculty and non-teaching personnel development programs.

This section further provides proof for the need of well-structured school

facilities in an environment conducive for learning. The utilization of school

facilities is the frequency with which the available school facilities such as

laboratory facilities, library facilities, textbooks, set books and other reference

materials are used during respective class lessons in improving students’

performance. Further, the presence of school physical facilities motivates

students to learn, this includes good classes with enough facility for the students.

Students having conducive and favorable environment for their learning are

motivated to learn, hence increases their academic performance. This section

solidifies the claim of the study on the lawful conduct of availing and accessing

facilities on students’ performance.

Another legal thrust of this study is Section 8 of the Senate Bill No. 530,

otherwise known as the “Magna Carta of Students”. This act declares that it shall

be the responsibility of the school administration to provide students with

adequate welfare services and academic facilities.


Availability and accessibility of facilities such as computer laboratory,

library, classroom and other infrastructure facilities are required. With the support

of this act an improvement plan would be beneficial for everyone involved in this


This section reviews mainstream discussion in educational development.

The worldly knowledge we gain from education place a great rule in our future life

and help us to understand the happenings in a much more cohesive manner.

Meanwhile, education success is a measure based on the academic

performance of the students. It stated that facilities management must be

considered as an important part of achieving higher academic achievement

especially in maintaining the effectiveness of the facilities system (Ainon &

Rosmaiza, 2018).

The availability of facilities can help the learning process to be more

effective and students or teachers can reach updated information easily (Ayaz, et

al., 2017). A previous study stated also that students became more successful as

they gain higher results in their examination results compared to students who

did not use the proper facilities for their studies (Brown & Malenfant, 2017).

Having proper facilities help in importing knowledge and other aspects of


It is general phenomenon that schools with superior facilities do provide

with the best educational results as compared to schools with nominal school

facilities. However, the empirical evidence in this regard is also different

according to some studied it exists and according to some it is not. Thus it


provides the solid base to study this phenomenon. As per the literature the

facilities can be categorized into two categories. First is the basic category like,

environment and service (building, water supply, and electricity etc.) whereas the

second category is the didactic resources like laboratories, sports complex,

library and information and communication technologies (Rohlfs, 2019).

Basic facilities are very much broad in a sense that they include the very

small and needed facilities. These facilities help the students very vastly. They

range from the necessities such as lights, air quality in classroom, rooms are

noiseless or not, they are acoustical controlled or not, building condition if

satisfactory or not, are there enough labs for students (Olsen & Huang, 2019).

Therefore, educational or school facilities have been defined by many

educationalists to incorporate things or materials that will enhance teaching and

learning. According to Akinyemi, Lawal, and Owosoro (2021) facilities are the

instructional spaces and audio-visual aids, as well as other materials resources

utilized in educational institutions for the aim of attaining successful teaching and


In addition, Baafi (2020) defined physical facilities and equipment as the

location, the school buildings, and other material resources provided in the

school for the purpose of enhancing teaching and learning processes. It is also

includes the fixed and mobile structures and materials in the school such as the

classroom buildings, laboratories, laboratory apparatus equipment, playground,

common room, hostels, canteen, school offices the audio and visual aids.

This suggests that the availability and use of educational facilities have a

favorable impact on students’ academic progress. Most of these instructional

facilities that were allegedly available, in addition to being insufficient for the

student population, were occasionally under utilized during the teaching-learning

process, according to the researchers' observations. This research implies that

using and supplying appropriate teaching and learning resources can

considerably impact the caliber of instruction, making it engaging and meaningful

for students, which in turn affects their academic performance (Akinyemi et al,


According to Martha (2018), a student's performance on an exam, test,

and work activity defines their academic accomplishment. One of the significant

elements thought to influence students' academic success in the educational

system is the quality of the schools. Sometimes the availability and use of

educational facilities is attributed to a significant portion of pupils' academic

success. Nevertheless, educational institutions offer several amenities that

improve teaching and learning. These resources are used to clarify ideas, give

hands-on experience, conduct experiments and demonstrations, advance

scientific research, and discovery, encourage a diversity of viewpoints, facilitate

observation and inquiry, foster the growth of scientific attitudes and abilities, and

safeguard and comfort the user (Akinyemi, 2020).

However, the study of Wunti et al., (2017) shows that student’

achievements were not determined to be statistically significant in relation to the

conditions of the school facilities. To these authors, what could be attributed to


students’ poor performance could be poor study habits, higher absenteeism from

school, teachers' lack of initiative, or systemic leadership initiatives. They

conclude that where working conditions are good, it results in enthusiasm, high

morale, cooperation, and acceptance of responsibility

This part of the first chapter presented the fundamental theories of

underlying principles and bases together with the relevant literature and studies.

Within this foundation, the aims of the study were clarified and be attained. The

legal foundation of this research study was supported by Republic Act No. 7722

and Senate Bill No. 530.


Theory Legal Bases

• Republic Act No. 7722
• Educational Productivity “Higher Education Act of
by Herbert J. Walberg’s 1994”CHED Memorandum
(1993) Oder No. 32, Series of 2006
• Senate Bill No. 530,
• Constructivist Learning Section 8 “Magna Carta
Theory by Slavin and for Students Rights and
Slameto (2010) Welfare” by Sen.Zubiri,





Figure 1.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to investigate the impact of the availability of facilities on

students’ academic performance.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age; and

1.2. sex?

2. What were the respondents’ average grades during the 2nd Semester of

Academic Year 2021-2022?

3. What are the available facilities in the Campus?

3.1. Basic category

3.2. Didactic Resources category

4. Is there a significant relationship between the availability and accessibility

of facilities on students’ performance of the selected BSAIS 2nd year

students of TPC in the Academic Year 2021-2022?

5. What program could be proposed for the selected BSAIS 2nd year students

of TPC based on the findings of this study?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the availability and accessibility

of facilities on the academic performance of the selected BSAIS 2nd year student

of TPC in A.Y 2021-2022.


Significance of the Study

This study’s goal is to evaluate the response of the selected BSAIS 2nd

year students of TPC. This study could also help to educate all students and the

school about the problem. This study will also add to the body of knowledge

about how important school facilities on students’ performance.

The researcher believes that the result of the study will benefit the


Students. This study will help students to improve their academic

performance. This will also help them gain enough knowledge through a much

easier and faster resources. Students also benefits in utilizing and maximizing

their available time doing research for better and deeper understanding which is

not available to every student at home

Instructors. This study would help the instructors to better appreciate

their unique functions as facilitator, adviser, and motivator for them to widen their

effort and function providing excellent learning to students.

Parents. The result of this study would guide the parents on how to

monitor their children regarding their academic performance and provide the

necessary support.

TPC Administration. This study will enforce the administration to provide

more facility for the welfare and for the improvement of the academic

performance of the students.


Future Researchers. Future researchers can benefit from this research

as for this study revealed data that might be used as a guide for gathering data

and as foundation for larger studies.

Scope and Limitations

This study is conducted to determine and to compare the academic

performance of the selected BSAIS 2nd year students of TPC who were availing

and accessing the school facilities.

TPC students who are not BSAIS 2nd year under the academic year 2021-

2022 were excluded in this study. Moreover, 2nd year students from other tertiary

institutions were not included. The researchers had chosen the aforementioned

institution for convenience since it is where the researchers performed their on-

the-job training.



The researchers employed the quantitative research design with the aid of

a questionnaire as the main data gathering tool. They formulated relevant

questions to arrive at the desired result. The data gathered were properly

analyzed and interpreted.


Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical

data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal

relationship, and generalize results to wider populations (Bhandari, 2021)


This study will be conducted at the Talibon Polytechnic College. It is a

local college operating under the Municipal Ordinance No, 07, series of 2017. It

is located in San Isidro, Talibon, a first-class municipality in the province of


The vision of this college is to be one of the leading colleges that offer

science, arts, and technology courses for the formation of a competent human

resource for sustainable development in the province and in the country.

The mission of this College is to produce highly skilled, globally

employable and top caliber graduates in the fields of BA English Language, BA

Political Science, BS Agriculture, BS Accounting Information System, and BS

Information Systems. Furthermore, it aims to produce quality graduates through

quality instruction, research, extension services and production.

Fully supporting the College is the Local Government Unit with the Board

of Trustees as the policy making body chaired by Hon. Mayor Janette A. Garcia,



Out of the total population of fifty nine (59) BSAIS second year college

students of Talibon Polytechnic College, the researchers will gather thirty (30)


The researchers determine the respondents through simple random

sampling particularly through fishbowl technique. Simple random sampling is the

method of choosing samples in which all members of the population are given an

equal chance of being selected (Voxvo, 2021). Each respondent was chosen at

random through fishbowl technique. Fishbowl technique involves (1) listing all

BSAIS 2nd year students’ names of TPC, (2) writing their names on strips of

paper, (3) placing the strips of paper with the listed names in a bowl or container,

and (4) drawing 30 samples as the study’s sample size.

Research Instrument

To conduct this study, the researchers used researcher-made

questionnaires as the main data-gathering tool to facilitate the content of the

study. The first part asked for the personal information of the respondents

including their age and sex.

The second part indicated the academic performance of the respondents.

Where, 1.2-1.0 = Excellent, 1.5-1.3 = Very Good, 2.5-1.6 = Good, 3.0-2.6 = Fair,

5 = Failure.

The third part is a self-made tool that shows how the respondents’ use

school facilities to improve their performance. Where, 5–Always, 4-Sometimes,

3-Often, 2-Rarely, 1-Never.


The researchers asked for the approval from pertinent authorities through

letters, including but not limited to the letters addressed to the College President,

Vice-President of Academic Affairs, and Dean of the program informing the

intention of this study.

Upon approval, the researchers distributed a letter of consent to

respondents informing their anonymity and freedom to participate in study.

Having the consent of the school authorities and the respondents, the

researchers distributed the questionnaires.

This study aims to determine the availability and accessibility of facilities

on students’ performance of TPC selected BSAIS 2 nd year students. To provide

an answer to this, the researchers would test the respondents on how and when

did they use school facilities in relation to their academic performance. At the

same time, the researchers would try to infer if this is a significant difference

between their average grades at 2nd Semester A.Y. 2021-2022. Seeing the

difference, the researchers could say if the availability and accessibility of

facilities has effects on the students’ performance by means of their average


Statistical Treatment of Data

In treating the data, the researchers used a specific interval for the school

performance of the students. Qualitative in nature, the research simply used

frequency and percentage computation.

Below is the percentage formula:

P=F/N * 100%


F = Frequency

N = Total Number of Respondents


Scale Range Description Code

5 4.21 – 5.00 = Always A

4 3.41 – 4.20 = Sometimes S

3 2.61 – 3.40 = Often O

2 1.81 – 2.60 = Rarely R

1 1.00 – 1.80 = Never N

To test the relationship between the availability and accessibility of

facilities on students’ performance of TPC BSAIS 2 nd year students, Chi-Square

was used with the given formula:

𝑥2 = ∑ 𝑓𝑒


𝑥 2 = Chi-Square Symbol

fo = observed frequency

fe = expected frequency

∑ = summation


To further understand about the contents of this research paper, some key

words are operationally defines for the convenience of the readers:

Academic Performance. This means the academic rating average

grades of selected BSAIS 2nd year students of TPC during 2nd Semester

A.Y.2021- 2022.

Accessibility. This refers to a quality of being easy to use of the school

facilities to reach or get into it.

Availability. It is defined the readiness to perform for a specified purpose,

under pre-determined conditions of school facilities, when called upon to do so.

Average grade. This refers to the practice of calculating the semestral,

end-of-term, or end-of-year course grades by taking the sum of all numerical

grades divided by the total number of grades awarded.

School Facilities. The term pertains to where students can improve their

abilities like doing research and other useful resources to improve education.

Student Perfomance. It is defined as a level of academic performance

arrived at by the collective efforts of students. Student achievement is

measured—individually or collectively—via the use of school facilities.

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